6096 items found
Bright-golden-toned, tin-based so-called: 'NS-sports'-related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked example depicting a stylised 'art-deco'-type figure and swastika coupled with the text: 'Sportmonat September 1935 - Reg. Bez. Hildesheim'

Bright-golden-toned, tin-based so-called: 'NS-sports'-related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked example depicting a stylised 'art-deco'-type figure and swastika coupled with the text: 'Sportmonat September 1935 - Reg. Bez. Hildesheim'

The truly detailed and typical shield-shaped day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in bright-golden-toned, tin-based metal (ie. 'Eisenblech') and depicts a stylised 'art-deco'-type figure and swastika coupled with the text: 'Sportmonat September 1935 - Reg. Bez. Hildesheim' and was as such intended for an: NS-sports'-related gathering held in the town of Hildesheim....  read more

Code: 48625

!! STOLEN !!

Superb, N.S.K.K.- (ie. 'National Socialistischer Kraftfahr Korps') officers'-pattern, visor-cap eagle (ie. 'Adler für Schirmmütze') being a neatly hand-embroidered example

Superb, N.S.K.K.- (ie. 'National Socialistischer Kraftfahr Korps') officers'-pattern, visor-cap eagle (ie. 'Adler für Schirmmütze') being a neatly hand-embroidered example

This is a very attractive - and actually rarely encountered! - N.S.K.K.- (ie. 'National Socialistischer Kraftfahr Korps') officers'-pattern, visor-cap eagle (ie. 'Adler für Schirmmütze') being a neatly hand-embroidered example that comes mounted onto a typical black-coloured- and/or woolen-based background and that comes in a moderately used- ie. most certainly once cap-attached, condition. Thi...  read more

Code: 48568

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive example of a WH (Luftwaffe) 'Beobachtersabzeichen in Stoff' (or: observers-badge in cloth) being a neatly machine-stitched- and/or nicely 'padded' specimen

Attractive example of a WH (Luftwaffe) 'Beobachtersabzeichen in Stoff' (or: observers-badge in cloth) being a neatly machine-stitched- and/or nicely 'padded' specimen

This is an attractive example of a WH (Luftwaffe) 'Beobachtersabzeichen in Stoff' (or: observers-badge in cloth) being a neatly machine-stitched- and/or nicely 'padded' specimen as was executed in silverish-white-coloured linnen and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. Ideem issued but still 'virtually mint'- and/or never tunic-attached-), condition. The badge is naturally a fine original e...  read more

Code: 48562

!! STOLEN !!

Fully matching pair of WH (Heeres) officers'-type collar-tabs, as was piped in the bright-red-coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'Offizier der (Sturm)Artillerie-Truppen'

Fully matching pair of WH (Heeres) officers'-type collar-tabs, as was piped in the bright-red-coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'Offizier der (Sturm)Artillerie-Truppen'

The attractive collar-tabs were only minimally used ie. clearly once tunic-attached and some of the stitching-remains- (ie. holes) are still present and/or visible (as can be seen on the pictures). The collar-tabs - which have the dark-green coloured- and/or truly smooth-woolen-based backgrounds and/or bright-red- (ie. 'hochroter') branchcolour as to be expected - show great pronounced detail: ...  read more

Code: 48553

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Golden-bronze-toned, so-called: 'Nichttragbarer Ehrenpreis des Reichssportführer von Tschammer und Osten' (ie. commemorative-plaque) entitled: 'Für hervorragende Leistung'

Golden-bronze-toned, so-called: 'Nichttragbarer Ehrenpreis des Reichssportführer von Tschammer und Osten' (ie. commemorative-plaque) entitled: 'Für hervorragende Leistung'

This is an attractive - and with certainty not that often encountered! - bright-golden-toned, so-called: 'Nichttragbarer Ehrenpreis des Reichssportführer von Tschammer und Osten' (ie. commemorative-plaque) entitled: 'In Anerkennung einer hervorragenden Leistung gegeben vom Reichssportführer' that comes as issued and/or stored for decades. The neat - medium-sized and/or regular-weight-piece - ha...  read more

Code: 48499

!! STOLEN !!

Unusually seen - and most certainly very decorative! - wooden-based- and neatly hand-carved 'souvenir-box' being period-made by a German soldier at the Eastern Front and showing the carved text: 'Shmerinka 1943'

Unusually seen - and most certainly very decorative! - wooden-based- and neatly hand-carved 'souvenir-box' being period-made by a German soldier at the Eastern Front and showing the carved text: 'Shmerinka 1943'

This is a very decorative and pronounced - and most certainly unusually encountered! - wooden-based- and neatly hand-carved so-called: 'souvenir-box' being a detailed example that was with certainty period-made by a German soldier at the Eastern Front that is showing a flower-design and carved text: 'Shmerinka 1943' (being a town in the Ukraine) and that comes in an overall nicely preserved con...  read more

Code: 48481

!! STOLEN !!

