7787 items found
WH (Heeres) trade- and/or special-career-insignia (ie. hand-embroidered 'signal-blitz') as was specifically intended for a soldier within the: '(Nebel)Werfer-Truppen'

WH (Heeres) trade- and/or special-career-insignia (ie. hand-embroidered 'signal-blitz') as was specifically intended for a soldier within the: '(Nebel)Werfer-Truppen'

This is an attractive - and actually in this branchcolour very scarcely found! - example of a so-called: WH (Heeres) trade- and/or special-career-insignia (ie. 'signal blitz') as was executed in the purple-red- (ie. 'bordeaux'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for a 'signals-operator' (or: 'WH-Nachrichten Personal') ie. soldier serving within the: '(Nebel)Werfer-Truppen' (ie....  read more

Code: 68191


Single, SA (ie. 'Sturmabteilungen') collar-patch (ie. 'Kragenspiegel'): 'SA-Mitglied': 'SA-Gruppe Niederrhein' that still retains its 'RzM-etiket'

Single, SA (ie. 'Sturmabteilungen') collar-patch (ie. 'Kragenspiegel'): 'SA-Mitglied': 'SA-Gruppe Niederrhein' that still retains its 'RzM-etiket'

This is a neat - albeit regrettably single! - specific SA (ie. 'Sturmabteilungen') collar-patch (ie. 'Kragenspiegel') as executed in bright-red-coloured wool (and piped with twisted, golden-toned 'braid') as was (I deem) intended for usage by an: 'SA-Mitglied' serving within the: 'SA-Gruppe Niederrhein' being a just moderately used- (and/or carefully tunic-removed) example. The piece - that sho...  read more

Code: 68190


WH (Heeres) trade- and/or special-career insignia ie. hand-embroidered signal-blitz: 'Infanterie-Trpn.'

WH (Heeres) trade- and/or special-career insignia ie. hand-embroidered signal-blitz: 'Infanterie-Trpn.'

This is an attractive - and I deem just moderately used! - example of a so-called trade- and/or special-career insignia (ie. 'Signal Blitz') as was executed in the white- (ie. 'weisser'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for a 'signals-operator' (or: 'WH-Nachrichtenpersonal') ie. soldier serving within the: 'Infanterie-Truppen' (ie. infantry-troops) and that comes in an overall very nice- ...  read more

Code: 68189

35.00 EUR

WH (Heeres o. Waffen-SS) 'Deutsches Kreuz im Gold' (ie. DKiG or German Cross in gold)

WH (Heeres o. Waffen-SS) 'Deutsches Kreuz im Gold' (ie. DKiG or German Cross in gold)

This is an attractive - minimally damaged and I deem clearly issued and just minimally worn! - example of a cloth version of a WH (Heeres o. Waffen-SS) 'Deutsches Kreuz im Gold in Stoff' (or: cloth-based DKiG ie. German Cross in gold) that comes in an overall very nice- (I deem just minimally worn- and or carefully tunic-removed-), condition. The piece - which is neatly hand-embroidered in vari...  read more

Code: 68188

700.00 EUR

WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Marine-Artillerie-Abzeichen' being a clearly maker- (ie. 'L/56'- thus by: 'Funcke & Brüninghaus'-) marked and/or zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based example

WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Marine-Artillerie-Abzeichen' being a clearly maker- (ie. 'L/56'- thus by: 'Funcke & Brüninghaus'-) marked and/or zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based example

This is an attractive example of an - I deem somewhat later-war-period - WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Marine-Artillerie-Abzeichen' (or: coastal-artillery war-badge) being a neatly maker- 'L/56'- thus by: 'Funcke & Brüninghaus'-) marked and/or typical zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based example that comes as moderately used ie. worn and that comes in an overall nice, condition. The award retains its typical cat...  read more

Code: 68187

290.00 EUR

'Sonderabzeichen für das Niederkämpfen von Panzerkampfwagen usw. durch Einzelkämpfer in Silber' (ie. tank-destruction badge)

'Sonderabzeichen für das Niederkämpfen von Panzerkampfwagen usw. durch Einzelkämpfer in Silber' (ie. tank-destruction badge)

