Commemorative - zinc- (ie. pot-metal-) based- and/or greyish-silver-coloured - N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie', being a non-maker-marked example depicting a stylised swastika surrounded by the text: 'Kreistag 1938 - Osnabrück-Stadt'
The badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in silvered and/or zinc- (ie. pot-metal-) based metal: it shows some normal wear and/or moderate age (and has acquired some age-tarnish over the years). The badge has a functional pin-/catch set-up and has IMO never been cleaned nor polished: it shows some minimal staining (as can be seen on the pictures) but is still ve... read more
Neat - and scarcely encountered! - early-pattern, WH (Heeres) specific cocarde as was intended for the: 'Panzer'-beret, as executed in so-called: 'BeVo'-weave pattern
This example (being of the early-pattern!) is as to be expected, executed in white-coloured-linnen on a black-coloured- (and also linnen-based) background and was cleary used (ie. once beret-attached) as can be seen on the pictures. The piece was carefully trimmed- ie. folded into shape and still shows some minimal stitching-remains (ie. holes): moreover, does it show some glue-remains ... read more
Attractive - and scarcely encountered! - national emblem (ie. breast-badge ie. 'Hoheitsabzeichen') as intended for the various 'Eastern Volunteers' (ie. 'Ostvölker-Truppen'), as executed in neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern
This is an attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - national emblem (ie. breast-badge or: 'Hoheitsabzeichen') as was intended for the various 'Eastern Volunteers' (ie. 'Ostvölker-Truppen'), as executed in neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern, in overall very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued-) condition. This breast-badge - intended to replace the standard pattern 'regular' breast-eagle ... read more
Attractive - and with certainty not that often encountered! - aluminium-based-, 'Sicherheits- u. Hilfsdienst'- (ie. SHD-) related- ID-disc, bearing the stamped unit-designation: 'VI 8 526 SHD', in overall nice (albeit moderately used ie. worn-) condition
This is an attractive example of an aluminium-based, 'Sicherheits- u. Hilfsdienst'- (ie. SHD-) related- ID-disc, bearing the stamped unit-designation: 'VI 8 526 SHD' (and as such being a disc that was IMO intended for an employee that served within this lesser known TR-organisation), in overall nice (albeit moderately used ie. worn-) condition. The disc is in overall nice condition and ... read more
Commemorative - 'Feinzink'-based- and/or silver-coloured - N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie', being a maker- (ie. 'RzM' and/or maker-) marked example depicting the coat of arms of the town of München (ie. 'Hauptstadt der Bewegung')
I recently uncovered four (fully identical-) examples of this neat and/or unusual badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') which are all four equally executed in silvered and/or zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based metal: all four pieces are IMO never worn nor issued but do show some normal wear and/or moderate age, simply caused by handling over the years. The badges come mounted on... read more
Neat - albeit regrettably single - 'cyphered'- (and IMO mid-war-period-) WH (Kriegsmarine) enlisted-mens'-type shoulderstrap, as was intended for a: 'Soldat eines Küsten-Artillerie-Regiments'
This is a truly attractive - albeit regrettably single - 'cyphered'- (and IMO mid-war-period pattern-) enlisted-mens'-type shoulderstrap, as was specifically intended for usage on the field-grey coloured navy-style tunics by a: 'Soldat eines Küsten-Artillerie-Regiments' (or soldier within a coastal-artillery unit), in overall nice (albeit IMO slightly used ie. worn-) condition. The boar... read more
Police (ie. 'Polizei'/'Gendarmerie'-related-) armbadge (ie. arm-eagle) - being a scarcely encountered! - summer-tunic version, being a piece that was intended for a member within the: 'Polizei Recklinghausen'
