Attractive - albeit single! - SA (ie. 'Sturmabteilungen') shoulderboard (ie. 'Schulterstück') having the darker-green-coloured branchcolour as intended for an: 'SA-Mitglied' serving within an 'SA-Standarte' ('SA-Gruppe Kurpfalz o. Nordsee')
This is a neat - not that easily found albeit as to be expected single! - specific SA (ie. 'Sturmabteilungen') enlisted-mens' (ie. NCO-) type shoulderboard (ie. 'Schulterstück') having the darker-green- (ie. 'grüner'-) coloured branchcolour (and typical black-and-white so-called: 'checkered-styled') 'upperdeck' as was specifically intended for usage an: 'SA-Mitglied' (having the SA-rank of an: ... read more
Superb - and just moderately used! - maker- (ie. '1'-) marked example of WH (Heeres, Luftwaffe etc.) 'Deutsches Kreuz im Gold' (or DKiG ie. German Cross in gold) being an untouched specimen that was produced by the: 'Deschler u. Sohn'-company
This is a truly attractive - albeit clearly issued and/or just moderately used! - example of a neatly maker- (ie. '1'-) marked example of WH (Heeres, Waffen-SS, Luftwaffe etc.) 'Deutsches Kreuz im Gold' (or DKiG ie. German Cross in gold) being a ('regular'- ie. 'light-weight') specimen that was with certainty produced by the: 'Deschler u. Sohn'-company as based in the town of München and that c... read more
Fully matching - and clearly worn! - pair of WH (Heeres) collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Offiziere') as piped in the desirable green- (ie. 'grüner'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for an: 'Offizier eines Jäger- o. Gebirgsjäger-Rgts.'
This is an attractive - fully matching and with certainty not that easily found! - pair of 'standard-issue'-pattern', neatly hand-embroidered officers'-type collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Offiziere') as was piped in the desirable darker-green- (ie. 'grüner'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by an: 'Offizier eines Jäger- o. Gebirgsjäger-Regiments' (or: officer w... read more
Attractive example of a two-pieced - and neatly detachable! - WH (Heeres o. KM) medal-bar (ie.: 'Doppelspange') resp. showing a: 'WH-DA 4. Stufe' and an Austrian 'Anschluss'-medal
This is an attractive - and only minimally used! - example of a two-pieced, WH (Heeres o. Kriegsmarine-related) medal-bar (ie. 'Ordenspange' or: 'Doppelspange') being of the detachable pattern and that is respectively showing a: 'WH (Luftwaffe) Dienstauszeichnung 4. Stufe' (as was intended for 4 years of loyal-service) that shows a detailed Heeres-type-eagle-device period-attached and a so-call... read more
Attractive, WH (Heeres) - very early- ie. pre-war-period! - white-coloured side-cap-eagle (ie. 'Schiffchenadler für Mannschaften u. Uffz.') as was executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern on a greyish- ie. bluish-green-coloured background
This is an attractive example of a WH (Heeres) - very early- ie. pre-war-period! - white-coloured side-cap-eagle (ie. 'Schiffchenadler für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere des Heeres') as was executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern on a typical greyish- (ie. bluish-green-) coloured background and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. never used- nor worn ie. 'virtually mint ie. unissued'-), ... read more
Neat - and fully matching! - pair of Polizei (ie. police) mid- (ie. later-) war-period- and/or: 'standard-issued'-pattern collar-tabs (or: 'Einheitskragenspiegel für Mannschaften u. Unterführer der Polizei') being of the desirable 'generic-pattern'
The neat - 'all-linnen'-based and/or fully matching! - pair of Polizei (ie. police) mid- (ie. later-) war-period- and/or: 'standard-issued'-pattern collar-tabs (or: 'Einheitskragenspiegel für Mannschaften u. Unterführer der Polizei') being of the desirable 'generic-pattern' which are piped in the typical, bright-green-coloured (ie. 'generic'-style) branchcolour having an equally bright-green-co... read more
Silver-toned, HJ/BDM (ie. 'Hitlerjugend' or: 'Bund Deutscher Mädel') day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate participation within the: 'Tag des deutschen Mädels - Köln - 14.-15. Oktober 1933'