The extraordinary 'Sonderabzeichen für das Niederkämpfen von Panzerkampfwagen usw. durch Einzelkämpfer in Silber' (ie. tank-destruction badge ie. TDB in silver) on offer here is a very attractive - and truly detailed! - example showing a nicely minimally blackened- (ie. blackish-silvered- and typical magnetic!) tank-badge mounted onto its original piece of nicely 'inter-woven', silver- ie. blac...  read more

Code: 68186


DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was specifically intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 5'

DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was specifically intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 5'

This is a very attractive - and truly rarely found! - DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 5' and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. never used- nor worn- ie. 'virtually mint- and unissued'-), condition. The white-coloured rune-sign - which is executed on a black-coloured background and is woven in the neat so-calle...  read more

Code: 68185

195.00 EUR

DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was specifically intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 6' (ie. 'NPEA'- ie. 'NAPOLA'-institutes)

DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was specifically intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 6' (ie. 'NPEA'- ie. 'NAPOLA'-institutes)

This is a very attractive - and truly rarely found! - DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 6' (ie. within one of the: 'Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten' ie. 'Napola') and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. never used- nor worn- ie. 'virtually mint- and unissued'-), condition. These 'Nationalpolitische Erziehun...  read more

Code: 68184

225.00 EUR

'NS-Frauenschaft'- (ie. NSF-) membership-badge (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen') as was specifically intended for a: 'Frauenschaftsleiterin der Kreisleitung' (that shows an: 'RzM M1/34'-designation)

'NS-Frauenschaft'- (ie. NSF-) membership-badge (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen') as was specifically intended for a: 'Frauenschaftsleiterin der Kreisleitung' (that shows an: 'RzM M1/34'-designation)

This particular - neatly enamelled and actually quite scarcely found! - 'NS-Frauenschaft'- (ie. NSF-) membership-badge (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen') was intended to signify membership within the German Womens'-Association (or in German-language: 'NS-Frauenschaft') and that was specifically intended for usage by a medium-ranked NSF-official holding the rank of a so-called: 'Frauenschaftsleiterin de...  read more

Code: 68183


'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (ie. Iron Cross 1st class) being an (I deem) mid-war-period produced: 'L/52'- (ie. by 'C.F. Zimmermann'-marked-) example and that comes complete in its specific etui

'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (ie. Iron Cross 1st class) being an (I deem) mid-war-period produced: 'L/52'- (ie. by 'C.F. Zimmermann'-marked-) example and that comes complete in its specific etui

This is a truly very attractive - and I deem just mininimally used- and/or worn! - example of an: 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (ie. Iron Cross 1st class) being an (I deem) mid-war-period produced (and/or: 'L/52'- ie. by 'C.F. Zimmermann'-marked) example that comes complete in its specific (and equally nicely preserved!) etui as issued and/or recently found. The cross - which is non-vaulted ie. no...  read more

Code: 68182

550.00 EUR

Police- (ie. 'Polizei') 'standard'-pattern, silver-toned- and nickle-based belt-buckle (ie. 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Uffz. der Polizei') being a a maker- (ie. 'C.T.D.'-) marked example

Police- (ie. 'Polizei') 'standard'-pattern, silver-toned- and nickle-based belt-buckle (ie. 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Uffz. der Polizei') being a a maker- (ie. 'C.T.D.'-) marked example

The truly attractive - and I deem hardly- ie. just minimally used- and/or worn! - 'standard'-pattern, silver-toned- and (I deem) typical nickle-based police- (ie. 'Polizei') related belt-buckle (ie. 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere der Polizei o. Gendarmerie') is a very nicely preserved example that comes in a fully untouched- (and I deem only minimally used- and/or worn-), con...  read more

Code: 68181

190.00 EUR

'KvK 1. Kl. mit Schwertern' in etui by: 'Kerbach & Oesterhelt'

'KvK 1. Kl. mit Schwertern' in etui by: 'Kerbach & Oesterhelt'