The - fairly large-sized arm-badge, sized: 10,5 x 9,5 cms. - is executed on the typical summer-type 'Polizei'-type cloth (aka 'grünmellierte Stoff') and is nicely fortified with a linnen border as per regulation. The piece - that shows some minimal staining - is in a moderately used- and/or IMO tunic-removed condition and retains great detail. The used machine-embroidery is simply stunn... read more
Very nice - and actually scarcely encountered! - RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst') sleeve-badge (or: 'Dienststellenabzeichen') as was intended for all (lower-ranked-) staff at: 'Reichsleitungs'-level
This is an attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst') sleeve-badge (or: 'Dienststellenabzeichen') as was intended for usage by all (lower-ranked-) staff at: 'Reichsleitungs'-level, in overall very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued-) condition. These RAD (or: 'Reichsarbeitsdienst') sleeve-badges or known in German language as: 'Dienststellenabzeic... read more
Commemorative- and/or copper-based-, 'DAF'- (ie. 'Deutsches Arbeitsfront'-) related 'tinnie', showing the text: 'Nicht Kapital schafft Arbeit - Arbeit schafft Kapital! - Tag der Arbeitsschlacht - 21 März 1934'
The unusually encountered day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in (light-weight-) tin- ie. copper-based metal: it shows some normal wear and/or moderate age. The - non-maker-marked - badge has a functional pin-/catch set-up and has IMO never been cleaned nor polished: it shows some minimal age ie. staining (as can be seen on the pictures). The 'tinnie' is q... read more
Commemorative - copper-based- and/or copper-coloured - N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie', being a non-maker marked example, depicting an eagle-device resting on a swastika surrounded by the text: 'Kreistreffen N.S.D.A.P. - Recklinghausen - 22 März 1936'
The badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in (light-weight-) tin- ie. copper-based metal: it shows some normal wear and/or moderate age. The badge has a functional pin-/catch set-up and has IMO never been cleaned nor polished: it shows some minimal age ie. staining (as can be seen on the pictures). The 'tinnie' is quite detailed and retains a fair bit of its shi... read more
Commemorative - copper-based- and/or bronze-coloured - N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie', being a non-maker marked example, depicting an eagle-device resting on a swastika surrounded by the text: 'Gautag der N.S.D.A.P. - Westfalen Süd - 5.7./1/1935'
The badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in (light-weight-) tin- ie. copper-based metal: it shows some normal wear and/or moderate age. The badge has a functional pin-/catch set-up and has IMO never been cleaned nor polished: it shows some minimal age ie. staining (as can be seen on the pictures). The 'tinnie' is very detailed and retains truly all of its fairl... read more
WH (Heeres) so-called trade- and/or special-career insignia (or: 'Heeres-Tätigkeits- abzeichen') as was intended for: 'Sanitätspersonal' (or medical orderlies- ie. staff)
I recently found a small bundle holding 15 fully identical patches being all neatly hand-embroidered examples which are executed in bright-yellow- (ie. red and/or black-) coloured linnen on a dark-green-coloured- (and/or smooth woolen-based-) background. All examples are nicely maker- (ie. 'G &H'-) marked on the (neatly reinforced!) backings and all show some minor age ie. minimal stain... read more
Fully matching pair of (entirely!) 'BeVo'-woven, NCO-type 'Ostvölker' collar-tabs, as were intended for a 'Georgischer'-volunteer within the 'Deutsche Wehrmacht' (ie. 'Zugführer' within the: 'Georgisches Legion')
The collar-tabs - which are nicely and entirely executed in the so-called: 'BeVo-weave technique' - are piped in the bright-pink- (ie. 'rosaroter'-) coloured branchcolour, being the designated branchcolour as given to the: 'Georgischer'-volunteers within the 'Deutsche Wehrmacht'. The pieces were never pre-folded nor trimmed and come as 'straightly cut-off the role': they show the neatly... read more
Unusual, zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based WH (Heeres) 'Panzer'-related- ID-disc, bearing the (neatly!) stamped unit-designation: 'Stamm.Kp./Pz.Ers.Abt. 11'