This is an attractive - and actually not that easily ie. fairly scarcely encountered! - early-period, HJ/BDM (ie. 'Hitlerjugend' or: 'Bund Deutscher Mädel') day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was executed in silverish-coloured- and/or (I deem) 'Buntmetall'-based material as was issued to commemorate participation in a specific female youth-gathering entitled: 'Tag des deu... read more
Miniature of an: 'Ehrenkreuz der deutschen Mutter - dritte Stufe' (or: bronze-class mothers'-cross) being a non-maker-marked example that comes in an overall nice- (albeit moderately worn- ie. used-), condition
This is an attractive - and with certainty desirable! - miniature of an: 'Ehrenkreuz der deutschen Mutter - dritte Stufe' (or: bronze-class mothers'-cross) being a (typical) non-maker-marked example that comes in an overall nice- (albeit clearly issued ie. moderately used- and/or worn-), condition. The small-sized award has no real enamel damage and comes in an overall nice condition: it shows ... read more
Neat - and nicely preserved! - HJ- (Hitlerjugend-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate participation in a HJ-related gathering ie. rally named: 'Deutsches Jugendfest 1936'
This is a neat - and truly nicely preserved! - so-called: HJ- (Hitlerjugend-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate participation in a HJ-related gathering ie. rally named: 'Deutsches Jugendfest 1936' being a non-maker-marked example that comes in an overall very nice- (I deem hardly used- nor worn-), condition. The very detailed and/or pron... read more
Superb - and rarely seen! - DRK (ie. 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz') so-called: nurses'-badge entitled: 'Schwesternschaft' being an oval-shaped- and/or maker-marked specimen showing an engraved bearers'-number: ('30') and towns'-name: 'W.-Barmen'
This is a very attractive - and actually truly rarely encountered! - neatly enamelled- and totally untouched! - so-called: DRK (ie. 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz' or: German Red Cross) nurses'-badge entitled: 'Schwesternschaft' being a desirable oval-shaped-version showing an engraved very (low!) bearers'-number (that reads: '30') and/or: towns'- (ie. hospital-name) that reads: 'W.-Barmen' and that co... read more
Stunning - used and carefully tunic-removed! - Waffen-SS NCO rank-collar-tab ('Rangkragenspiegel') being a 'standard-issue'-pattern example as executed in black-coloured 'BeVo'-woven linnen as was intended for usage by an: 'SS-Unterscharführer'
This is a very attractive - clearly used and carefully tunic-removed and with certainty rarely encountered! - Waffen-SS, NCO-pattern rank collar-tab ('Rangkragenspiegel') being a 'standard-issued'-pattern example as executed in (smooth-type) black-coloured and 'BeVo'-woven linnen as was intended for usage by an NCO holding the rank of: 'SS-Unterscharführer' (ie. sergeant) and that comes in an o... read more
Neat - and truly unsually encountered! - WH vehicle-ID-paper (or: 'Begleitheft') as was issued for a: 'Lastkraftwagen Ford (Rum.)' holding the license-plates: 'RU-15461' that comes in a fully complete and/or filled-in condition
This is a neat - and very unsually encountered! - WH vehicle-ID-paper (ie. booklet) or: 'Begleitheft', as was issued for a: 'Lastkraftwagen Ford (Rum.)' holding the license-plates (or: 'Amtliches Kennzeichen') that reads: 'RU-15461' and that comes in a used but fully complete, filled-in and/or ink-stamped, condition. The neat, soft-covered booklet (measuring: 20,5 x 14,5 cms.) holds all its 40 ... read more
Superb, 'Nahkampfspange in Bronze' (or: bronze-class close-combat clasp ie. CCC) being a maker- (ie. 'A.G.M.u.K.'-) marked- and/or minimal converse-shaped specimen having its period-attached (steel-based) 'back-plate' in place
This is a very attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - example of a so-called: 'Nahkampfspange in Bronze' (or: bronze-class close-combat clasp ie. CCC) being a nicely maker- (ie. 'A.G.M.u.K.'-) marked- and/or typical minimally converse-shaped specimen that was produced by the: 'Hersteller' (ie. maker) named: 'A.G.M.u.K.' (or: 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Metall- u. Kunststoff') and that c... read more
