Neat, WH (Luftwaffe- ie. Hitlerjugend-) related, machine-embroidered breast-badge (ie. eagle-device) as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Flakhelfer' (ie. later-war-period, youthfull, anti-aircraft staff-member)
This is a neat - and actually not that easily found! - example of a WH (Luftwaffe- ie. Hitlerjugend-) related- and/or nicely machine-embroidered- (ie. trapezoid-shaped) breast-badge (ie. eagle-device) as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Flakhelfer' (ie. later-war-period, youthfull, anti-aircraft staff-member) and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. never worn- nor tunic-attached-... read more
75.00 EUR
Attractive - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres) neatly 'cyphered', officers'-type shoulderboards as (dual)piped in the black-coloured branchcolour as was intended for a: 'Leutnant der Reserve eines Pionier-Batallions'
The attractive pair is neatly (dual)piped in the black- (ie. 'schwarzer'-) coloured branchcolour and has the typical dove-grey-coloured 'underlay' and was intended for a: 'Leutnant der Reserve eines Pionier-Batallions' (or: reserve-lieutnant who served within a 'Pionier'- (ie. engineers) 'Bataillion' (ie. battalion) and comes in an overall nice- (I deem moderately used- and/or worn-), condition... read more
100.00 EUR
Interesting - and rarely encountered! - fully complete, WH (Heeres, Luftwaffe etc.) related medical wound-card-booklet (ie. 'Wundzettelbuch') entitled: '10 Pferdekrankenzettel' (as being specifically intended for usage by: 'Veterinaire'
This is an interesting - and most certainly rarely encountered! - fully complete and nicely preserved, WH (Heeres, Luftwaffe etc.) related so-called: medical wound-card-booklet (ie. 'Wundzettelbuch') still holding all its 10 cards entitled: '10 Pferdekrankenzettel' (as being specifically intended for usage by: 'Veterinaire') and that comes in an overall nicely preserved and/or (naturally) never... read more
Superb - clearly used and/or cap-removed! - WH (Luftwaffe) 'tropical-issued' cap-eagle as was specifically intended for usage onto the tropical-styled LW side-caps (ie. 'Schiffchen')
This is an attractive - and actually truly rarely found - clearly used and/or cap-removed, so-called: WH (Luftwaffe) 'tropical-issued' cap-eagle (or: 'Tropenadler für das Schiffchen') as was specifically intended for usage onto the tropical-styled, LW side-caps (ie. 'Schiffchenmützen') and that comes in an overall nice- (and clearly used- ie. once-cap-attached-), condition. The rare piece is ju... read more
Neat medal-set: 'Winterschlacht im Osten 1941-42' being a maker- (ie. '93'-) marked- (and/or 'Feinzink'-based) specimen by the maker: 'Richard Simm & Söhne' and that comes together with its (minimally confectioned) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt')
This is an attractive medal-set: 'Winterschlacht im Osten 1941-42' (ie. 'Ost'- or Eastern-Front medal) being a clearly maker- (ie. '93'-) marked- (and/or: typical zinc- ie. 'Feinzink'-based) specimen that was produced by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller') named: 'Richard Simm & Söhne'as was based in the town of Gablonz a.d. N. and that comes together with its (minimally confectioned- and approx. 19 c... read more
Attractive, golden-bronze-coloured- (and I deem 'Buntmetall'-based-) example of a: 'Deutsch-Italienische Feldzugsmedaille' (or: German-Italian campaign-medal) that came together with its (broader-sized) piece of original (Italian) ribbon
The very attractive - and I deem most certainly early-period! - medal is stamped by the designer ie. cutter (named: 'De Marohis') and is also neatly maker- (ie. 'Lorioli-Milano'-) marked as is always the case with these neat and desirable, foreign commemorative awards. The pronounced medal retains most (ie. all!) of its minimally darkened, golden-bronze-coloured finish and has simply never been... read more
140.00 EUR
Attractive, HJ- (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') 'Leistungsabzeichen in Bronze in Stoff' (or: cloth bronze-class youth sports'-badge) as executed in the: 'BeVo'-weave pattern that has lost its (once-attached) 'RzM'-etiket