The disc - which is executed in a truly fine- and/or clear and unusually styled letter-type! - is in overall nice condition and shows clear evidence of having been worn (heavingly torn-out holes): it was never cleaned nor polished and is still a tiny bit dirty ie. stained. The disc - which also shows the soldiers' blood-group-type (type: 'A') - comes as stored for decades: it originates... read more
Membership-lapel-pin as was intended to signify membership within the: 'Nationalsozialistischer Kriegsopferversorsung' (ie. 'N.S.K.O.V.'), being a nicely maker- (ie. 'Deschler-München'-) marked example
The lapel-pin - which is executed in silver-toned metal IMO 'Buntmetall' - shows some moderate age, wear and/or staining but has no defaults whatsoever. The pin is nicely maker-marked on the back and bears the makers-signification: 'Deschler - München' as well as a 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending marking on its back (see pictures). The pin - which comes mounted on its functional pin-/pin-catch-set-... read more
'Variant-pattern', 'Reichssportabzeichen DRL in Bronze' (or: DRL sports'-badge in bronze) being an unusually non-marked example that is void of any text on its back
The badge is of the version with swastika and retains almost all of its (minimally darkened-, golden-bronze-coloured-) finish. As stated is the badge unusually non-maker-marked. The badge was IMO never cleaned nor polished and retains a fairly darkened (ie. somewhat dirty- and/or tarnished-) age-patina. read more
Small-sized- ie. 4-pieced-, N.S.D.A.P.- (ie. RLB- and/or SA-) related ID-document-grouping, all in fully filled-in- and/or ink-stamped condition, as issued for the 'SA-Mann', named: Hermann Dreesen
The grouping comprises of 4 (single paged-) carton-based cards (which are sized: 13 (ie. 15-) x 10 cms.) were intended for usage in the years from 1934 upto 1936 (note: the RLB- ie. 'Reichsluftschutzbund-Ausweis' is for 1941) as can be seen on the pictures. All four cards - which were issued without photos and which are regrettably hole-punched - are all nicely filled-in and/or clearly ... read more
Commemorative - tin-based- and/or bronze-coloured - 'tinnie', being a non-maker marked example depicting an regimental-device surrounded by the text: '75. Grundungsfest am 1. u. 2. Juni 1935 - Inf. Rgt. Herzog Ferd. von Braunschweig (8. Westf./Nr.57)'
The badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in (light-weight-) tin-based metal: it shows some normal wear and/or moderate age. The badge has a functional pin-/catch set-up and has IMO never been cleaned nor polished: it shows some minimal age ie. staining (as can be seen on the pictures). The 'tinnie' is very detailed and retains truly all of its fairly shiny and/... read more
Commemorative, silver-coloured N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen' or: 'tinnie') being a non-maker-marked example depicting a provincial-armshield surrounded by the text: 'Gautreffen Gau Westf. Nord - 5.6.u.7. Juli 1935'
The day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in (light-weight) tin-based metal: it shows some normal wear and/or moderate age. The badge comes mounted onto its functional pin ie. pin/catch set-up and has (I deem) never been cleaned nor polished: it shows some minimal age and/or (rust)staining (as can be seen on the pictures). The 'tinnie' is very detailed and retains m... read more
Two-pieced lapel-pin-set comprising of two, tin-based pins (ie. 'Steckabzeichen') both showing the text: 'Reserve hat ruh!', depicting that the bearer was a veteran ie. 'Reservist'
Both lapel-pins were recently uncovered at a German flea-market and have great pronounced detail each. The show a steelhelmet with above the text: 'Reserve hat ruh!'. Both pins have a 'wingspan' of approx. 4.2 cms. and are fabricated in copper- (ie. silver-) toned tin: both are just a tiny bit stained and/or tarnished (as can be seen on the pictures). The (non-maker-marked-) pins - whic... read more
Aluminium-based, 'S.H.D.'- (ie. 'Sicherheits- u. Hilfsdienst'-) related ID-disc that comes mounted on its original cord as issued and/or worn, bearing the neatly stamped unit-signification that reads: 'VI 11 491 S.H.D.'