Commemorative, copper-based N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked example showing the text: 'Mitteldeutsche Heimattage in Halle - 25.2. - 4.3.1934'

Commemorative, copper-based N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked example showing the text: 'Mitteldeutsche Heimattage in Halle - 25.2. - 4.3.1934'

The attractive shield-shaped badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in golden-coloured- (and I deem copper-based-) material and depicts a detailed shield with a stylised, capital 'M'-character and swastika-device and showing the text that reads: 'Mitteldeutsche Heimattage in Halle - 25.2. - 4.3.1934'. The detailed shield-shaped badge - that shows some normal wear and/or ...  read more

Code: 48469

!! STOLEN !!

Unusually seen, so-called: D.D.A.C. (ie. 'Der Deutsche Automobil Club'-) related multi-coloured eagle-device as executed in 'BeVo'-weave pattern (that comes in a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' condition)

Unusually seen, so-called: D.D.A.C. (ie. 'Der Deutsche Automobil Club'-) related multi-coloured eagle-device as executed in 'BeVo'-weave pattern (that comes in a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' condition)

This is an attractive example of a multi-coloured, TR-period so-called: D.D.A.C. (ie. 'Der Deutsche Automobil Club'-) related multi-coloured eagle-device as executed in 'BeVo'-weave pattern as was (I deem) intended to be worn on sports-attire or even car- or vehicle-flags and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. never used- ie. 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'-), condition. The eagle - which ...  read more

Code: 48463

!! STOLEN !!

Linnen-based- and/or light-blue-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting an interwoven capital 'M'-character, as was presumably intended for staff-members of the German RLB (ie. 'Reichsluftschutz-Bund')

Linnen-based- and/or light-blue-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting an interwoven capital 'M'-character, as was presumably intended for staff-members of the German RLB (ie. 'Reichsluftschutz-Bund')

This is an attractive, linnen-based- and/or light-blue-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting an interwoven (white-coloured) capital 'M'-character as was presumably intended for staff-members (ie. 'Melder') of the German RLB (ie. 'Reichsluftschutz-Bund') and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit issued- and/or minimally worn-), condition. These neat linnen-based armbands were (presumably)...  read more

Code: 48457

!! STOLEN !!

Later-war-period, WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Kriegsabzeichen für Minensuch-, U-Boot-Jagd und Sicherungs-Verbände' being a detailed and non-maker-marked, 'Feinzink'-based example as was produced by the 'S&L'-company

Later-war-period, WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Kriegsabzeichen für Minensuch-, U-Boot-Jagd und Sicherungs-Verbände' being a detailed and non-maker-marked, 'Feinzink'-based example as was produced by the 'S&L'-company

This is an attractive example of a WH (Kriegsmarine) so-called: 'Kriegsabzeichen für Minensuch-, U-Boot-Jagd und Sicherungs-Verbände' (or: mine-sweeper war-badge) being a detailed- (and non-maker-marked- and I deem later-war-pattern) specimen, as was executed in multi-coloured zinc-based metal (ie. 'Feinzink') and that comes in an overall nice (albeit moderately worn- ie. used-), condition. The...  read more

Code: 48404

!! STOLEN !!

Neatly enamelled- and pre-war-period, so-called: 'DRK-Schwesternkreuz des 1. Modell' (being of the pattern without swastika that comes as issued and/or stored for decades)

Neatly enamelled- and pre-war-period, so-called: 'DRK-Schwesternkreuz des 1. Modell' (being of the pattern without swastika that comes as issued and/or stored for decades)

The attractive 'DRK-Schwesternkreuz des 1. Modell' (or: German Red Cross ie. 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz' honorary cross of the first model) is executed in silverish-coloured, 'Buntmetall'-based metal and is a very detailed and/or pronounced example that retains a fully preserved (and totally undamaged!) enamelled centre (as can be seen on the pictures). It came without its original silver-toned cha...  read more

Code: 48375

!! STOLEN !!

Commemorative - 'Buntmetall'-based-, N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie', being a maker- (ie. 'Wächtler u. Lange'-) marked example depicting an oath-taking hand above a swastika surrounded by the text: 'Treueschwur 25-2-1934 - Bayr. Ostmark'

Commemorative - 'Buntmetall'-based-, N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie', being a maker- (ie. 'Wächtler u. Lange'-) marked example depicting an oath-taking hand above a swastika surrounded by the text: 'Treueschwur 25-2-1934 - Bayr. Ostmark'

The neat and truly fairly 'high-quality-produced- and executed badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in silverish-toned metal (ie. 'Buntmetall') and depicts an oath-taking hand above a swastika-sign surrounded by the text: 'Treueschwur 25-2-1934 - Gau Bayr. Ostmark' and was as such intended for an N.S.D.A.P.-related oath-taking gathering. The badge - that shows some nor...  read more

Code: 48373

!! STOLEN !!

Third-Reich-period, bronze-toned- (ie. I deem 'Buntmetall-based') so-called: 'Haupt- und Handelsstadt Gera'-related commemorative-plaque entitled: 'Für hervorragende Leistungen' and that comes stored in its period etui

Third-Reich-period, bronze-toned- (ie. I deem 'Buntmetall-based') so-called: 'Haupt- und Handelsstadt Gera'-related commemorative-plaque entitled: 'Für hervorragende Leistungen' and that comes stored in its period etui

This is an attractive - and with certainty not that often encountered! - bronze-toned- (ie. I deem 'Buntmetall-based') so-called: 'Haupt- und Handelsstadt Gera' related commemorative-plaque showing a swastika-sign that is entitled: 'Für hervorragende Leistungen' and that comes stored in its period etui and that comes stored in its (period) etui and that comes as issued and/or stored for decades...  read more

Code: 48365

!! STOLEN !!

