Neat - albeit clearly used- and/or tunic-removed! - N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Kraftfahrraute des 2. Model' (so-called 'drivers'-diamond' of the 2nd and/or final pattern) Neat - albeit clearly used- and/or tunic-removed! - N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Kraftfahrraute des 2. Model' (so-called 'drivers'-diamond' of the 2nd and/or final pattern) Neat - albeit clearly used- and/or tunic-removed! - N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Kraftfahrraute des 2. Model' (so-called 'drivers'-diamond' of the 2nd and/or final pattern)

Neat - albeit clearly used- and/or tunic-removed! - N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Kraftfahrraute des 2. Model' (so-called 'drivers'-diamond' of the 2nd and/or final pattern)

This is a neat - and truly worn- ie. carefully tunic-removed! - example of a (slightly) 'padded' N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Kraftfahrraute des 2. Model' (so-called 'drivers'-diamond' of the 2nd and/or final pattern) and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit moderately worn- ie. used- and/or clearly tunic-removed-), condition. The badge is neatly executed in machine-woven, silver-coloured 'braid' (being of the so-called: 'flat-wire'-pattern) onto a black-coloured and/or silk-like, linnen-based background. The badge is nicely padded (as usual) but has lost its 'RzM'-tag as is more often the case (as can be seen on the pictures). Simply an attractive and naturally original N.S.K.K. so-called: trade- ie. special-career-patch (ie. 'Laufbahn- o. Tätigkeitsabzeichen') that was also worn by the various foreign-volunteers (such as the Dutch- and/or Flemish nationals-) serving within the various N.S.K.K.-formations. Simply a nice and very detailed badge that was truly issued- and worn!

Code: 56064

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