This is an attractive - and actually quite scarcely encountered! - HJ- (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'-) so-called: 'Leistungsabzeichen in Bronze in Stoff' (or: cloth-based, bronze-class youth sports'-badge) being a cloth-based version as was executed in the neat: 'BeVo'-weave pattern and that has lost its (once-attached) 'RzM'-etiket and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. probably issued but I deem ... read more
Attractive - fully matching and scarcely found! - pair of WH (Heeres) 'Pioniere'-related, so-called: regimental shoulderstrap-'slip-ons' (ie. 'Schulterstück-Übershuben') as was intended for usage by a: 'Soldat des Pionier-Bataillons 179'
This is an attractive - fully matching and scarcely found! - pair of WH (Heeres) 'Pioniere'-related, so-called: regimental shoulderstrap-'slip-ons' (ie. 'Schulterstück-Übershuben') as was intended for usage by a: 'Soldat des Pionier-Bataillons 179' and that comes in a wonderful- (and I deem simply never worn- nor used-), condition. The pair is neatly 'machine-stitched'-embroidered (by means of ... read more
Commemorative, early-period- and/or copper-based N.S.B.O.-related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked example depicting an AH-quote and eagle and showing the text: 'Es wird Künftig nur noch einen Adel geben - Adel der Arbeit 1933'
The attractive - and with certainty unusually seen! - early-period badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in golden-coloured - and I deem copper-based material - and depicts an N.S.B.O.- (ie. 'National-Sozialistischer Betriebszellen-Organisation'-) logo and a quote by Adolf Hitler, typical and showing the text: 'Es wird Künftig nur noch einen Adel geben - Adel der Arbeit... read more
Attractive - and actually quite scarcely encountered! - WH (Heeres) so-called: 'Truppen-Traditionsabzeichen des 26. Panzer-Division' (aka: 'Grenadierkopf') as executed in greyish-coloured zinc-based metal (ie. 'Feinzink')
This is an attractive - and actually fairly scarcely encountered! - so-called: WH (Heeres) 'Traditions-Abzeichen' (or 'Plakette' as officially known per regulation) that was worn by the members of the '26. Panzer-Division' (aka: 'Grenadierkopf') being a detailed example as executed in zinc-based metal (ie. 'Feinzink') and that comes mounted onto its original (but partly damaged) pin-attachment.... read more
Attractive, aluminium-based EM- (ie. NCO-) pattern, RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst') cap-badge being a maker- (ie. 'P.W.H. - 36'-) marked- and/or very detailed example that was specifically intended for usage on the RAD-caps (aka: 'Kaffeebohnen')
This is an attractive - nicely 'anodised'- and typical aluminium-based! - typical EM- (ie. NCO-) pattern, RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst') cap-badge being a clearly maker- (ie. 'P.W.H.'-) marked, '1936'-dated- and/or very detailed example that was specifically intended for usage onto the specific RAD-caps (aka: 'Kaffeebohnen') and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. I deem just moderately u... read more
Multi-coloured and typically printed armshield (ie. 'Ärmelschild') as was intended for a Russian volunteer serving within the 'Russian Liberation Army' (ie. 'POA')
This is a neat - and simply never worn nor used! - multi-coloured and typically printed Eastern volunteer-related armshield (ie. 'Ärmelschild') as was intended for a Russian volunteer serving within the 'Russian Liberation Army' (ie. 'POA' in Cyrillic characters) and that comes in a very nice- (ie. 'virtually mint ie. unissued'-), condition. The shield on offer here is executed onto the slightl... read more
Superb - and scarcely found! - typical aluminium-based, WH (Heeres-) ie. 'Radfahr'-related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') bearing the clearly stamped unit-designation that reads: 'Radf.Ers.Schwdr. 225' and that comes mounted onto its cord as issued