The 'Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwertern' on offer here is a truly attractive (albeit as more often) non-maker-marked, so-called: 'Buntmetall'- ie. 'Tombak-'based specimen that was just moderately used and/or worn: it came still stored in its original (and truly fairly luxuriously-styled!) black-coloured etui as produced, issued and/or stored for decades. The attractive - and I deem t...  read more

Code: 68180


3-pieced 'WWI'- (ie. TR-) related medal-bar (ie. 'Ordenspange') resp. depicting a WWI-period: 'EK II.Kl.', a: 'FKK 1914-18' and a (very rarely seen!): 'Freie Stadt Danzig - Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen für 25 Jahre TD'

3-pieced 'WWI'- (ie. TR-) related medal-bar (ie. 'Ordenspange') resp. depicting a WWI-period: 'EK II.Kl.', a: 'FKK 1914-18' and a (very rarely seen!): 'Freie Stadt Danzig - Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen für 25 Jahre TD'

This is an attractive - and just moderately used- and/or worn and in this particular combination very rarely seen! - three-pieced, 'WWI'- and/or: Third Reich-period-related medal-bar (ie. 'Ordenspange') respectively depicting a WWI-period: 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' (or: iron cross second class), a: 'Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-18' (ie.: 'Kriegsteilnehmerkreuz mit Schwertern') and a neatly 'Buntmet...  read more

Code: 68179

900.00 EUR

WH (Heeres) 'standard'-pattern, aluminium-based (dress- ie. 'Ausgeh'-pattern) belt-buckle

WH (Heeres) 'standard'-pattern, aluminium-based (dress- ie. 'Ausgeh'-pattern) belt-buckle

The truly attractive - and I deem hardly used- nor worn! - example of a 'standard, two-pieced'-pattern, typical aluminium-based WH (Heeres) related (dress- ie. 'Ausgeh'-pattern) belt-buckle (ie. 'Ausgeh-Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere des Heeres') is a very nicely preserved example that comes in a fully untouched- (and I deem only minimally used- and/or worn-), condition (as ca...  read more

Code: 68178

145.00 EUR

'Reichsarbeitsdienst'- (ie. RAD-) EM- (ie. NCO-) type belt-buckle being a maker- (ie. 'Gottlieb & Sohn'-) marked example which is dated: '1939' and that comes mounted onto its leather-based tab

'Reichsarbeitsdienst'- (ie. RAD-) EM- (ie. NCO-) type belt-buckle being a maker- (ie. 'Gottlieb & Sohn'-) marked example which is dated: '1939' and that comes mounted onto its leather-based tab

This is a very attractive - hardly used and as always aluminium-based - 'Reichsarbeitsdienst'- (ie. RAD-) enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type belt-buckle (ie. 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere des Reicharbeitsdienstes') as was produced by the: 'Gottlieb & Sohn'-company and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit minimally used- ie. still 'virtually mint'-), condition. The neat -...  read more

Code: 68177

275.00 EUR

'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Gold' being a maker- (ie. '30'-) marked- and typical 'Buntmetall'-based 'flat-pinned'-example that comes stored in its maker- (ie. 'Hauptmünzamt - Wien'-) marked- and period etui

'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Gold' being a maker- (ie. '30'-) marked- and typical 'Buntmetall'-based 'flat-pinned'-example that comes stored in its maker- (ie. 'Hauptmünzamt - Wien'-) marked- and period etui

The truly attractive - and luxuriously-styled! - golden-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Gold') is executed in neat and/or fairly shiny, so-called: 'Buntmetall' and shows only moderate usage and/or minimal wear (as can be clearly seen on the pictures). The attractivce wound-badge comes naturally mounted onto its fully functional and typically 'broad'- (ie. 'flat'-) shaped pin an...  read more

Code: 68176


Aluminium-based, so-called: DRK (ie. 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz'), enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type belt-buckle being a maker- (ie. 'JFS'-) marked and: 1939-dated example

Aluminium-based, so-called: DRK (ie. 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz'), enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type belt-buckle being a maker- (ie. 'JFS'-) marked and: 1939-dated example