Commemorative, copper-based- and early-period, N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked example depicting an eagle-device and farmers'-scenery and showing the text: 'Westfälisch. Bauerntag - Hamm - 2. Dez. 1933'

Commemorative, copper-based- and early-period, N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked example depicting an eagle-device and farmers'-scenery and showing the text: 'Westfälisch. Bauerntag - Hamm - 2. Dez. 1933'

The attractive - and with certainty unusually seen! - round-shaped badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in golden-coloured- (and I deem copper-based-) material and depicts a detailed eagle-device, provincial-shield and farmers'-scenery and showing the text that reads: 'Westfälisch. Bauerntag - Hamm - 2. Dez. 1933'. The shield-shaped badge - that shows some normal wear ...  read more

Code: 48345

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive - and fairly scarcely encountered! - police (ie. 'Polizei') 'off-white'-coloured- and/or linnen-based sports'-shirt-eagle as executed in the 'BeVo'-weave pattern

Attractive - and fairly scarcely encountered! - police (ie. 'Polizei') 'off-white'-coloured- and/or linnen-based sports'-shirt-eagle as executed in the 'BeVo'-weave pattern

This is an attractive - and actually fairly scarcely encountered! - example of a police (ie. 'Polizei') 'off-white'-coloured- and/or linnen-based sports'-shirt-eagle (ie. 'Adler für Polizei-Sportanzug') as executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern and that comes in an overall nice- (ie. carefully confectioned- and/or moderately used- ie. worn-), condition. The neat piece - which is of the large...  read more

Code: 48315

!! STOLEN !!

Neatly enamelled- (and multi-coloured!) 'Mitgliedsabzeichen des Nationalsozialistische Lehrerbundes' (ie. 'N.S.L.B.') being a detailed example that shows the makers'-designation: 'Hoffstätter - Bonn' on its back

Neatly enamelled- (and multi-coloured!) 'Mitgliedsabzeichen des Nationalsozialistische Lehrerbundes' (ie. 'N.S.L.B.') being a detailed example that shows the makers'-designation: 'Hoffstätter - Bonn' on its back

The attractive (and actually scarcely seen!) lapel-pin (of the first pattern) has a very nicely preserved age-patina. It has most certainly never been cleaned nor polished: it is showing normal wear but is totally void of any real (enamel-) damage (as can be seen on the pictures): just some regular wear ie. minimal scratches are noticable. The circular-shaped badge (having an approximate diamet...  read more

Code: 48309

!! STOLEN !!

Fully matching pair of WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-) war-period 'M36'-pattern (ie. rounded-styled- and neatly 'cyphered') NCO-type shoulderstraps as was intended for an: 'Unteroffizier eines Wehrersatz-Dienstelle im Wehrkreis IX'

Fully matching pair of WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-) war-period 'M36'-pattern (ie. rounded-styled- and neatly 'cyphered') NCO-type shoulderstraps as was intended for an: 'Unteroffizier eines Wehrersatz-Dienstelle im Wehrkreis IX'

This is an attractive - and/or fully matching and actually not that easily found! - pair of WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-) war-period so-called: 'M36'-pattern (ie. rounded-styled- and/or neatly 'cyphered') NCO-type shoulderstraps as was piped in the white- (ie. 'weisser'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for an: 'Unteroffizier eines Wehrersatz-Dienstelle im Wehrkreis IX' (or: junior-serge...  read more

Code: 48299

!! STOLEN !!

Superb, hand-embroidered example of a: DLV (ie. 'Deutscher Luftsportsverband'-) related so-called: 'Segelflieger-C-Abzeichen' (being a very detailed- and quality-produced example)

Superb, hand-embroidered example of a: DLV (ie. 'Deutscher Luftsportsverband'-) related so-called: 'Segelflieger-C-Abzeichen' (being a very detailed- and quality-produced example)

This is a very attractive example of a so-called: DLV (ie. 'Deutscher Luftsportsverband'-) related so-called: 'Segelflieger-C-Abzeichen' being a very detailed- and with certainty quality-produced example that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit moderately used and/or worn- and carefully tunic-removed), condition. The attractive badge shows three bright-silver-coloured 'Schwingen' and is thus...  read more

Code: 48270

!! STOLEN !!