Stunning, 'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Bronze' being a non-maker-marked example as executed in bronze-toned, zinc-based metal by the: 'R.A. Karneth u. Söhne'-company that came packed in its rarely seen 2-pieced box (ie. 'Schachtel')
This is a very attractive - and actually such complete scarcely found! - example of an: 'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Bronze' (or: bronze-class infantry assault badge ie. IAB) being a (typical) non-maker-marked example as executed in bronze-toned- and/or zinc-based metal (ie. 'Feinzink') and that was produced by the desirable maker: 'R.A. Karneth u. Söhne' as based in the town of Gablonz and th... read more
Attractive, DRK (ie. 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz') so-called: nurses'-badge entitled: 'Schwesternschaft' being a medium-sized version showing an engraved bearers'-number: ('714'), town: ('Karlsruhe') and/or makers'-mark ('A. Stübbe - Berlin')
This is an attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - neatly enamelled so-called: DRK (ie. 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz' or: German Red Cross) nurses'-badge entitled: 'Schwesternschaft' being a medium-sized version showing a neatly engraved bearers'-number: (that reads: '714'), town- (ie. hospital-name): 'Karlsruhe' and/or and clear makers'-mark: 'A. Stübbe - Berlin' and that comes in an overa... read more
165.00 EUR
Fully matching - and minimally worn! - pair of WH (Heeres) collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Offiziere') as piped in the desirable black- (ie. 'schwarzer'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for an: 'Offizier der Pionier-Truppen'
This is an attractive - fully matching and with certainty not that easily found! - pair of 'standard-issue'-pattern', neatly hand-embroidered officers'-type collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Offiziere') as was piped in the desirable black- (ie. 'schwarzer'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by an: 'Offizier der Pionier-Truppen' (or: officer who served within an arm... read more
Superb - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres) collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Offiziere') as was piped in the bright-green-coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'Offizier der Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen'
This is an attractive - and fully matching and actually very hard to find! - pair of 'standard-issue'-pattern and neatly hande-embroidered, officers'-type collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Offiziere') as piped in the bright-green- (ie. 'hellgrüner'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'Offizier der Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen' (or: officer who served within an infantry-relate... read more
Attractive - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres) collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Offiziere') as was piped in the bright-pink-coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'Offizier der Panzer o. Pz-Jäger-Truppen'
This is an attractive - fully matching and actually hard to find! - pair of (I deem early- ie. mid-war-period!) 'standard-issue'-pattern and neatly hand-embroidered, officers'-type collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Offiziere') as piped in the bright-pink- (ie. 'rosaroter'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'Offizier der Panzer- o. Panzerjäger-Truppen' (or: officer who se... read more
Attractive, silver-toned - and I deem 'Buntmetall'-based! - early-pattern, SS- o. SA-type, political- ie. 'Art Deco'-styled visor- (ie. 'Schirmmützen'-) cap-eagle being a maker- (ie. 'RzM 52'-) marked example that comes in a used condition
This is an attractive - and truly detailed! - (tarnished) silver-toned- and/or (I deem) 'Buntmetall'-based- and/or truly early-pattern, political- ie. 'Art Deco'-styled (ie. SS- o. SA-type-) visor- (ie. 'Schirmmützen o. Kepi'-) cap-eagle being a clearly maker- (ie. 'RzM 52'-) marked example that comes in an overall nice- ie. moderately used- (and I deem carefully cap-removed-, condition. These ... read more