This is an attractive - and actually truly scarcely found! - example of a bright-silver-coloured- and/or typical aluminium-based WH (Heeres-) ie. 'Radfahrer'- (ie. bicycle-mounted troops-) related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') that comes mounted onto its period cord as worn and that is bearing the clearly stamped unit-designation that simply reads: 'Radf.Ers.Schwdr. 225' (and as such being a ... read more
Commemorative, beige-/white-toned and earthenware-based SA- (ie. 'Sturmabteilungen'-) related 'tinnie' being a maker-marked example showing an: 'SA-Sportabzeichen' and text: 'Sport- u. Wehrwettkämpfe - SA-Gruppe Bayer.Ostmark - 1939'
The neat - and somewhat later-period - beige-/white-toned, SA- (ie. 'Sturmabteilungen'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in earthenware-based material and that depicts a detailed: 'SA-Sportabzeichen', SA-logo and text that simply reads: 'Sport- u. Wehrwettkämpfe - SA-Gruppe Bayer.Ostmark - 1939' and that was as such intended for a specific SA-related s... read more
50.00 EUR
Attractive - and clearly used ie. carefully tunic-removed! - WH (Luftwaffe) 'tropical'-issued- (ie. DAK or 'Deutsches Afrika Korps'-related) 'trapezoid-styled' breasteagle as was specifically intended for usage on the tropical-shirts
This attractive example is neatly greyish- (ie. silver-white-) coloured- and is executed on a (slightly thicker-shaped) tropical-styled, light-brownish- (ie. typical tan-) coloured and/or also linnen-based, background. The piece comes - as stated above - in an overall very nice and/or clearly shirt-removed condition: it was 'unfolded' something that can be un-done (as can be seen on the picture... read more
Attractive - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres) early-war-period- (ie. 'M36'- ie. 'M40'-pattern and/or rounded-styled) neatly 'cyphered' NCO-type shoulderstraps as was intended for an: 'Unteroffizier des Infanterie-Regiments 42'
This is an attractive - fully matching and (I deem) quite early-war- ie. most certainly pre-war-period! - pair of I deem tailor-made (ie. 'privately-purchased'-pattern) WH (Heeres) early- ie. pre-war period- (ie. 'M36'- ie. 'M40'-pattern and/or: rounded-styled), neatly 'cyphered' NCO-type shoulderstraps (ie. 'Schulterstücke für Unteroffiziere des Heeres') as was piped in the desirable white- (i... read more
145.00 EUR
Early- (ie. mid-) war-period, WH (Heeres) cap-eagle (ie. 'Schiffchenmützen-Adler für Mannschaften u. Uffz.') being a 'virtually mint' example as executed in bluish-grey-coloured linnen on a field-grey-coloured background
This is an attractive - early- (ie. mid-war-) period - so-called: WH (Heeres) (side)cap-eagle (ie. 'Schiffchenmützen-Adler für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere') being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example as executed in bluish-grey-coloured linnen onto a field-grey-coloured (and also linnen-based) background and that comes in a simply never used- (ie. 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'-), conditi... read more
Superb - and very scarcely found! - typical aluminium-based, WH (Heeres-) ie. 'Infanterie u. Musiker'-related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') bearing the clearly stamped unit-designation that reads: 'Mus.Korps.I.R.212' and that comes as issued
This is an attractive - and actually truly scarcely found! - example of a bright-silver-coloured- and/or typical aluminium-based WH (Heeres-) 'Infanterie u. Musiker'-related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') that is bearing the clearly stamped unit-designation that simply reads: 'Mus.Korps.I.R.212' (and as such being a disc that was intended for a soldier or NCO ie. officer who - I deem - served ... read more
Fully matching pair of pre-war-period WH (Heeres) 'M36' (ie. 'M40'-) type collar-patches (ie. 'Einheitskragenspiegel') as piped in the golden-yellow-coloured branchcolour as intended for usage by a: 'Soldat der Kavallerie- o. Aufkl.-Truppen'
This is a neat - fully matching and scarcely found! - pair of (I deem) early-war period, WH (Heeres) 'M36' (ie. 'M40'-) type collar-patches (ie. 'Einheitskragenspiegel') as piped in the golden-yellow- (ie. 'goldgelbener'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Soldat der Kavallerie- o. Aufklärungs-Truppen' (or: soldier ie. NCO who served within an army cavalry- or ... read more