Superb - and never before seen! - multi-coloured- and/or neatly 'BeVo'-woven so-called: 'Reichsarbeitsdienst'- (ie. RAD-) related sport-shirt-patch entitled: 'Arbeitsdank' (that comes in a 'virtually mint'- and/or never tunic-attached condition)

Superb - and never before seen! - multi-coloured- and/or neatly 'BeVo'-woven so-called: 'Reichsarbeitsdienst'- (ie. RAD-) related sport-shirt-patch entitled: 'Arbeitsdank' (that comes in a 'virtually mint'- and/or never tunic-attached condition)

This is a truly very attractive - and never before seen! - multi-coloured- and/or neatly 'BeVo'-woven, so-called: 'Reichsarbeitsdienst'- (ie. RAD-) related (I deem) sport-shirt-patch entitled: 'Arbeitsdank' being a very attractive example that comes in a 'virtually mint'- and/or never tunic-attached, condition. I could not find any reference regarding this patch and deem that it only saw minima...  read more

Code: 48228

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive example of a WH (Luftwaffe) 'Beobachtersabzeichen in Stoff' (or: observers-badge in cloth) being a neatly machine-stitched- and/or nicely 'padded' specimen

Attractive example of a WH (Luftwaffe) 'Beobachtersabzeichen in Stoff' (or: observers-badge in cloth) being a neatly machine-stitched- and/or nicely 'padded' specimen

This is an attractive example of a WH (Luftwaffe) 'Beobachtersabzeichen in Stoff' (or: observers-badge in cloth) being a neatly machine-stitched- and/or nicely 'padded' specimen as was executed in silver-greyish-coloured linnen and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'- and/or never tunic-attached-), condition. The badge is naturally a fine original example (s...  read more

Code: 48206

!! STOLEN !!

Commemorative, copper-based N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked example depicting an eagle-device and shield and showing the text: 'Ein Volk - Ein Reich'

Commemorative, copper-based N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked example depicting an eagle-device and shield and showing the text: 'Ein Volk - Ein Reich'

The attractive - and with certainty unusually seen! - round-shaped badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in golden-coloured- (and I deem copper-based-) material and depicts a small eagle-device and provincial shield coupled with the text: 'Ein Volk - Ein Reich'. The badge - that shows some normal wear and/or moderate age - has an approximate diameter of 3,6 cms. and c...  read more

Code: 48153

!! STOLEN !!

Fully matching - and neatly 'cyphered'! - pair of WH (Luftwaffe) NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the light-brown-coloured branchcolour, as was intended for a: 'Feldwebel der Nachrichten-Truppen u. Mitglied einer Nachrichtenschule'

Fully matching - and neatly 'cyphered'! - pair of WH (Luftwaffe) NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the light-brown-coloured branchcolour, as was intended for a: 'Feldwebel der Nachrichten-Truppen u. Mitglied einer Nachrichtenschule'

This is an attractive - and/or fully matching! - pair of neatly 'cyphered', WH (Luftwaffe) NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the light-brown- (ie. 'hell- o. kupferbrauner'-) coloured branchcolour, as was intended for - and used by! - a: 'Feldwebel der Nachrichten-Truppen u. Mitglied einer Nachrichtenschule' (or: signals-sergeant and member within one of the LW signal-schools) and that comes i...  read more

Code: 48134

!! STOLEN !!

Fully matching, WH (Heeres), I deem mid-war-period- (ie. 'M43'-pattern-) NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the black-coloured branchcolour as was intended for - and/or used by! - an: 'Oberfeldwebel der Pionier-Truppen'

Fully matching, WH (Heeres), I deem mid-war-period- (ie. 'M43'-pattern-) NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the black-coloured branchcolour as was intended for - and/or used by! - an: 'Oberfeldwebel der Pionier-Truppen'

This is a truly attractive - and actually not that easily encountered! - I deem mid-war-period- (ie. 'M43'-pattern-) NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the desirable, black- (ie. 'schwarzer'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for - and/or clearly used by! - an: 'Oberfeldwebel der Pionier-Truppen' (or: sergeant first-class who served within an army engineers'-unit ie. regiment) and that co...  read more

Code: 48120

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive - and actually rarely seen! - HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') pre-war- (ie. after 1938-) so-called: 'Ärmelabzeichen' (ie. arm-badge) that was intended for usage by a member who served within the so-called: 'Luftsportscharen'

Attractive - and actually rarely seen! - HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') pre-war- (ie. after 1938-) so-called: 'Ärmelabzeichen' (ie. arm-badge) that was intended for usage by a member who served within the so-called: 'Luftsportscharen'

This is an attractive - and actually rarely seen! - HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') pre-war- (ie. after 1938-) so-called: 'Ärmelabzeichen' (ie. arm-badge) that was intended for usage by a member who served within the so-called: 'Luftsportscharen' being an example that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' and/or never tunic- e. shirt-attached-), condition. The neat patch - ...  read more

Code: 48110

!! STOLEN !!

Greyish-silver-coloured- and/or metal-based, so-called: 'RADwJ' (or: womens' labour-service) service-badge (or: 'Dienstbrosche') as intended for an: 'Arbeitsmaid'

Greyish-silver-coloured- and/or metal-based, so-called: 'RADwJ' (or: womens' labour-service) service-badge (or: 'Dienstbrosche') as intended for an: 'Arbeitsmaid'

This is a neat, silverish-grey-coloured and/or blank metal-based, so-called: 'RADwJ' (or womens' labour-service) service-badge (or: 'Dienstbrosche') as was intended for an: 'Arbeitsmaid' and that comes in an overall overall nice- (albeit moderately used- ie. worn-), condition. The brooch - having a diameter of approximately 4 cms. - has pronounced detail and comes naturally mounted on its funct...  read more

Code: 48106

!! STOLEN !!