The attractive - and as always aluminium-based- ie. typically 'molded-styled' - DRK (ie. 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz') enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type belt-buckle (ie. 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere des deutschen Rotes Kreuzes') retains almost all of its greyish-silver-toned finish and comes in a just minimally used- and/or worn, condition: it does show some minimal age ie. staini...  read more

Code: 68175


Police- (ie. 'Polizei') 'standard'-pattern, silver-toned- and zinc-based belt-buckle (ie. 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Uffz. der Polizei') being a non-maker-marked example

Police- (ie. 'Polizei') 'standard'-pattern, silver-toned- and zinc-based belt-buckle (ie. 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Uffz. der Polizei') being a non-maker-marked example

The truly attractive - and I deem hardly- ie. just minimally used- and/or worn! - 'standard'-pattern, silver-toned- and typical zinc-based police- (ie. 'Polizei') related belt-buckle (ie. 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere der Polizei o. Gendarmerie') is a very nicely preserved example that comes in a fully untouched- (and I deem only minimally used- and/or worn-), condition (as ...  read more

Code: 68174

175.00 EUR

Linnen-based- and/or light-blue-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting an interwoven white-toned circle (ie. dot-) and dito white-coloured borders as was intended for usage by a: 'Luftschutzwart des Reichsluftschutz-Bundes'

Linnen-based- and/or light-blue-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting an interwoven white-toned circle (ie. dot-) and dito white-coloured borders as was intended for usage by a: 'Luftschutzwart des Reichsluftschutz-Bundes'

This is an attractive, linnen-based- and/or light-blue- (ie. 'hellblauer'-) coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting an interwoven white-toned circle (ie. dot-) and dito white-coloured borders as was intended for usage by a: 'Luftschutzwart o. Selbstschutz des Reichsluftschutz-Bundes o. RLB' and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit issued- and/or just minimally worn-), condition. Thes...  read more

Code: 68173

165.00 EUR

Woolen-based N.S.D.A.P.-related party-armband (ie. 'Armbinde')

Woolen-based N.S.D.A.P.-related party-armband (ie. 'Armbinde')

This is an attractive - and I deem just moderately worn- and/or used! - example of an (I deem) early-war- (ie. 'pre-war'-) period so-called: N.S.D.A.P.-related party-armband (ie. 'Armbinde') being of the 'non-woven'-pattern showing a white-coloured (linnen-based) roundel that is showing an additionally-added, black-coloured and neatly braid-based swastika and that comes in an overall nice- (ie....  read more

Code: 68172

265.00 EUR

Linnen-based- (and/or semi-'BeVo'-woven!) golden-yellow-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting 3 black 'dots' as was intended for war-blinded staff-members of the 'Deutsche Wehrmacht' (ie. 'Kriegsblinden')

Linnen-based- (and/or semi-'BeVo'-woven!) golden-yellow-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting 3 black 'dots' as was intended for war-blinded staff-members of the 'Deutsche Wehrmacht' (ie. 'Kriegsblinden')

This is an attractive - and actually quite rarely encountered! - linnen-based- (and/or semi-'BeVo'-woven), golden-yellow-coloured armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting 3 black 'dots' as was specifically intended for usage by war-blinded staff-members of the 'Deutsche Wehrmacht' (ie. 'Kriegsblinden') and that comes in an overall very nice- (I deem issued- and/or clearly worn-), condition. The armb...  read more

Code: 68171

325.00 EUR

Black-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz')

Black-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz')

The attractive - and typical magnetic! - black-class wound-badge (ie. 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz') was (I deem) just moderately worn and or used: it comes in a truly nicely preserved condition. Truly most of its original, black-coloured- (and/or: somewhat 'shiny'-styled- ie. satin-like) finish has been nicely preserved and it is just a tiny bit 'dusty' and/or minimally stained (as can be...  read more

Code: 63989


Black-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz')

Black-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz')

The attractive - and typical magnetic - black-class wound-badge (ie. 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz') was (I deem) just moderately worn and or used: it comes in a truly nicely preserved condition. Truly most of its original, black-coloured- (and/or: somewhat 'shiny'-styled- ie. satin-like) finish has been nicely preserved and it is just a tiny bit 'dusty' and/or minimally stained (as can be ...  read more