Fully matching - and moderately used! - pair of WH (Heeres) hand-embroidered, officers'-type collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Offiziere') as was intended for - and/or clearly worn by! - an: 'Offizier der Nebelwerfer-Truppen'
The attractive - and actually scarcely found! - WH (Heeres) hand-embroidered, officers'-type collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Offiziere') show the darker-green-coloured- and/or: 'smooth'-woolen-based 'background' and/or: desirable darker-purple-red- (ie. 'bordeaux-roter'-) coloured branchcolour as to be expected - show great pronounced detail: especially the silver-coloured hand-embroidery i... read more
Attractive - clearly used- ie. once cap-attached - bright-silver-toned- and/or typical aluminium-based, WH (Luftwaffe) visor- (ie. 'Schirmmützen'-) cap-eagle (being a typical non maker-marked example)
This is an attractive - clearly used- ie. surely once cap-attached - bright-silver-toned- and/or typical aluminium-based, WH (Luftwaffe) visor- (ie. 'Schirmmützen'-) cap-eagle being a (typical) non-maker-marked example of the regular second-type pattern and that comes in an overall nice- (ie. just moderately used-), condition. These specific cap-eagles were intended for usage on the various WH ... read more
Attractive - and unusually seen! - WWI-veteran- ie. 'Jäger'-related 'tinnie' (ie. 'Tagungs- o. Veranstaltungsabzeichen') showing a soldier coupled with the text: 'Jägertag - Ehrenmalweihe! - Aschaffenburg - 31.5.-1.6.1936'
This is an attractive - unusually seen and neatly 'hollow'-styled! - so-called: WWI-veteran- ie. 'Jäger'-related 'tinnie' (ie. 'Tagungs- o. Veranstaltungsabzeichen') being a (typical) non-maker-marked- and/or silverish-toned (ie. I deem silvered 'Eisenblech'-based) example showing an illustration of a soldier (wearing a typical 'Tschako'), towns'-view and two swastikas coupled with the text: 'J... read more
Attractive, just moderately used- and silverish-coloured- (and/or: 'Buntmetall'-based) (political-style) visor- (ie. 'Schirmmützen'-) cap-eagle being a detailed example that is neatly: 'RzM' and/or 'M1/24' marked on its back
This is an attractive - and truly detailed! - (minimally tarnished) silverish-coloured- and/or typical 'Buntmetall'-based, (political-style) visor- (ie. 'Schirmmützen'-) cap-eagle being a detailed example that is neatly: 'RzM' and/or: 'M1/24' marked on its back and that comes in an overall nice- (ie. clearly worn- and I deem carefully cap-removed-), condition. These cap-eagles were intended for... read more
90.00 EUR
Neat membership-badge (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen') as was intended to signify membership within the: 'Nationalsocialistischer Reichsverband der deutschen Arbeitsopfer (NSAO)', being a maker- (ie. 'Deschler'-) marked example
This particular - and neatly detailed- and/or pronounced! - TR-period membership-badge (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen') was intended to signify membership within the so-called: 'Nationalsocialistischer Reichsverband der deutschen Arbeitsopfer (NSAO)' and has an approximate height of 28 mm. (as can be seen on the pictures). The pin - that comes mounted onto its functional, pin- ie. pin-catch set-up - ... read more
65.00 EUR
Attractive, 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (ie. Iron Cross 1st class) being an (I deem) later-war-period produced- and/or: '26'-marked (ie. by: 'B.H. Mayer's Kunstprägeanstalt'-produced) example and that comes complete in its specific etui
This is a very attractive - and I deem just minimally used- and/or worn! - example of an: 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (ie. Iron Cross 1st class) being an (I deem) somewhat later-war-period-produced (and/or: '26'- ie. by the desirable company: 'B.H. Mayer's Kunstprägeanstalt'-marked- and/or produced) example that comes complete in its specific (and equally very nicely preserved!) etui as issued a... read more