Superb - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres) early-war-period- (ie. 'M36'- ie. 'M40'-pattern) NCO-type shoulderstraps as was intended for usage by an: 'Unteroffizier einer Kavallerie- o. Aufklärungs-Abteilungs'
This is a very attractive - fully matching and actually truly scarcely found! - pair of typically 'standard-issued- (ie. non-tailor-made'- nor 'privately-purchased'-) pattern, WH (Heeres) early-war period- (ie. 'M36'- ie. 'M40'-pattern and/or: rounded-styled) NCO-type shoulderstraps (ie. 'Schulterstücke für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere des Heeres') as was piped in the desirable golden-yellow-... read more
Attractive - fully matching and scarcely found! - pair of WH (Heeres) 'Nachrichten'-related, so-called: regimental shoulderstrap-'slip-ons' (ie. 'Schulterstück-Übershuben') as was intended for usage by a: 'Soldat des Korps-Nachrichten-Abts. 52'
This is an attractive - fully matching and scarcely found! - pair of WH (Heeres) 'Nachrichten'- (ie. army-signals-) related, so-called: regimental shoulderstrap-'slip-ons' (ie. 'Schulterstück-Übershuben') as was intended for usage by a: 'Soldat des Korps-Nachrichten-Abteilungs 52' and that comes in a wonderful- (and I deem simply never worn- nor used-), condition. The pair is neatly 'machine-st... read more
Attractive - fully matching and scarcely found! - pair of WH (Heeres) 'Pioniere'-related, so-called: regimental shoulderstrap-'slip-ons' (ie. 'Schulterstück-Übershuben') as was intended for usage by a: 'Soldat des Pionier-Bataillons 152'
This is an attractive - fully matching and scarcely found! - pair of WH (Heeres) 'Pioniere'-related, so-called: regimental shoulderstrap-'slip-ons' (ie. 'Schulterstück-Übershuben') as was intended for usage by a: 'Soldat des Pionier-Bataillons 152' and that comes in a wonderful- (and I deem simply never worn- nor used-), condition. The pair is neatly 'machine-stitched'-embroidered (by means of ... read more
Attractive - and rarely seen! - WH (Luftwaffe) tropical-styled, 'Armwinkel' (or: arm-chevron) as executed on typical beige- ie. tan-coloured linnen as was specifically intended for usage by a soldier with the rank of an: 'Obergefreiter'
This is an attractive - and actually fairly rarely encountered! - example of a (typical) tropical-styled, WH (Luftwaffe) 'Armwinkel' (ie.: arm-chevron) as was executed on a beige-coloured- and/or linnen- (ie. HBT- or: 'Drillich'-) based background as was (I deem) intended for usage by a soldier with the rank of an: 'Obergefreiter' (ie. senior-private) and that comes in an overall very nice- (an... read more
Neat, so-called: WH (Heeres) trade- ie. special-career patch as was intended for (former) 'TeNo'- (= 'Technische Nothilfe'-) staff-members, being a mint-/unissued example as was executed in 'BeVo'-weave pattern
This is a neat - and not that easily found! - so-called: WH (Heeres) trade- ie. special-career patch (ie. 'Laufbahn- o. Tätigkeitsabzeichen') as was intended for (former) 'TeNo'- (= 'Technische Nothilfe'-) staff-members serving within the: 'Deutsche Wehrmacht', being a very nice- (ie. 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'-) example as was executed in the so-called: 'BeVo'-weave pattern. The patch is e... read more
55.00 EUR
Moderately worn - early period! - HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') enamelled lapel-pin (ie.: 'Raute') being a bright-red-coloured- and/or detailed - and non-cleaned and untouched! - example that is void of a makers'-designation
The tiny - and I deem truly early-period and not that easily found! - HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') membership-badge (ie. 'Raute') is truly bright-red-coloured and is just minimally 'darkened' caused by normal age ie. wear. It is a detailed example that is totally void of an: 'RzM'-makers'- and/or: 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending designation (as can be noticed on the pictures). The tiny lapel-pin was mos... read more