Detailed- and neatly enamelled so-called: 'Silberne Ehrennadel des Zentralverbandes für Zucht und Prüfung deutscher Pferde' being a larger-sized  example that shows the makers'-designation 'L.Chr. Lauer' on its back

Detailed- and neatly enamelled so-called: 'Silberne Ehrennadel des Zentralverbandes für Zucht und Prüfung deutscher Pferde' being a larger-sized example that shows the makers'-designation 'L.Chr. Lauer' on its back

The attractive - and actually scarcely seen! - TR-era lapel-pin has been moderately used ie. worn but has a very nicely preserved age-patina and has most certainly never been cleaned nor polished: it is showing normal wear but is totally void of any (enamel-) damage (as can be seen on the pictures): just some regular wear ie. minimal scratches are noticable. The badge - ie. honorary award - sho...  read more

Code: 48079

!! STOLEN !!

Multi-coloured- and very detailed so-called: 'Gaumeisterabzeichen 1944 in Gold mit Eichenlaubkranz des Standschützenverbandes Tirol-Vorarlberg' (as was awarded for the 'K.K.-Gewehr'(ie. 'Klein Kaliber-Gewehr')

Multi-coloured- and very detailed so-called: 'Gaumeisterabzeichen 1944 in Gold mit Eichenlaubkranz des Standschützenverbandes Tirol-Vorarlberg' (as was awarded for the 'K.K.-Gewehr'(ie. 'Klein Kaliber-Gewehr')

This is an attractive example of a so-called: 'Gaumeisterabzeichen 1944 in Gold mit Eichenlaubkranz des Standschützenverbandes Tirol-Vorarlberg' being an example that was awarded for the K.K.-Gewehr (ie. 'Klein Kaliber-Gewehr'- or small caliber rifle) being a non-maker-marked example that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. minimally used- ie. worn-), condition. The very detailed and fairly lar...  read more

Code: 48073

!! STOLEN !!

Silver-toned- (ie. 'Buntmetall-based'-), so-called: 'Reichsverband für das Deutsche Hundenwesen' (ie. RDH-) related, commemorative-plaque entitled: 'Für gute Leistung' (ie. 'RDH Gau-Südwest') and that comes stored in its period etui

Silver-toned- (ie. 'Buntmetall-based'-), so-called: 'Reichsverband für das Deutsche Hundenwesen' (ie. RDH-) related, commemorative-plaque entitled: 'Für gute Leistung' (ie. 'RDH Gau-Südwest') and that comes stored in its period etui

This is an attractive - and with certainty not that often encountered! - silver-toned- (ie. 'Buntmetall-based'!), so-called: 'Reichsverband für das Deutsche Hundenwesen' (ie. RDH-) related commemorative-plaque (ie. 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Siegermedaille') showing oakleaves, two provincial-shields and text coupled with a typical swastika-device and entitled: 'Für gute Leistung' (ie. 'RDH ...  read more

Code: 48004

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive, 'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' (or: 'Bund Deutscher Mädel') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Südost Wien', that comes with its originally attached, paper-based 'RzM'-etiket

Attractive, 'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' (or: 'Bund Deutscher Mädel') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Südost Wien', that comes with its originally attached, paper-based 'RzM'-etiket

This is a 'female'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in silverish-white-coloured linnen on a black-coloured- (and also linnen-based-) background. This example comes as stated with its originally attached-, paper-based so-called: 'RzM-etiket' ('A-Stück') still in place and comes in a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued', condition. It should be noted that the 'Austrian'-based HJ district-tr...  read more

Code: 47990

!! STOLEN !!

Dutch NSB-party-related-, so-called: 'NAD- ie. Nederlands Arbeidsdienst Ledendraagteeken' (or: Dutch Labour Service membership-pin) showing a clearly present makers'-designation that reads: 'Kon. Begeer - Voorschoten'

Dutch NSB-party-related-, so-called: 'NAD- ie. Nederlands Arbeidsdienst Ledendraagteeken' (or: Dutch Labour Service membership-pin) showing a clearly present makers'-designation that reads: 'Kon. Begeer - Voorschoten'

This is a fine example of a multi-coloured- and nicely enamelled, Dutch NSB-party-related, so-called: 'NAD- ie. Nederlands Arbeidsdienst Ledendraagteeken' (or: Dutch Labour Service membership-pin) showing a clearly present makers'-designation that reads: 'Kon. Begeer - Voorschoten' and that comes in an overall nicely preserved- albeit clearly worn, condition. The pin on offer here comes mounted...  read more

Code: 47985

!! STOLEN !!

RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst') officers'-pattern, commemorative cuff-title (ie. 'Dienstärmelstreifen') depicting a capital 'S'-character (as was intended for commisioned-staff working on the various 'Westwall'-fortifications)

RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst') officers'-pattern, commemorative cuff-title (ie. 'Dienstärmelstreifen') depicting a capital 'S'-character (as was intended for commisioned-staff working on the various 'Westwall'-fortifications)

This is a very attractive, RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst') officers'-pattern, commemorative cuff-title (ie. 'Dienstärmelstreifen für Führer') depicting a capital 'S'-character (as was presumably intended for staff working on the various 'Westwall'-fortifications in the Emsland-region) and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit moderately used- and/or clearly tunic-removed-), condition. These RA...  read more

Code: 47953

!! STOLEN !!