Attractive - and 'hollow'-styled! - N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie' (ie. 'Tagungs- o. Veranstaltungsabzeichen'-) being a maker- (ie. 'Fr. Linden'-) marked- and bronze-toned example showing the text: 'N.S.D.A.P.-Parteitag - 23/25-2-1934 - Hannover'
This is an attractive - and neatly 'hollow'-styled! - so-called: N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie' (ie. 'Tagungs- o. Veranstaltungsabzeichen') being a typical maker- (ie. 'Fr. Linden'-) marked- and/or somewhat darker-bronze toned- (ie. I deem copper-toned 'Eisenblech'-based) example showing the text: 'N.S.D.A.P.-Parteitag - 23/25-2-1934 - Hannover' (and sub-titled: 'Gau Süd-Hannover - Braunschweig') ... read more
60.00 EUR
Superb, bright-silver-toned so-called: 'Polizei-Dienstauszeichnung 3. Stufe' (or: police loyal-service medal 3rd class) that comes mounted onto its period ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') and that comes stored in its scarcely seen, green-coloured etui
This is a very attractive example of a silver-class: 'Polizei-Dienstauszeichnung 3. Stufe' (or: police loyal-service medal third class as was awarded for 8 years of loyal service within the various TR-police-services) and that comes mounted onto its (confectioned) period ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') and that came stored in its original (2-pieced) etui and that comes in an overall very nice- (an... read more
245.00 EUR
Attractive - and not that easily found! - WH (Heeres ie. LW etc.) 'tropical-issued'- and entirely 'web-based' belt (ie. 'Koppelriemen') being a maker- (ie. 'Kurt Seidel - Berlin W 36 - 1943'-) marked and/or 95 cms.-sized example
This is an attractive - and I deem only minimally or even never used - example of a WH (Heeres ie. Luftwaffe etc.) 'tropical-issued'- and/or entirely 'web-based' belt (ie. 'Koppelriemen') as was executed in yellowish-tan-coloured and/or neatly woven linnen (ie. 'webbing') and having a linnen-based tongue, being a neat example that is approximately 95 cms. sized and that comes in an overall very... read more
275.00 EUR
Superb - and simply never worn! - WH (Luftwaffe) 'Krim'-campaign-shield (as was produced by a by me unidentified maker) and that comes in a presumably issued- albeit still 'virtually mint', condition
This is a truly very attractive - and I deem simply never worn! - example of a typical, presumably non-maker-marked, WH (Luftwaffe) 'Krim'-campaign-shield as was produced by a by me unidentified maker and that comes in a probably issued albeit still 'virtually mint'- (and with certainty never tunic-attached!-), condition. The shield - that comes mounted onto its original, bluish-grey-coloured '... read more
325.00 EUR
Attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - WH (KM) 'BeVo'-woven, EM- (ie. NCO-) type breasteagle (ie. 'Brustadler') as was specifically intended for usage by the various naval administrative-officials (ie. 'Beambten der KM')
This is an attractive - and most certainly scarcely found! - WH (Kriegsmarine) 'BeVo'-woven, enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type breast-eagle (ie. (ie. 'Brustadler für Mannschaften u. Uffz. ie. Beamten der Kriegsmarine') as was specifically intended for usage by the various naval administrative-officials (ie. 'Beambten der Kriegsmarine') and that comes in a wonderful- (ie. 'virtually mint- ie. unis... read more
Attractive example of a WH (Heeres) so-called: 'Jäger'-armbadge being a neatly machine-embroidered- and/or multi-coloured version as was executed on darker-green-coloured wool
This is an attractive example of a WH (Heeres) so-called: 'Jäger'-armbadge being a neatly machine-embroidered- and/or multi-coloured version as was executed on darker-green-coloured wool and that comes in an overall nice- (ie. I deem simply never worn nor tunic-attached- ie. 'virtually mint'-), condition. The piece is void of an additional 'backing' (as can be seen on the pictures). The badge o... read more
Attractive - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres) officers'-type shoulderboards as piped in the bright-green- (ie. 'hellgrüner'-) coloured branchcolour as intended for an: 'Oberstleutnant des Grenadier-Rgts. 77' (part of the '26. Inf.-Div.')