Attractive - and fully matching! - pair of mid- (ie. later-) war-period, WH (Luftwaffe) NCO-type (and somewhat smaller-sized!) shoulderstraps as was intended for usage by an: 'Unteroffizier der Flieger o. Fallschirm-Truppen'
This is a very attractive - and I deem hardly used nor worn! - pair of mid- (ie. later-) war-period, 'standard-issued' (and somewhat smaller-sized!) WH (Luftwaffe) NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the golden-yellow- (ie. 'goldgelbener'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by an: 'Unteroffizier der Flieger o. Fallschirm-Truppen' (or: junior-NCO ie. junior-sergeant wh... read more
Neat - and truly unusually found! - aluminium-based, WH (Luftwaffe) ie. 'SHD'- (ie. 'Sicherheits- u. Hilfsdienst'-) related ID-disc bearing the clearly stamped unit-designation: 'VI20 675 SHD' and that comes as issued and/or worn
This is an attractive example of a silverish-coloured- and/or typical aluminium-based, WH (Luftwaffe) ie. 'SHD'- (ie. 'Sicherheits- u. Hilfsdienst'-) related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') bearing the clearly stamped unit-designation that simply reads: 'VI20 675 SHD' and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit moderately used ie. worn-), condition. The attractive disc comes in overall nice cond... read more
75.00 EUR
Attractive - and moderately used- and worn! - example of a maker- (ie. '65'-) marked example of a silver-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Silber') as was produced by the 'Hersteller' ie. maker: 'Klein u. Quenzer'
The attractive - albeit typical zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based - silver-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Silber') shows only moderate age and wear and still retains its original, silverish-grey-coloured- (ie. typical zinc-like-) finish: it just shows some moderate wear and/or age (as can be seen on the pictures). The badge is as stated neatly maker-marked with the super-imposed m... read more
80.00 EUR
Attractive - fully matching and hardly used! - pair of later-war-period, WH (Heeres) so-called: 'M44'-styled, 'simplified', enlisted-mens'-type shoulderstraps as was intended for a: 'Soldat der Nachrichten-Truppen'
This is a very attractive - fully matching and I deem hardly used! - pair of (typical) later-war-period, WH (Heeres) so-called: 'M44'-styled, 'simplified', enlisted-mens'-type shoulderstraps as was piped in the neat bright-yellow- (ie. 'zitronengelber'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for - and minimally used by! - a: 'Soldat der Nachrichten-Truppen' (or: simple soldier who served within... read more
190.00 EUR
Attractive - bright-red-coloured and nicely preserved! - 'N.S.D.A.P.'-membership-pin- ie. party-badge (or: 'Parteiabzeichen') which is maker-marked on its back with the makers'-designation: 'RzM' and/or: 'M1/136'
The attractive - and actually very nicely preserved! - N.S.D.A.P.-membership-lapel-pin (ie. 'N.S.D.A.P.-Parteiabzeichen') - has just been moderately used ie. worn but still has a nicely preserved age-patina and has most certainly never been cleaned nor polished: it is showing just minimal wear but is totally void of any (enamel-) damage (as can be seen on the pictures): just some regular wear i... read more
Neat - and scarcely found! - HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') enamelled pin (ie.: 'Raute') as was specifically intended for insertion into the 'HJ-Fahrtenmesser' being a bright-red-coloured example showing an: 'RzM - M1/8'-makers'-designation on its back
The tiny badge - which is typically bright-red-coloured and is somewhat 'darkened' caused by normal age ie. wear - is a detailed example showing an: 'RzM - M1/8'-makers'-designation on its back (as can be noticed on the pictures). The tiny lapel-pin was never cleaned (as stated is some minimally darkened age-patina present and/or visible) but the pin truly shows no enamel damage whatsoever (it ... read more
Attractive, mid- (ie. later-) war-period, zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based version of a WH (Luftwaffe) 'Erdkampfabzeichen' as was produced by the: 'J.E. Hammer u. Söhne'-company and that comes in a hardly used- nor worn, condition