Linnen-based- and/or neatly 'printed', white-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') entitled: 'Im Dienst der Deutschen Wehrmacht', as was intended for (civilian) staff-members of the German armed forces ie. 'Deutsche Wehrmacht'

Linnen-based- and/or neatly 'printed', white-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') entitled: 'Im Dienst der Deutschen Wehrmacht', as was intended for (civilian) staff-members of the German armed forces ie. 'Deutsche Wehrmacht'

This is an attractive, linnen-based- and/or neatly 'printed', white-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') entitled: 'Im Dienst der Deutschen Wehrmacht', as was intended for (civilian) staff-members of the German armed forces ie. 'Deutsche Wehrmacht', that comes in an overall nice (ie. clearly issued ie. used- and/or worn-), condition. These white-coloured and/or: linnen-based armbands were used by ...  read more

Code: 47895

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Linnen-based- and/or bright-blue-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting an interwoven capital 'O'-character, as was presumably intended for staff-members of the German RLB (ie. 'Reichsluftschutz-Bund')

Linnen-based- and/or bright-blue-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting an interwoven capital 'O'-character, as was presumably intended for staff-members of the German RLB (ie. 'Reichsluftschutz-Bund')

This is an attractive, linnen-based- and/or bright-blue-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting an interwoven (beige-white-coloured) capital 'O'-character, as was presumably intended for staff-members of the German RLB (ie. 'Reichsluftschutz-Bund') and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit issued- and/or clearly worn-), condition. These neat linnen-based armbands were (presumably) used by ...  read more

Code: 47893

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'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Düsseldorf' (being a minimally used- and/or worn example that regrettably misses its 'RzM'-etiket)

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Düsseldorf' (being a minimally used- and/or worn example that regrettably misses its 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a 'female'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in silver-white-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was presumably issued and/or minimally used- ie. tunic-attached but has lost its 'RzM-etiket' over the years: it has once been glued into an album or scrapbook and shows some glue- ie. carton-remains on its back (as can be seen on ...  read more

Code: 47888

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Darker-bronze-toned- (ie. genuine bronze-based!) so-called: 'Reichsverband für das Deutsche Hundenwesen' (ie. RDH-) related, commemorative-plaque entitled: 'Für hervorragende Leistung'

Darker-bronze-toned- (ie. genuine bronze-based!) so-called: 'Reichsverband für das Deutsche Hundenwesen' (ie. RDH-) related, commemorative-plaque entitled: 'Für hervorragende Leistung'

This is an attractive - and with certainty not that often encountered! - darker-bronze-toned- (ie. genuine bronze-based!) so-called: 'Reichsverband für das Deutsche Hundenwesen' (ie. RDH-) related, commemorative-plaque (ie. 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Siegermedaille') showing oakleaved and text coupled with a swastika-sign and entitled: 'Für hervorragende Leistung' on its back and that comes...  read more

Code: 47885

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WH (Luftwaffe)-related- (EM- ie. NCO-pattern-) machine-embroidered breast-badge ie. eagle-device, as was specifically intended for staff working within the WH 'Generalluftzeugmeister'- (ie. 'GL'-) organisation

WH (Luftwaffe)-related- (EM- ie. NCO-pattern-) machine-embroidered breast-badge ie. eagle-device, as was specifically intended for staff working within the WH 'Generalluftzeugmeister'- (ie. 'GL'-) organisation

This is an attractive example of a WH (Luftwaffe)-related (and EM- ie. NCO-pattern-) machine-embroidered breast-badge ie. eagle-device (as was specifically intended for staff working within the WH (Luftwaffe) so-called: 'Generalluftzeugmeister' (ie. 'GL') organisation and that comes in an overall nice- (ie. clearly used- and/or once tunic-attached-), condition. This fairly unknown, TR-period-or...  read more

Code: 47866

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Never before seen - and with certainty rarely encountered! - example of a female-related- (ie. 'NS-Frauenschaft' or German Womens'-Association) 'BeVo'-woven sports'-shirt badge depicting the text: 'Deutscher Frauenhilfsdienst'

Never before seen - and with certainty rarely encountered! - example of a female-related- (ie. 'NS-Frauenschaft' or German Womens'-Association) 'BeVo'-woven sports'-shirt badge depicting the text: 'Deutscher Frauenhilfsdienst'

This is a very attractive - and with certainty rarely encountered! - example of a female-related- (ie. 'NS-Frauenschaft' or German Womens'-Association-related) presumably sports'-shirt badge being an example that was executed in 'BeVo'-weave-pattern and showing a swastika, life-rune and depicting the text: 'Deutscher Frauenhilfsdienst' and that comes in a very nice (ie. 'virtually mint- ie. uni...  read more

Code: 47865

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WH (Heeres ie. 'Panzer'-) machine-embroidered-, trade- ie. special-career patch, having a not that often encountered (bright-pink-coloured) 'Kordel' (ie. 'Umrandung') attached, as was intended for a: 'Panzerwarte o. Kfz.-Warte der I. Klasse'