The attractive - fully matching and actually scarcely found! - pair of neatly 'cyphered' WH (Heeres) officers'-type shoulderboards (ie. 'Schulterstücke für Offiziere des Heeres') are typical, 'text-book'-examples of the Heeres'-type, officers'-pattern shoulderboards and have the silverish-grey- (ie. somewhat 'sub-dued'-type-) 'upperdecks': they were most certainly once tunic-attached and show s... read more
Superb - and fully matching! - pair of early- (ie. mid-war-) period WH (Heeres), 'M40'- (ie. 'M43-) pattern 'cyphered' NCO-type shoulderstraps (with 'Überschuben'!) as was intended for an: 'Uffz. u. Mitglied des Festungsbaubatallions 82'
This is an attractive - fully matching and with certainty scarcely found! - pair of early- (ie. mid-war-) period, WH (Heeres) NCO-type (ie. 'M36'- ie. 'M40'-pattern) and neatly 'cyphered' (ie. having a neat and matching pair of 'Schulterstück-Überschuben' attached!) as piped in the black- (ie. 'schwarzer'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for - and clearly used by! - an NCO (... read more
330.00 EUR
Superb - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres) neatly 'cyphered', early-war-period- (ie. 'M36'- ie. 'M40'-pattern and/or rounded-styled) NCO-type shoulderstraps as was intended for an: 'Oberfeldwebel des Nachschub Kraftfahr-Abts. 11'
This is a truly attractive - and fully matching! - pair of neatly 'cyphered', standard-issued- (ie. non-privately-purchased nor 'tailor-made'-) pattern, WH (Heeres) early-war period- (ie. 'M36'- ie. 'M40'-pattern and/or: rounded-styled) NCO-type shoulderstraps (ie. 'Schulterstücke für Unteroffiziere des Heeres') as was piped in the desirable light-blue- (ie. 'kornblumenblauer'-) coloured branch... read more
Superb - fully matching and truly unusually seen! - pair of early- (ie. mid-) war-period- (ie. 'M40 o. M43'-pattern) WH (Heeres) NCO-type shoulderstraps as was intended for usage by a: 'Stabsfeldwebel o. Spiess des Infanterie-Regiments 16'
This is a truly attractive - and as such actually scarcely encountered! - fully matching pair of early- (ie. mid-) war-period- (ie. 'M40 o. M43'-pattern) WH (Heeres) NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the neat white- (ie. 'weisser'-) coloured branchcolour, as was specifically intended for - and/or clearly worn by! - a: 'Stabsfeldwebel o. Spiess des Infanterie-Regiments 16' (or: senior-NCO ie. ... read more
Stunning - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres), neatly 'cyphered' and early- (ie. pre-war-) period- (ie. 'M36'- ie. 'M40'-pattern and pointed-style) EM-type shoulderstraps as was intended for usage by a: 'Soldat des Panzerjäger-Abts. 27'
This is a truly very attractive - fully matching and with certainty very scarcely found! - neatly 'cyphered' and/or pointed-styled, WH (Heeres) early- (ie. pre-war-) period- (ie. 'M36'- ie. 'M40'-pattern) enlisted-mens'-type shoulderstraps (ie. 'Schulterstücke für Mannschaften des Heeres') being a pair having no branchcolour ie. piping as per regulation as was specifically intended for usage by... read more
Superb - fully matching and truly scarcely seen! - pair of WH (Heeres) NCO-type (ie. 'M40- o. M43'-pattern) shoulderstraps as was intended for usage by a: 'Soldat eines Gebirgsjäger- o. Jäger-Regiments'
This is a very attractive - fully matching and actually truly scarcely found! - pair of WH (Heeres) early- (ie. mid-) war-period, so-called: 'M40- o. M43'-pattern enlisted-mens'-type shoulderstraps as piped in the darker-green- (ie. 'grüner'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for - and minimally worn by! - a: 'Soldat eines Gebirgsjäger- o. Jäger-Regiments' (or: simply soldier who served wi... read more
Unusual, WH (Luftwaffe) item that comes as a 'period-souvenir': a part of a leather-based 'wallet' that holds various LW-insignia (such as a visor-cap-eagle, single pip, 'Schwinge' and a: - presumed - LW-'Traditions-Abz.')