Code: 64380


Black-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz') maker-marked: 'L/56'

Black-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz') maker-marked: 'L/56'

The attractive - and I deem clearly used- and/or worn! - black-class wound-badge (ie. wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz') has lost some of its original, black-coloured- and/or somewhat 'matted'- ie. satin-like finish: it just shows moderate wear and usage. The wound-badge is - as stated above - neatly maker-marked with the makers'-designation: 'L/56' (as is visible on the back ...  read more

Code: 65692


Black-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz')

Black-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz')

The attractive - and typical magnetic - black-class wound-badge (ie. 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz') was (I deem) just moderately worn and or used: it comes in a truly nicely preserved condition. Truly most of its original, black-coloured- (and/or: somewhat 'shiny'-styled- ie. satin-like) finish has been nicely preserved and it is just a tiny bit 'dusty' and/or minimally stained (as can be ...  read more

Code: 66163


'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Silber' being a clearly maker- (ie. '13'-) marked, 'Buntmetall'-based example by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller') named: 'Gustav Brehmer'

'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Silber' being a clearly maker- (ie. '13'-) marked, 'Buntmetall'-based example by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller') named: 'Gustav Brehmer'

The attractive - and truly luxuriously styled! - silver-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Silber') is executed in neat silvered- (albeit somewhat tarnished- ie. worn) so-called: 'Buntmetall' and just shows some moderate usage and/or wear (as can be seen on the pictures). The badge - which is non-magnetic as more often - comes naturally mounted onto its fully functional ('thin'-sh...  read more

Code: 65355


N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Kraftfahrraute des 2. Model'

N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Kraftfahrraute des 2. Model'

This is a neat - and clearly used- and worn ie. once tunic-attached - example of a (slightly) 'padded' N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Kraftfahrraute des 2. Model' (or: so-called 'drivers'-diamond' of the 2nd and/or final pattern) and that comes in an overall nice- (ie. clearly used- and/or worn-), condition. The badge is neatly executed in machine-woven, s...  read more

Code: 64526


Regrettably incomplete, WH (Luftwaffe) 'Fallschirmschützen-Abzeichen' by the 'Assmann & Söhne'-company

Regrettably incomplete, WH (Luftwaffe) 'Fallschirmschützen-Abzeichen' by the 'Assmann & Söhne'-company

This is an attractive - and with certainty later-war-period! - so-called: zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based version of a WH (Luftwaffe) 'Fallschirmschützen-Abzeichen' (or: paratroopers-war-badge) being a typical maker- (ie. 'A'-) marked example as was produced by the 'Assmann & Söhne'-company and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit just moderately used- ie. worn- and regrettably incomplete), con...  read more

Code: 68170

450.00 EUR

Three-pieced WH (ie. N.S.D.A.P.-related) 'Feld-/Bandspange'

Three-pieced WH (ie. N.S.D.A.P.-related) 'Feld-/Bandspange'

The neat - and not that easily found! - three-pieced, WH (ie. N.S.D.A.P.-related) ribbon-bar (ie. 'Band- o. Feldspange') is respectively showing the ribbons for a: 'Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-18' (ie.: 'Kriegsteilnehmerkreuz 1914-18 mit Schwertern') having a golden-toned sword-device attached, a: 'Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse ohne Schwertern' (or: War Merits' Cross second class without swords) an...  read more

Code: 68169

55.00 EUR

WH (Heeres) early- (ie. evt. pre-) war-period, 'Panzer'-type breast-eagle

WH (Heeres) early- (ie. evt. pre-) war-period, 'Panzer'-type breast-eagle

This is an attractive - and with certainty not that easily encountered! - example of an early- (ie. eventually pre-war-) period WH (Heeres Panzer) greyish-silver-coloured breast-eagle of the so-called: 'M39'- (ie.'M40'-) pattern (ie. 'Brustadler für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere') as was executed in the (not that often seen!) machine-embroidered pattern onto a black-coloured (and woolen-based)...  read more