This is a very attractive - and I deem mid- (ie. later-) war-period - typical zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based version of a so-called: WH (Luftwaffe) 'Erdkampfabzeichen' (or: ground-combat badge) being a (typical) non-maker-marked example that was produced by the desirable maker (ie. 'Hersteller') named: 'J.E. Hammer u. Söhne' and having a 'separately' (ie. firmly riveted) bright-silver-coloured (... read more
Attractive - luxuriously-styled albeit clearly used- and/or worn! - 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Gold' being a typical non-maker-marked- and/or: 'Buntmetall'-based example as was produced by the Austrian maker: 'Hauptmünzamt Wien'
The attractive - and truly luxuriously-styled and clearly used- and/or worn! - golden-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Gold') is executed in the neat and/or somewhat shiny, so-called: 'Buntmetall' and shows obvious usage and/or wear (as can be seen on the pictures). It comes naturally mounted onto its fully functional and/or (typical!) thin-shaped pin (which is of course fully f... read more
Moderately worn - early period! - HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') enamelled lapel-pin (ie.: 'Raute') being a bright-red-coloured- and/or detailed - and non-cleaned and untouched! - example showing a (dual): 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending-designation
The tiny - and I deem truly early-period and not that easily found! - HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend')membership-badge (ie. 'Raute') is truly bright-red-coloured and is just minimally 'darkened' caused by normal age ie. wear. It is a detailed example that is void of an: 'RzM'-makers'-designation and that just shows a (dual): 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending-designation (as can be noticed on the pictures). Th... read more
Superb - high-quality and Spanish-issued- (ie. Spanish Civil-War-related) - commemorative breast-star (ie. 'Bruststern') called: 'Al Merito en Campaña' that comes in a wonderful and just moderately used ie. worn, condition
The very attractive - high-quality and Spanish-issued- (ie. Spanish Civil-War-related) - commemorative breast-star (ie. 'Bruststern') called: 'Al Merito en Campaña' comes in an overall wonderful (and I deem) just moderately used ie. worn, condition. The silver (ie. golden!) toned award shows in its centre a multi-coloured enamelled device (that is totally void of any damage: the award itself re... read more
Superb - and later-war-period - zinc- (ie.'Feinzink'-) based version of a WH (Luftwaffe) 'Fallschirmschützen-Abzeichen' (being a dual maker- ie. 'A'- and 'L/64'- marked example as was produced by the 'Assmann & Söhne'-company)
This is a truly very attractive - and with certainty later-war-period! - so-called: zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based version of a WH (Luftwaffe) 'Fallschirmschützen-Abzeichen' (or: paratroopers-war-badge) being a dual maker- (ie. 'A'- and: 'L/64'-) marked example as was produced by the 'Assmann & Söhne'-company and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit moderately used- ie. worn-), condition.... read more
Attractive - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Luftwaffe) EM-type shoulderstraps as piped in the light- ie. rust-brown- (ie. 'hell- o. kupferbrauner'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for a: 'Soldat der LW-Nachrichten-Truppen'
This is an attractive - and I deem simply never used! - pair of WH (Luftwaffe) enlisted-mens'-type shoulderstraps (ie. 'Schulterklappen für Mannschaften der Luftwaffe') as was piped in the light- ie. rust-brown- (ie. 'hell- o. kupferbrauner'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage by a: 'Soldat der LW-Nachrichten-Truppen' (or: simple soldier who served within the LW signal-troops) and... read more
110.00 EUR
Commemorative, silverish-coloured, N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie' being a maker- (ie. 'K. Wurster'-) marked example depicting an illustration of 3 upward-positioned swords and bearing the text: 'Gautag - 21.22. Mai 1938 - Leipzig'