This is a very unusual - and with certainty not that often ie. scarcely found! - TR-period- ie. WH (Luftwaffe) souvenir: a black-toned and or simulated leather-based (albeit incomplete) front-part of a wallet (or alike) that shows a neat example of a typical: WH (Luftwaffe) EM- (ie. NCO-) type, aluminium-based visor-cap-eagle (ie. 'Schirmmützenadler für Mannschaften u. Uffz. der Luftwaffe'), a ... read more
185.00 EUR
Miniature of an: 'Ehrenkreuz der deutschen Mutter - zweite Stufe' (or: silver-class mothers'-cross) being a non-maker-marked example that comes stored in its period, bordeaux-red-coloured- and two-pieced- (and 'LDO'-marked!) box ie. etui
This is a very attractive - and with certainty very desirable! - miniature of an: 'Ehrenkreuz der deutschen Mutter - zweite Stufe' (or: silver-class mothers'-cross) being a (typical) non-maker-marked example that comes stored in its period, generic-styled, (typical) bordeaux-red-coloured- and/or 'LDO'-marked etui (ie. two-pieced-box) and that comes in an in overall very nice- (albeit clearly is... read more
Superb - fully matching and truly unusually seen! - pair of typical later-war-period- (ie. 'M44'-pattern) WH (Heeres) NCO-type shoulderstraps as was intended for usage by a: 'Stabsfeldwebel o. Spiess eines Nachschub-Abteilungs'
This is a truly attractive - and as such actually scarcely encountered! - fully matching pair of (typical) later-war-period- (ie. so-called: 'M44'-pattern) WH (Heeres) NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the neat light-blue- (ie. 'kornblumenblauer'-) coloured branchcolour, as was specifically intended for - and/or clearly worn by! - a: 'Stabsfeldwebel o. Spiess eines Nachschub-Abteilungs' (or: ... read more
Fully matching - and moderately worn! - pair of WH (Heeres) collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Offiziere') as piped in the desirable green- (ie. 'grüner'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for an: 'Offizier eines Jäger- o. Gebirgsjäger-Rgts.'
This is an attractive - fully matching and with certainty not that easily found! - pair of 'standard-issue'-pattern', neatly hand-embroidered officers'-type collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Offiziere') as was piped in the desirable darker-green- (ie. 'grüner'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by an: 'Offizier eines Jäger- o. Gebirgsjäger-Regiments' (or: officer w... read more
85.00 EUR
Attractive - and just moderately used! - WH (Heeres) officers'-type, hand-embroidered breast-eagle (ie. 'Brustadler für Offiziere') as was executed in bright-silverish-coloured braid as was intended for usage on the various officers'-pattern tunics
This is an attractive - and with certainty used and/or carefully tunic-removed! - example of a (fairly luxuriously-styled!) WH (Heeres) officers'-type, hand-embroidered- (and quite detailed!) army-type breast-eagle (ie. 'Brustadler für Offiziere des Heeres') being executed in bright-silverish-coloured braid on a darker-green-coloured- and/or 'smooth'-woolen-based background and that comes in an... read more
95.00 EUR
Fully matching pair of pre-war-period WH (Heeres) 'M36' (ie. 'M40'-) type collar-patches (ie. 'Einheitskragenspiegel') as piped in the bright-red-coloured branchcolour as intended for usage by a: 'Soldat der (Sturm)Artillerie-Truppen'
This is a neat - fully matching and not that easily found! - pair of (I deem) early-war period, WH (Heeres) 'M36' (ie. 'M40'-) type collar-patches (ie. 'Einheitskragenspiegel') as piped in the bright-red- (ie. 'hochroter'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Soldat der (Sturm)Artillerie-Truppen' (or: soldier ie. NCO who served within an army artillery-unit ie. r... read more
Superb - fully matching and 'virtually mint'! - pair of WH (Luftwaffe) bright-red-coloured, EM- (ie. NCO-) type collar-patches (ie. 'Kragenspiegel') as was intended for usage by a member within a: 'Flak-Artillerie'-regiment ie. unit