Code: 68168


WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Marine-Artillerie-Abzeichen' being a clearly maker- (ie. 'Schwerin - Berlin'-) marked and/or zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based example

WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Marine-Artillerie-Abzeichen' being a clearly maker- (ie. 'Schwerin - Berlin'-) marked and/or zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based example

This is an attractive example of an - I deem somewhat later-war-period - WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Marine-Artillerie-Abzeichen' (or: coastal-artillery war-badge) being a neatly maker- (ie. 'Schwerin - Berlin'-) marked and/or typical zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based example that comes as moderately used ie. worn and that comes in an overall nice, condition. The award retains its typical catch (-set-up) an...  read more

Code: 68167

290.00 EUR

HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') enamelled lapel-pin (ie.: 'Raute') with a: 'RzM - M1/72'-makers'-designation

HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') enamelled lapel-pin (ie.: 'Raute') with a: 'RzM - M1/72'-makers'-designation

The tiny - and I deem fairly early-period! - membership- badge (ie. 'Raute') is truly bright-red-coloured and is just minimally 'darkened' caused by normal age ie. wear. It is a detailed example that is showing an: 'RzM - M1/72'-makers'-designation on its back ie. 'points' (as can be noticed on the pictures). The tiny lapel-pin was most certainly never cleaned and is just a tiny bit stained (so...  read more

Code: 68166


WH (Luftwaffe) 'Fliegerschützen-Abzeichen ohne Blitzbündel' being a non-maker-marked- and/or: typical zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based example as was  (I deem) produced by the maker: 'Wilh. Deumer'

WH (Luftwaffe) 'Fliegerschützen-Abzeichen ohne Blitzbündel' being a non-maker-marked- and/or: typical zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based example as was (I deem) produced by the maker: 'Wilh. Deumer'

This is an attractive and/or quite detailed - and I deem just moderately used- and/or worn! - example of a later-war-period: WH (Luftwaffe) 'Fliegerschützen-Abzeichen ohne Blitzbündel' (or: Luftwaffe airgunners-war-badge without lightning-bolts) being a non-maker-marked- and/or: typical zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based example as was (I deem) produced by the maker: 'Wilh. Deumer' and that comes in...  read more

Code: 68165

350.00 EUR

Pair of WH (Luftwaffe) enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-type-) collar-patches as intended for a: 'Soldat der Flakartillerie-Truppen' (being of the specific model as intended for the great-coat ie. 'Mantel')

Pair of WH (Luftwaffe) enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-type-) collar-patches as intended for a: 'Soldat der Flakartillerie-Truppen' (being of the specific model as intended for the great-coat ie. 'Mantel')

The neat - albeit truly used- ie. worn! - WH (Luftwaffe) enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-type-) collar-tab pair is piped in the neat bright-red- (ie. 'hochroter'-) coloured branchcolour and is of the model that was specifically intended for usage on the great-coat (ie. 'Mantel'). The collar-patches are both executed in the bright-red- (ie. 'hochroter'-) coloured, 'smooth-type' (ie. 'moleskin'-type) wo...  read more

Code: 68164

70.00 EUR

WH (Kriegsmarine)-related side-cap eagle- and dito cocarde insignia-set (ie. 'Mützenadler u. Kokarde für Schiffchen') both pieces as executed in the 'BeVo'-weave pattern

WH (Kriegsmarine)-related side-cap eagle- and dito cocarde insignia-set (ie. 'Mützenadler u. Kokarde für Schiffchen') both pieces as executed in the 'BeVo'-weave pattern

This is an attractive - truly used- and clearly side-cap-removed- and actually noth that easily seen! - darker-blue-coloured, WH (Kriegsmarine)-related side-cap eagle- and dito cocarde insignia-set (ie. 'Mützenadler u. Kokarde für Schiffchen') both pieces as executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern, both examples as executed on a typical, darker-blue-coloured- (and/or also linnen-based-) backg...  read more

Code: 68163


WH (Heeres) 'Armwinkel' (or: arm-chevron): 'Gefreiter'

WH (Heeres) 'Armwinkel' (or: arm-chevron): 'Gefreiter'