The ID-disc - which is executed in a neat and/or clearly pronounced letter-type - was clearly worn and comes as found and was never cleaned nor polished: it shows however moderate usage (somewhat 'torn-out holes'). The disc is void of the soldiers' bloodgroup-type and is still a bit dirty ie. stained (it was however never cleaned nor polished and comes as recently found). It should be n... read more
Single, later-war period (ie. so-called: 'M44'-pattern-), simplified, WH (Heeres) NCO-type shoulderstrap, as was intended for an: 'Unteroffizier eines (Sturm)Art.-Regiments'
The shoulderstrap - which is piped in the neat bright-red- (ie. 'hochroter'-) coloured branchcolour measures approximately 11,3 cms. in length and has the neat bright-red- (ie. 'hochroter'-) coloured- (and/or rayon-type) piping attached (as is more often encountered with these later-war-period straps). The strap is constructed following the typical '1944 cloth-minimising production-manner', usi... read more
Fully matching set of WH (Kriegsmarine) hand-embroidered career- ie. specialist-armbadges, as executed on dark-blue-coloured wool as intended for usage by an officer within a: 'Küstenartillerie'-unit
Both badges - which were to be mounted on both lower-arm-regions of the various blue-coloured officers'-(ie. NCO-) type- tunics - depict a 'winged-shell'-device (as can be seen on the pictures). They are executed in bright-yellow- (ie. golden-) coloured braid (ie. 'Celluon') on a dark-blue-coloured and woolen-based background. Both insignia-pieces do show extraordinary craftmenship and ... read more
Fully matching set of WH (Kriegsmarine) hand-embroidered career- ie. specialist-armbadges, as executed on dark-blue-coloured wool as intended for usage by an officer within a: 'Küstenartillerie'-unit
Both badges - which were to be mounted on both lower-arm-regions of the various blue-coloured officers'-(ie. NCO-) type- tunics - depict a 'winged-shell'-device (as can be seen on the pictures). They are executed in bright-yellow- (ie. golden-) coloured braid (ie. 'Celluon') on a dark-blue-coloured and woolen-based background. Both insignia-pieces do show extraordinary craftmenship and ... read more
Attractive -WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie'), as was issued to commemorate the: 'WHW-Tag - Dem unbekannten Helfer - Gau Süd-Hannover - Braunschweig - 31.3.1935' - nice condition!
This is a truly attractive - and actually not that easily ie. scarcely encountered! - WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related 'tinnie', that was issued to commemorate a specific WHW-rally ie. gathering named the: 'WHW-Tag - Dem unbekannten Helfer - Gau Süd-Hannover - Braunschweig - 31.3.1935', in overall very nice (albeit issued ie. moderately worn-) condition. The very detailed and/or p... read more
Nice, unusual and not that often seen item: a WH privately purchased soldiers'-game named: '...und ob! - overall nice (and IMO fully complete-) condition!
This is a truly unusual and not that often seen item: a neat - and only twice before encountered - WH privately purchased soldiers'-game named: '...und ob!, in an overall nice (and IMO fully complete-) condition. The game - which is some sort of 'question/answer'-game like 'trivial pursuit' - comes in its period card-board box, which is sized: 12,5 x 9,5 x 2,5 cms.: making it an 'easy to carry'... read more
Interesting, French (locally produced-) period publication (or: 'Reiseführer') entitled: 'Kleiner Wegweiser für die Soldaten der Deutschen Südwestarmee und der Atlantikküste', dated: '1940' - nice (albeit used-) condition!
This is a very interesting - and only once before by me encountered! - French (most certainly locally produced-) period publication (or: 'Reiseführer') entitled: 'Kleiner Wegweiser für die Soldaten der Deutschen Südwestarmee und der Atlantikküste', dated: '1940', in overall very nice, albeit issued ie. used condition. The soft-cover book(-let) is sized: 15,5 x 12,5 cms. and holds many (... read more
Very nice - and/or fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres) officers'-type shoulder- boards, as intended for a: 'Leutnant der Nachrichten-Tpn.', that comes still packed in its 'Cellophan'-based wrapping-paper - very nice (ie. mint-/unissued-) condition!
I recently found two attractive - and/or fully matching! - pairs of WH (Heer) officers'-type shoulderboards, as were intended for usage by a: 'Leutnant der Nachrichten-Truppen' (or lieutnant within an army signals-regiment) and that come both still packed in their period, 'Cellophan'-based wrapping-paper (ie. pouch), both pairs in a very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued!) condition. T... read more
Nice, WH (Heeres) so-called trade- and/or special career arm-patch as intended for a: 'Hufbeschlagmeister' (or farrier), being a nicely hand-embroidered variant on darker-green-coloured wool - overall nice condition!
This is a nice example of a WH (Heeres) so-called trade- and/or special career arm-patch as intended for a: 'Hufbeschlagmeister' (or farrier), being a nicely hand-embroidered variant on darker-green-coloured wool, in overall nice and IMO only minimally used ie. worn condition. The neat patch is executed on darker-green coloured wool and is (partly) additionally 'backed' with a piece of ... read more
Very nice - and truly rarely encountered! - HJ/BDM ('Hitlerjugend'/'Bund Deutscher Mädel') district-triangle entitled: 'Südost Wien', still retaining its period-attached 'RzM'-etiket - very nice (IMO virtually mint-/unissued-) condition!