The attractive - and fully matching! - WH (Luftwaffe) collar-patch-pair (ie. 'Kragenspiegelsatz für Mannschaften o. Unteroffiziere der Luftwaffe') is executed in the typical, bright-red- (ie. 'hochroter'-) coloured- and/or smooth- (ie. typical 'felt-like'-type) wool (as can be seen on the pictures). The patches were possibly issued but were never used nor once tunic-attached: they are void of a... read more
Commemorative, AO- (ie. 'Ausland Organisation'-) related 'tinnie' being a maker- (ie. 'Fr. Zimmermann'-) marked example depicting a: 'Reichsadler'-device, AO-logo and text: 'V. Reichstagung der Auslanddeutschen - Stuttgart - 1937'
The attractive - and with certainty scarcely seen! - N.S.D.A.P. ie. AO- (ie. 'Ausland Organisation'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Tagungs- o. Veranstaltungsabzeichen' is a clearly maker- (ie. 'Fr. Zimmermann'-) marked example that depicts a detailed eagle-device (ie. 'Reichsadler' (and AO-logo!) coupled with the text that simply reads: 'V. Reichstagung der Auslanddeutschen - Stuttgart ... read more
WH (Heeres) breast-eagle as executed in 'BeVo'-type-, so-called: 'flat-wire'-weave-pattern and pre-mounted on darker-green-coloured wool as was specifically intended for usage by soldiers (ie. NCOs) on their dress-tunics (ie. 'Waffenröcke')
This is a very attractive example of an - I deem simply never used- nor tunic-attached! - example of a WH (Heeres) breast-eagle (ie. 'Brustadler für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere des Heeres') as executed in the so-called: 'BeVo'-type, 'flat-wire'-weave-pattern that comes pre-mounted onto a piece of darker-green-coloured wool as was specifically intended for usage by soldiers (ie. NCOs) on thei... read more
Superb - and extremely rarely encountered! - 'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Süd Bayreuth' (being a 'virtually mint; specimen that still retains its 'RzM'-etiket)
This is a 'male'-specimen indicating that it is neatly woven in golden-yellow-coloured linnen onto a black-coloured- (and also linnen-based-) background. This example still shows its period-attached and paper-based, so-called: 'RzM-etiket' ( (something that is not always the case). The rare piece was most certainly never worn nor once tunic- ie. shirt attached: it does just show some storage-ag... read more
Superb - and truly worn! - WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Hilfskreuzer-Kriegsabzeichen' (or: auxiliary-cruiser war-badge) being a typical, non-maker-marked- and/or: 'Buntmetall'-based example as was produced by the desirable: 'C.E. Juncker'-company
The very attractive - luxuriously-styled and actually very scarcely seen! - WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Hilfskreuzer-Kriegsabzeichen' (or: naval auxiliary-cruiser war-badge) is - I deem - a typical, early-war-period- and/or (typical) non-maker-marked, 'Buntmetall'-based example as was produced by the desirable maker (ie. 'Hersteller') named: 'C.E. Juncker' as was based in the town of Berlin and that com... read more
875.00 EUR
Attractive - smaller-sized, early-period, bright-red-coloured and nicely preserved! - 'N.S.D.A.P.'-membership-pin- ie. party-badge (or: 'Parteiabzeichen') which is maker-marked on its back with an: 'RzM 8'-designation
The truly attractive - I deem truly early-period and actually very nicely preserved! - somewhat smaller-sized(!) N.S.D.A.P.-membership-lapel-pin (ie. 'N.S.D.A.P.-Parteiabzeichen') - has only been moderately used ie. worn but still has a nicely preserved age-patina and has most certainly never been cleaned nor polished: it is showing just minimal wear but is totally void of any (enamel-) damage ... read more
Stunning, WH (Heeres) 'Ärmelabzeichen für Angehörige des Sonderverbandes 287 o. 288' being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example as was executed in so-called: 'BeVo'-weave pattern
This is a truly rarely encountered and/or equally desirable WH (Heeres) 'BeVo'-woven armbadge that is known as: 'Ärmelabzeichen für Angehörige des Sonderverbandes 287 o. 288' and that comes in an overall very nice (and I deem virtually mint-/unissued-), condition. This special unit (ie. aka 'Sonderverband 288') was raised on July 1st 1941 in the town of Potsdam (near Berlin) and was composed of... read more
850.00 EUR