The neat - desirable and fairly luxuriously styled! - day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in silverish-grey-coloured zinc-based metal (ie. 'Feinzink'): it shows some normal wear and/or moderate age but has been simply nicely preserved over the years. The (shield-shaped) badge comes naturally mounted onto its functional pin- ie. catch set-up and has (I deem) never ... read more
WH (Heeres) enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type, so-called: 'Jäger'-armpatch being a (typical) 'BeVo'-woven example as was executed on field-grey-coloured linnen as was intended for usage by the: 'Jäger-Truppen'
This is a neat example of a WH (Heeres) enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type, so-called: 'Jäger'-armpatch being a (typical) 'BeVo'-woven example as was executed on field-grey-coloured linnen as was intended for usage by the: 'Jäger-Truppen' and that comes in an overall nice- (ie. I deem once used- ie. tunic-attached and nicely ironed-) condition. These attractive 'Jäger'-armpatches (as was intended ... read more
55.00 EUR
Superb - and very scarcely found! - typical aluminium-based, WH (Heeres-) ie. 'Gebirgsjäger'-related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') bearing the clearly stamped unit-designation that reads: '2./Geb.Jg.Ers.Btl. 139' and that comes as issued and found
This is an attractive - and actually truly scarcely found! - example of a bright-silver-coloured- and/or typical aluminium-based WH (Heeres-) ie. 'Gebirgsjäger'- (ie. mountain-troopers-) related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') that comes mounted onto its period cord as worn and that is bearing the clearly stamped unit-designation that simply reads: '2./Geb.Jg.Ers.Btl. 139' (and as such being a ... read more
Attractive - scarcely found! - 'Ostvölker'-related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') bearing the unit-designation that reads: '3 Turk.Btl. 402' (and as such intended for a member that served within the 'Turkistanisches Legion'
This is an attractive - and actually very scarcely encountered! - typical zinc-based, so-called: 'Ostvölker'- (ie. Eastern-volunteers-) related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') bearing the stamped unit-designation that reads: '3 Turk.Btl. 402' (and as such intended for a member that (I deem) served within the: 3rd 'Turk. Batallion', numbered: '402' (being a part of the: 'Turkistanisches Legion')... read more
150.00 EUR
Superb - and truly scarcely found! - typical aluminium-based, WH (Heeres-) ie. 'Gebirgsjäger'-related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') bearing the clearly stamped unit-designation that reads: '6./Geb.Jg.Ers.Btl. 98' and that comes as issued and found
This is an attractive - and actually truly scarcely found! - example of a yellowish-silver-coloured- and/or typical aluminium-based WH (Heeres-) ie. 'Gebirgsjäger'- (ie. mountain-troopers-) related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') that is bearing the clearly stamped unit-designation that simply reads: '6./Geb.Jg.Ers.Btl. 98' (and as such being a disc that was intended for a soldier or NCO who - ... read more
Attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - WH (Kriegsmarine) female-related cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen') entitled: 'Marinehelferin' as was worn by the various (female) naval-related: 'Marinehelferinnen'
This is an attractive - and with certainty scarcely encountered! - WH (Kriegsmarine) female-related- (and typical golden-yellow-coloured ie. darker-blue-coloured) cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen') entitled: 'Marinehelferin' as was worn by the various (female) naval-related: 'Marinehelferinnen' and that comes in a very nice- (albeit clearly used- and/or - I deem - carefully tunic-removed-), condi... read more
Attractive - albeit regrettably single! - WH (Heeres), 'cyphered', officers'-type shoulderboard as was intended for usage by an: 'Oberleutnant u. Mitglied des Eisenbahn-Pioniere-Abteilungs 7'