This is a truly very attractive - and rarely encountered! - example of a HJ/BDM ('Hitlerjugend'/'Bund Deutscher Mädel') district-triangle entitled: 'Südost Wien', still retaining its period-attached 'RzM'-etiket, in overall very nice (IMO virtually mint-/unissued-) condition. The triangle still shows its paper-based 'RzM'-etiket attached and is in a totally mint and/or unissued conditio... read more
Interesting, period- ie. 1943 dated and A4-sized letter (ie. 'Zeugnis') showing a pre-printed letterhead of the: 'OKW', stating that the female worker Gisela Jung was working for the OKW ('Abt. für Wehrmachtpropaganda') - nice condition!
This is a neat and/or most certainly interesting, period- ie. 1943 dated and/or A4-sized letter (ie. 'Zeugnis') showing a pre-printed letterhead of the: 'Oberkommando der Wehrmacht' and stating that the female worker named Gisela Jung was working for the OKW ('Abt. Für Wehrmachtpropaganda') in the period from 1-11-1940 upto 31-1-1943, in overall nice condition. The document - which is d... read more
Neat, N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Kraftfahrraute des 2. Model' (so-called 'drivers'-diamond' of the 2nd and/or final pattern) - overall nice (albeit IMO moderately worn ie. used-) condition!
This is a neat - and truly worn- ie. tunic-removed! - example of a slightly 'padded' N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Kraftfahrraute des 2. Model' (so-called 'drivers'-diamond' of the 2nd and/or final pattern), in overall nice albeit moderately worn ie. used- and/or tunic-removed-, condition. The badge is neatly executed in machine-woven-, silver-col... read more
Attractive, WH (Heeres) 'standard-type', tropical-style rank-insignia (ie. roundel), as executed in bluish-grey coloured linnen on a brownish-green background, as intended for an: 'Oberschütze' - overall nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued!) condition!
This is a very attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - example of a WH (Heeres) 'standard-type', machine-embroidered, tropical-style, rank-insignia (ie. roundel), as was executed in bluish-grey coloured linnen on a brownish-green background, as was intended for an: 'Oberschütze', in overall very nice (IMO virtually mint-/unissued-) condition. The piece shows some minimal age a... read more
Very nice - and actualy quite rarely encountered! - DRK (ie. 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz' or German Red Cross) nurses'-badge entitled: 'Samariterin', neatly 'Ges.Gesch' marked - nice (albeit used- ie. worn-) condition!
This is a truly very nice - and actualy quite rarely encountered! - DRK (ie. 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz' or German Red Cross) nurses'-badge entitled: 'Samariterin', being an enamelled piece that is neatly 'Ges.Gesch' marked on the back, in overall nice (albeit used- ie. worn-) condition. The badge is made of 'Buntmetall' and retains immaculate enamel (no damages whatsoever just some regular... read more
Very nice - and actually scarcely encountered! - RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst') sleeve-badge (or: 'Dienststellenabzeichen') as intended for all (lower-ranked-) staff at: 'Reichsleitungs'-level - very nice (virtually mint-/unissued-) condition!
This is a very nice - and actually scarcely encountered! - RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst') sleeve-badge (or: 'Dienststellenabzeichen') as intended for all (lower-ranked-) staff at: 'Reichsleitungs'-level, in overall very nice (virtually mint-/unissued-) condition. These RAD (or: 'Reichsarbeitsdienst') sleeve-badges or known in German language as: 'Dienststellenabzeichen' were intended f... read more
Very nice, WH (Heeres) 'Richtabzeichen für Artillerie-Richtkannoniere' (or artillery gun-layers patch) as executed in neat 'BeVo-weave' pattern - overall very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued-) condition!
I recently uncovered two - fully identical - examples of the WH (Heeres) 'Richtabzeichen für Artillerie-Richtkannoniere' (or artillery gun-layers patch), both pieces as executed in the neat 'BeVo-weave' pattern, both in overall very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued-) condition. Both patches were never trimmed, folded nor confectioned and come as 'straightly cut-of the role': they just shows s... read more
Neat, aluminium-based, WH (Luftwaffe or Heeres) 'Pioniere'-/'Bau' (ie. engineers-) related ID-disc, bearing a stamped unit-inscription- ie. designation that reads: '3./Bau.6' - nice, albeit clearly used ie. worn-, condition!