This is an attractive - and I deem moderately used- and/or carefully tunic-removed! - example of a WH (Heeres) 'Armwinkel' (ie.: arm-chevron) as was executed on a typical, field-grey-coloured- and/or woolen-based background as was intended for usage by a soldier with the rank of: 'Gefreiter' (ie. private first-class) and that comes in an overall very nice- (and I deem clearly used-), condition....  read more

Code: 68162

35.00 EUR

Pair of WH (Luftwaffe) NCO-type shoulderstraps: 'Feldwebel der Nachrichten-Truppen u. Mitglied einer Nachrichtenschule'

Pair of WH (Luftwaffe) NCO-type shoulderstraps: 'Feldwebel der Nachrichten-Truppen u. Mitglied einer Nachrichtenschule'

This is an attractive - and/or fully matching! - pair of neatly 'cyphered', WH (Luftwaffe) NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the light-brown- (ie. 'hell- o. kupferbrauner'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for - and used by! - a: 'Feldwebel der Nachrichten-Truppen u. Mitglied einer Nachrichtenschule' (or: signals-sergeant and member who served within one of the LW signal-sc...  read more

Code: 68161


Pair of EM- (ie. NCO-) pattern, WH (Heeres) related shoulderstrap 'HV'-cyphers (ie. 'Ziffern'): 'Heeres-Verwaltung'

Pair of EM- (ie. NCO-) pattern, WH (Heeres) related shoulderstrap 'HV'-cyphers (ie. 'Ziffern'): 'Heeres-Verwaltung'

I recently found a small hoard comprising of various pairs of - fully matching! - WH (Heeres) related enlisted-mens- (ie. NCO-) pattern (thus silver-coloured- and I deem typical 'Cupal'-based) 'HV'-shoulderboard-cyphers (ie. 'Ziffern'): 'Heeres-Verwaltung' (ie. administrative services) depicting the Latin-styled 'HV'-characters as was specifically intended for usage onto a pair of EM- (ie. NCO-...  read more

Code: 68160

20.00 EUR

Pair of officers'-pattern, WH (Heeres) related shoulderstrap 'HV'-cyphers (ie. 'Ziffern'): 'Heeres-Verwaltung'

Pair of officers'-pattern, WH (Heeres) related shoulderstrap 'HV'-cyphers (ie. 'Ziffern'): 'Heeres-Verwaltung'

I recently found a small hoard comprising of various pairs of - fully matching! - WH (Heeres) related officers'-pattern (thus golden-bronze-coloured- and I deem typical 'Cupal'-based) 'HV'-shoulderboard-cyphers (ie. 'Ziffern'): 'Heeres-Verwaltung' depicting the Latin-styled 'HV'-characters as was specifically intended for usage onto a pair of officers'-pattern shoulderboards (ie. 'Schulterstück...  read more

Code: 68159

20.00 EUR

Pair of EM- (ie. NCO-) pattern, WH (Heeres) related shoulderstrap 'HV'-cyphers (ie. 'Ziffern'): 'Heeres-Verwaltung'

Pair of EM- (ie. NCO-) pattern, WH (Heeres) related shoulderstrap 'HV'-cyphers (ie. 'Ziffern'): 'Heeres-Verwaltung'

I recently found a small hoard comprising of various pairs of - fully matching! - WH (Heeres) related enlisted-mens- (ie. NCO-) pattern (thus greyish-silver-coloured- and I deem typical zinc- ie. 'Feinzink'-based) 'HV'-shoulderboard-cyphers (ie. 'Ziffern'): 'Heeres-Verwaltung' (ie. administrative services) depicting the Latin-styled 'HV'-characters as was specifically intended for usage onto a ...  read more

Code: 68158

15.00 EUR

'SA-Sportabzeichen für Kriegsversehrten' (ie.: SA-sports'-badge for the war-disabled) being a detailed example that is nicely maker- (ie. 'RzM M1/100'-) marked on its back

'SA-Sportabzeichen für Kriegsversehrten' (ie.: SA-sports'-badge for the war-disabled) being a detailed example that is nicely maker- (ie. 'RzM M1/100'-) marked on its back