WH (Heeres ie. 'Panzer'-) machine-embroidered-, trade- ie. special-career patch, having a not that often encountered (bright-pink-coloured) 'Kordel' (ie. 'Umrandung') attached, as was intended for a: 'Panzerwarte o. Kfz.-Warte der I. Klasse'

I recently uncovered two - fully identical! - examples of a WH (Heeres ie. 'Panzer') machine-embroidered-, trade- ie. special-career patches (ie. 'Laufbahn- o. Tätigkeitsabzeichen') having a not that often encountered (bright-pink-coloured) 'Kordel' (ie. 'Umrandung') attached, as was intended for a: 'Panzerwarte o. Kfz.-Warte der I. Klasse' (ie. 'Panzer'- and/or vehicle mechanic, 1st class) and...  read more

Code: 47844

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Spanish-issued, Spanish Civil-War commemorative-medal called: 'Medalla de la Campaña 1936-1939' that comes mounted on its (typically Spanish) mounted ribbon

Spanish-issued, Spanish Civil-War commemorative-medal called: 'Medalla de la Campaña 1936-1939' that comes mounted on its (typically Spanish) mounted ribbon

The neat and/or multi-coloured medal retains all of its fairly bright, blackish- and/or bright-golden-toned finish and retains a very detailed and/or pronounced appearance: it is just a bit dirty and/or tarnished simply caused by decades of storage and/or moderate wear. The front of the medal shows a lion crushing a dragon bearing a hammer and sickle underfoot imposed on a gilt cross made up of...  read more

Code: 47800

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Bright-red-coloured- and 'molded'-style, N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') bearing the text: 'Gautreffen - Westfalen-Nord - 1937' (showing the text: 'Gelsenkirchen - 25.-28. Juni' on its back)

Bright-red-coloured- and 'molded'-style, N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') bearing the text: 'Gautreffen - Westfalen-Nord - 1937' (showing the text: 'Gelsenkirchen - 25.-28. Juni' on its back)

This is an attractive bright-red-coloured- and/or 'molded'-'Bakelite'-based, N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') showing a superimposed swastika-sign and bearing on its front the text: 'Gautreffen - Westfalen-Nord - 1937' (and having on its back the superimposed text: 'Gelsenkirchen - 25.-28. Juni') and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit moderately...  read more

Code: 47791

!! STOLEN !!

Commemorative, bronze-toned A.D.A.C.-related car-plaque (ie. 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Fahrzeug-Medaille des A.D.A.C.') showing two enamelled shields and text: 'Zielfahrt Gau IIb - Motor-Sp.-Club Tangermünde - 29.6.1930'

Commemorative, bronze-toned A.D.A.C.-related car-plaque (ie. 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Fahrzeug-Medaille des A.D.A.C.') showing two enamelled shields and text: 'Zielfahrt Gau IIb - Motor-Sp.-Club Tangermünde - 29.6.1930'

This is an attractive - and with certainty not that often- ie. even scarcely encountered! - darker-bronze-toned, so-called: A.D.A.C.-related car-plaque (ie. 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Fahrzeug-Medaille des A.D.A.C.') showing two enamelled shields, an engraved swastika-sign and text: 'Zielfahrt Gau IIb - Motor-Sp.-Club Tangermünde - 29.6.1930' and that comes in an overall wonderful and/or ni...  read more

Code: 47781

!! STOLEN !!

Reddish-brown-coloured- and 'molded'-style, N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') bearing the text: 'Gautreffen - Westfalen-Nord - 1937' (showing the text: 'Gelsenkirchen - 25.-28. Juni' on its back)

Reddish-brown-coloured- and 'molded'-style, N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') bearing the text: 'Gautreffen - Westfalen-Nord - 1937' (showing the text: 'Gelsenkirchen - 25.-28. Juni' on its back)

This is an attractive reddish-brown-coloured- and/or 'molded'-'Bakelite'-based, N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') showing a superimposed swastika-sign and bearing on its front the text: 'Gautreffen - Westfalen-Nord - 1937' (and having on its back the superimposed text: 'Gelsenkirchen - 25.-28. Juni') and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit modera...  read more

Code: 47778

!! STOLEN !!

Fully matching pair of WH (Kriegsmarine ie. 'Küstenartillerie') officers'-type shoulderboards (as was specifically intended for uage on the field-grey-coloured tunics) as intended for a: 'Leutnant eines Küstenartillerie-Abteilungs'

Fully matching pair of WH (Kriegsmarine ie. 'Küstenartillerie') officers'-type shoulderboards (as was specifically intended for uage on the field-grey-coloured tunics) as intended for a: 'Leutnant eines Küstenartillerie-Abteilungs'

This is an attractive - and/or fully matching and actually not that easily encountered! - pair of WH (Kriegsmarine ie. 'Küstenartillerie') officers'-type shoulderboards (as was specifically intended for uage on the field-grey-coloured tunics) as was piped in the darker-green- (ie. 'grüner'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for a: 'Leutnant eines Küstenartillerie-Abteilungs' (or: lieutnant...  read more

Code: 47070

!! STOLEN !!