This is a neat, aluminium-based, WH (Luftwaffe or Heeres) 'Pioniere'-/'Bau' (ie. engineers-) related ID-disc, bearing a stamped unit-inscription- ie. designation that reads: '3./Bau.6' (and as such being a disc that belonged to a soldier that served within the third construction company of the construction-regiment numbered 6), in overall nice, albeit clearly used ie. worn condition. Th... read more
Very nice, WH (Heeres) 'tropical-style', trade- and/or special career insignia (ie. machine-embroidered speciality arm-patch) as intended for a: 'Waffenmeister' (or weapon-equipment NCO) - overall very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued!) condition!
I recently encountered a small stack comprising of 8 - fully identical - examples of the so-called 'tropical-style' trade- and/or special career insignia (ie. machine-embroidered speciality arm-patches) as were intended for usage by a: 'Waffenmeister' (or weapon-equipment NCO), all eight pieces in overall very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued!) condition. The patches are all neatly ma... read more
Neat, WH (Heeres) 'tropical'-issue, trade- and/or special career-insignia (ie. machine-embroidered speciality arm-patch) as intended for a: 'Waffenmeister' (or weapon-equipment NCO)
I recently encountered a small stack comprising of 7 - fully identical - examples of the so-called 'tropical-style' trade- and/or special career insignia (ie. machine-embroidered speciality arm-patches) as were intended for usage by a: 'Waffenmeister' (or weapon-equipment NCO), all seven pieces in overall very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued!) condition. The patches are all neatly machine-e... read more
Nice example of a 'standard-type' WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Obermatrose' (or: 'Gefreiter'-) rank-chevron (or: 'Armwinkel') as intended for usage on the various white-coloured navy uniforms - overall very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued!) condition!
I recently found 10 - identical - examples of the 'standard-type' WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Obermatrose' (or: 'Gefreiter'-) rank-chevrons (or: 'Armwinkel') as specifically intended for usage on the various white-coloured navy uniforms, in overall very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued!) condition. The neat examples are all executed on typical off-white coloured and/or 'smooth'-type linnen and... read more
Neat - and never before encountered ie. surely unusual! - WH (Heeres) instruction-manual as specifically issued for: 'Singleiter' (vocalists) entitled: 'Handbuch für die Singleiter der Wehrmacht', dated ie. published in: '1940' - nice condition!
This is a neat - and actually never before encountered ie. surely unusual! - WH (Heeres) instruction-manual as specifically issued for: 'Singleiter' (vocalists ie. musicians) entitled: 'Handbuch für die Singleiter der Wehrmacht', dated ie. published in: '1940' - overall nice (albeit used- but fully complete-) condition. The soft-covered booklet - having a greyish-coloured cover - contai... read more
Attractive - and rarely encountered! - replacement-piece: a WH (Heeres) 'tropical-issued' cocarde as used on the tropical side- (and/or 'M41'-type) caps as executed in neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern and that comes in a clearly cap-removed condition
This is a very desirable and actually quite rarely encountered replacement-piece: a WH (Heeres) 'tropical-issued' cocarde (ie. 'Mützenkokarde') as used on the tropical side- (and/or 'M41'-type) caps as executed in neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern on a light-brown (ie. tan-) coloured background and that comes in a moderately used- and/or clearly cap-removed condition. The cocarde was clearly used (and... read more
Very nice - and scarcely encountered! - HJ/BDM ('Hitlerjugend'/'Bund Deutscher Mädel') district-triangle entitled: 'Südost Steiermark', still having its original paper 'RzM'-etiket attached - very nice (IMO mint-/unissued!) condition!
This is a truly very nice example of a HJ/BDM ('Hitlerjugend'/'Bund Deutscher Mädel') district-triangle entitled: 'Südost Steiermark', still retaining its original paper-based 'RzM'-etiket attached, in overall very nice (IMO mint-/unissued!) condition. As stated does the triangle still retains its (red-coloured-) paper-based 'RzM'-etiket ('A-Stück') and is in a very nice condition overa... read more
Neat, WH (Heeres) hand-embroidered, trade- ie. special career arm-patch, as intended for a: 'Funkmeister' (or radio-equipment NCO), executed on darker-green coloured wool, that is nicely maker-marked on the back - nice (ie. minimally used-) condition!