This is an attractive - and as such actually scarcely encountered albeit regrettably single! - WH (Heeres) neatly 'cyphered', officers'-type shoulderboard as piped in the black- (ie. 'schwarzer'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by an: 'Oberleutnant u. Mitglied des Eisenbahn-Pioniere-Abteilungs 7' (or: lieutnant first-class who served within an armoured-trains-relat... read more
Superb - and moderately worn! - 'Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen' (or: General Assault Badge ie. GAB) being an unmarked, 'Buntmetall'-based- and/or 'hollow-back'-specimen as was produced by the: 'Wilhelm Deumer'-company
This particular example - being as stated above a non-maker-marked, neatly silverish-toned- and/or typical 'Buntmetall'- (ie. 'Tombak'-) based specimen - has maintained an attractive (and somewhat shiny!) silverish-toned age-patina and comes naturally mounted onto its functional (thin-shaped- and/or silver-toned) pin (which is mounted on a typical- 'smaller-sized'-mounting as is more often seen... read more
345.00 EUR
Superb - and/or fully matching! - pair of mid- (ie. later-war-) period, 'standard-issue'- (ie. 'dual-prong'-) pattern WH (Heeres) zinc-based skull-devices ('Totenköpfe') as intended for usage on (amongst others) the 'Panzer'-collar-tabs
This is a truly attractive - fully matching and actually very hard to find! - pair of (I deem) mid- (ie. later-war-) period, 'standard-issue'- (ie. 'dual-pronged'-) pattern WH (Heeres) zinc- (ie. so-called: 'Feinzink'-) based skull-devices (ie. 'Totenköpfe für Kragenspiegel') as were intended for usage on (amongst others) the black woolen-based 'Panzer'-collar-tabs and that comes in an overall ... read more
Attractive, 3-pieced WH (Heeres o. KM) medal-bar (ie. 'Ordenspange') showing resp. an: 'EK II. Kl.', a: 'WH (Heeres o. KM)-DA für 4 Jahre TD' (with attached eagle-device) and a: 'Westwall'-medal
The truly attractive - I deem early-war-period- and nicely preserved! - WH (Heeres- o. Kriegsmarine) three-pieced medal-bar (ie. 'Ordenspange') is showing respectively an: 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' (or: iron-cross second class), a: 'WH (Heeres- o. Kriegsmarine) Dienstauszeichnung für 4 Jahre Treue Dienste' (or: army- or naval loyal-service medal for four years of loyal service) that comes wit... read more
Attractive, bluish-coloured- and typical linnen-based 'Der Stahlhelmbund' (ie. 'Der Stahlhelm' - Bund der Frontsoldaten (or: Sta)' cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen') entitled: 'Gau Saale-Thüringen'
This is an attractive - and actually very unusually encountered! - bright-blue-coloured- and/or typical linnen-based 'Der Stahlhelmbund' (ie. 'Der Stahlhelm' - Bund der Frontsoldaten (or: Sta)' cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen') entitled: 'Gau Saale-Thüringen' and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit just moderately used ie. worn and/or carefully tunic-removed-), condition. The armband mea... read more
130.00 EUR
Superb, bright golden-toned WH (Heeres o. KM etc.) so-called: 'Einzelspange' showing a WH Czech 'Anschluss'- (ie. occupation-) medal: '1 October 1938' that shows a firmly (and period-) attached 'Prager Burg-Spange'
This is a very attractive example of a - seldomly seen! - bright-golden-toned, WH (Heeres o. Kriegsmarine etc.) so-called: 'Einzelspange' (or: single-pieced medal-bar) showing a WH Czech 'Anschluss'- (ie. occupation-) medal: '1 October 1938' (as was given to all members of the armed forces that participated in the German occupation of Czecoslovakia, which started on 1 October 1938) and that com... read more
Neat - albeit regrettably single and hardly used! - WH (Luftwaffe) NCO-type shoulderstrap as was intended for usage by an: 'Unteroffizier einer Sanitäts-Abteilungs'
This is an attractive - albeit regrettably single and I deem simply hardly used nor worn! - WH (Luftwaffe) NCO-type shoulderstrap having the darker-blue- (ie. 'blauer'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by an: 'Unteroffizier einer Sanitäts-Abteilungs der Luftwaffe' (or: junior-sergeant ie. medical-orderly who served within an airforce-related, medical unit) and that ... read more
55.00 EUR