'Einzelspange' (ie. single-pieced medal-bar) showing an Iron Cross 2nd class (or: 'Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse') 'Einzelspange' (ie. single-pieced medal-bar) showing an Iron Cross 2nd class (or: 'Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse') 'Einzelspange' (ie. single-pieced medal-bar) showing an Iron Cross 2nd class (or: 'Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse')

'Einzelspange' (ie. single-pieced medal-bar) showing an Iron Cross 2nd class (or: 'Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse')

This is a very attractive - and I deem hardly used- nor worn! - example of an Iron Cross 2nd class (or: 'Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse') that comes period-mounted as a so-called: 'Einzelspange' (or: single-pieced medal-bar) and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit surely issued- but hardly worn- nor used-), condition. The cross - that is (I deem) an evident specimen that was almost certainly produced by the desirable maker: 'Rudolf Wächtler & Lange' as based in the town of Mittwaida in Sachsen (ie. 'Hersteller 100') - has very nice and/or pronounced detail as to be expected for a cross by this desirable maker. It was most certainly issued and/or worn as such and was most certainly never cleaned nor polished. It has a somewhat darkened age-patina and black-coloured- and somewhat satin-like 'core' (which truly shows no paint-damage whatsoever and which retains a nicely ie. fully preserved, satin-like (ie. 'matted') black-coloured 'core' as can be seen on the pictures). I could not determine if the cross is a maker-marked-example: the ring is firmly hidden under the neatly confectioned ribbon. The cross just shows some minimal dirt and/or dust acquired over the years: the (bright- ie. bright-red-coloured!) ribbon shows some equal minor usage and/or staining. The cross has great detail and was never polished: it retains, moreover, a vast part of its so-called: 'hochpolierte Kanten' (or polished sides) as can be seen on the pictures. The cross ie. 'Spange' has truly very nice detail and is neatly 'backed' with a piece of bright-red-coloured wool (that shows a functional pin- ie. pin/catch-set-up as can be seen on the pictures). Simply a very attractive IC 2nd class that comes period-mounted as an: 'Einzelspange' and that is I deem accordingly priced!

Code: 67951