HJ- ie. BDM (ie. 'Hitlerjugend' or: 'Bund Deutscher Mädel') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Saarpfalz' (showing a period-attached, silver-toned 'honorary rank-stripe' signifying BDM-membership before 1933)

HJ- ie. BDM (ie. 'Hitlerjugend' or: 'Bund Deutscher Mädel') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Saarpfalz' (showing a period-attached, silver-toned 'honorary rank-stripe' signifying BDM-membership before 1933)

This is a 'female'-specimen of an early-period so-called: HJ-district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') indicating that it is neatly woven in silver-white-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based) background. This example was with certainty issued and/or worn but has regrettably lost its (presumably) once-attached 'RzM-etiket' over the years: it was clearly used and worn (as can...  read more

Code: 47772

!! STOLEN !!

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM'- ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Süd Schwaben' (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example that still retains its period-attached 'RzM'-etiket)

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM'- ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Süd Schwaben' (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example that still retains its period-attached 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a 'female'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in silverish-white-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was probably issued but was simply never used- nor tunic-attached and still retains its period-attached 'RzM-etiket' (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece just shows some minimal staining caused by decades of storage only ...  read more

Code: 47754

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Commemorative, early-period- and/or copper-based N.S.B.O.-related 'tinnie', being a non-maker-marked example depicting a scenery and showing the text: 'Grenzland-Treffen - Deutscher Arbeiter u. Bauern - 16. u. 17. September - Birkenfeld - 1933'

Commemorative, early-period- and/or copper-based N.S.B.O.-related 'tinnie', being a non-maker-marked example depicting a scenery and showing the text: 'Grenzland-Treffen - Deutscher Arbeiter u. Bauern - 16. u. 17. September - Birkenfeld - 1933'

The attractive - and with certainty unusually seen! - early-period badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in golden-coloured and I deem copper-based material and depicts a towns'-scenery and various devices (amongst which the N.S.B.O.-device) coupled with the text: 'Grenzland-Treffen - Deutscher Arbeiter u. Bauern - 16. u. 17. September - Birkenfeld - 1933' and that was ...  read more

Code: 47750

!! STOLEN !!

Silver-toned- (and/or tin-based) RAD- (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst'-) related day-badge depicting a so-called: 'RAD-Zahnrad' and text: 'Arbeitsbeschaffung - 28.9.-14.10.1934 - Wttbg. Hohenz.' and sub-titled: 'Reichs-Betr. Gem. - Handel u. Handwerk'

Silver-toned- (and/or tin-based) RAD- (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst'-) related day-badge depicting a so-called: 'RAD-Zahnrad' and text: 'Arbeitsbeschaffung - 28.9.-14.10.1934 - Wttbg. Hohenz.' and sub-titled: 'Reichs-Betr. Gem. - Handel u. Handwerk'

This is an attractive - and with certainty not that often seen! - silver-toned- (and I deem tin-based) commemorative RAD- (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') depicting a so-called: 'RAD-Zahnrad' and text: 'Arbeitsbeschaffung - 28.9.-14.10.1934 - Wttbg. Hohenz.' and sub-titled: 'Reichs-Betr. Gem. - Handel u. Handwerk' and that was as such i...  read more

Code: 47748

!! STOLEN !!

Golden-toned- (and/or tin-based) WH (Heeres) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate the: 'Unteroffizierskorps - Regensburg - 1937'

Golden-toned- (and/or tin-based) WH (Heeres) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate the: 'Unteroffizierskorps - Regensburg - 1937'

This is an attractive - and with certainty not that often seen! - golden-toned- (and I deem tin-based) commemorative WH (Heeres) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') that depicts a side-portrait of a Heeres-soldier wearing a steelhelmet couple with the text: 'Unteroffizierskorps - Regensburg - 1937' and that was as such intended for a specific NCO-gathering ie. rally t...  read more

Code: 47746

!! STOLEN !!

HJ/BDM ('Hitlerjugend' ie.: 'Bund Deutscher Mädel') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Westmark' (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example that still retains its 'RzM'-etiket)

HJ/BDM ('Hitlerjugend' ie.: 'Bund Deutscher Mädel') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Westmark' (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example that still retains its 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a 'female'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in silver-white-coloured linnen on a black-coloured- (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was simply never used- (nor tunic- or shirt-attached) and still retains its period-applied 'RzM'-etiket (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece does show some minimal storage-age (and is minimally stained). Simply an attractiv...  read more

Code: 47712

!! STOLEN !!

Unusally seen so-called: WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related miniature harmonica entitled: 'WHW' that comes  in a moderately used condition

Unusally seen so-called: WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related miniature harmonica entitled: 'WHW' that comes in a moderately used condition

This is a neat - and actually unusally seen! - so-called: WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related miniature harmonica entitled: 'WHW' that comes in a moderately used condition. The tiny piece - only measuring 3,5 x 1,3 x 1,4 cms. - is constructed from red-coloured wood having two chrome-steel-based decking-plates of which the upper-piece shows the engraved text: 'WHW' (as can be seen on the pic...  read more

Code: 47710

!! STOLEN !!