This is a neat example of a WH (Heeres) hand-embroidered, trade- ie. special career arm-patch, as intended for usage by a: 'Funkmeister' (or weapon-equipment NCO), being an example as executed darker-green coloured wool that is nicely maker-marked (ie. blue-ink stamped-) on the back, in overall nice (IMO only minimally used ie. worn-) condition. The patch is as stated neatly hand-embroi... read more
Neat, WH (Heeres) hand-embroidered, trade- ie. special career arm-patch, as intended for a: 'Funkmeister' (or radio-equipment NCO), executed on darker-green coloured wool, that is nicely maker-marked on the back - nice (ie. mint-/unissued-) condition!
This is a neat example of a WH (Heeres) hand-embroidered, trade- ie. special career arm-patch, as intended for usage by a: 'Funkmeister' (or weapon-equipment NCO), being an example as executed darker-green coloured wool that is nicely maker-marked (ie. blue-ink stamped-) on the back, in overall very nice (IMO mint-/unissued-) condition. The patch is as stated neatly hand-embroidered in ... read more
Very nice, WH (Heeres) 'tropical-style', machine-embroidered rank-insignia (ie. roundel), as executed in greyish-blue linnen, as intended for an: 'Oberschütze' - overall very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued!) condition!
I recently encountered 10 - fully identical and/or actually not that easily encountered! - examples of the WH (Heeres) 'tropical-style', machine-embroidered rank-insignia (ie. roundels), as executed in greyish-blue linnen on a mustard-brown coloured and/or woolen-based background, as intended for an: 'Oberschütze', all pieces in overall very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued!) conditio... read more
Nice - and scarcely encountered! - French WWII-period (ie. 'Vichy'-era) colourfull shield as intended for members of the youth-movement named: 'Chantiers de la Jeunesse' - very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued!) condition!
I recently encountered two - fully identical! - examples of the French WWII-period (ie. 'Vichy'-era-) colourfull armshields, as intended for members of the youth-movement called: 'Chantiers de la Jeunesse' (ie. 'CJF' or also referred to as: 'les bleus'), both pieces in a very nice (ie. virtually mint-/unissued!) condition. These nicely woven arm-badges (woven in a technique similar to t... read more
Nice and semi-colourfull, so-called: 'Willrich'-type period picture-postcard from the famous 'Ritterkreuzträger'-series, depicting the 'Generaloberst u. Gebirgsjäger' Dietl - overall very nice (ie. virtually mint-, unissued!) condition!
This is a very nice and/or decorative, semi-coloured 'Willrich' period picture-postcard from the famous 'Ritterkreuzträger'-series, 'Generaloberst u. Gebirgsjäger' Dietl - overall very nice (ie. virtually mint-, unissued!) condition. The card is in a stonemint, unissued condition and is void of any writing or text: it shows however minimal staining caused by decades of storage only. Th... read more
Very nice - and scarcely encountered, albeit regrettably single! - WH (Luftwaffe), greyish-blue coloured and/or woolen-based, NCO-type rank-patch (aka 'moustache'), as intended for an: 'Unteroffizier' - very nice (IMO virtually mint-/unissued!) condition!
This is a very nice - and scarcely encountered, albeit regrettably single - example of a WH (Luftwaffe), greyish-blue coloured and/or woolen-based, NCO-type rank-patch (aka 'rank-moustache'), as intended for an: 'Unteroffizier' (or: 'Oberjäger'), in a very nice (IMO virtually mint-/unissued!) condition. These neat rank-patches saw usage on the various LW-flight-overalls and/or even para... read more
Neat, golden-toned (WH) Luftwaffe-related lapel-pin to be worn on the civil attire as intended for staff-members of the 'Luftwaffe', depicting an early pattern (i.e. 'down-tail'-modelled-) eagle - very nice, IMO only minimally used ie. worn, condition!
This is a truly nice - and actually not that often encountered - item: a detailed example of a golden-toned lapel-pin to be worn on the civil attire, as intended for staff-members of the 'Luftwaffe', depicting an early pattern (i.e. 'down-tail'-modelled!) eagle, in overall very nice and only minimally used ie. worn condition. The (highly detailed!) piece is in a very nice, albeit minima... read more