The very attractive - I deem just moderately used and worn and actually quite rarely seen! - SA-sports'-badge (ie. 'SA-Sportabzeichen für Kriegsversehrten' or: specific 'Sturmabtelungen'- ie. SA-sports'-badge for the war-disabled) retains most of its (somewhat bright and typical golden-bronze-coloured-) finish: it just shows some moderate age, wear and/or staining simply caused by decades of st...  read more

Code: 68157

500.00 EUR

3-pieced WH (Heeres etc.) 'Feld-/Bandspange'

3-pieced WH (Heeres etc.) 'Feld-/Bandspange'

This is an attractive - and unusually seen! - 3-pieced, WWII-period ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') showing respectively the ribbons for two (WWII- ie. TR-period-) so-called: 'WH-Dienstauszeichnungen der 3. u. 4. Klasse' (or WH loyal-service medals as awarded for four- ie. twelve years of loyal service both having a (golden- ie. silver-coloured-) eagle-device attached and a: 'Medaille zu...  read more

Code: 68156


'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' being a non-maker-marked example by: 'Wächtler & Lange'

'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' being a non-maker-marked example by: 'Wächtler & Lange'

The very attractive piece - which was surely issued but that was (I deem) simply never worn nor used nor even mounted - came together with its pre-folded and/or non-confectioned (and approx. 29 cms. long-sized) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt'). The cross - which is totally void of a stamped makers'-designation into its ring (as can be noticed on the pictures) - was with certainty never cleaned and ...  read more

Code: 68155


D.R.K.B. (or: 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' aka 'Kyffhäuserbund') day-badge (ie. 'tinnie'): '5. Deutscher Reichskriegertag - Kassel - 7.-9. Juli 1934'

D.R.K.B. (or: 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' aka 'Kyffhäuserbund') day-badge (ie. 'tinnie'): '5. Deutscher Reichskriegertag - Kassel - 7.-9. Juli 1934'

This is an attractive - peculiar-shaped and fairly early-period! - so-called: D.R.K.B.- (or: 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' aka 'Kyffhäuserbund'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') being a (typical) non-maker-marked example as was issued to commemorate a specific meeting entitled the: '5. Deutscher Reichskriegertag - Kassel - 7.-9. Juli 1934' and that comes in an overall nice (albeit issued ie. I...  read more

Code: 68154

45.00 EUR

Maker- (ie. 'L/56'-) marked example of a black-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz') being an example by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller') named: 'Funcke & Brüninghaus'

Maker- (ie. 'L/56'-) marked example of a black-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz') being an example by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller') named: 'Funcke & Brüninghaus'

The attractive - and I deem just moderately used- and/or worn! - black-class wound-badge (ie. wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz') retains most of its original, black-coloured- and/or somewhat 'matted'- ie. satin-like finish: it just shows moderate wear and usage. The wound-badge is - as stated above - neatly maker-marked with the makers'-designation: 'L/56' (as is visible on th...  read more

Code: 68153


WWI-pattern, steel-based golden-class wound-badge (ie.: 'Verwundeten Abzeichen in Gold') being a detailed (and typical magnetic) example

WWI-pattern, steel-based golden-class wound-badge (ie.: 'Verwundeten Abzeichen in Gold') being a detailed (and typical magnetic) example

This is a neat - albeit just moderately used- ie. worn but nevertheless scarcely found! - example of a WWI-period, golden-class wound-badge (ie. 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Gold') being a detailed example that comes in a most certainly issued- and/or moderately worn, condition. The (magnetic- and typical steel-based) wound-badge - which is an unmarked version as is more often encountered with thi...  read more

Code: 68152


WH (Heeres) trade- and/or special-career insignia ie. hand-embroidered signal-blitz: 'Pz.-Gren.-Truppen'

WH (Heeres) trade- and/or special-career insignia ie. hand-embroidered signal-blitz: 'Pz.-Gren.-Truppen'

This is an attractive - and I deem simply never used! - example of a so-called trade- and/or special-career insignia (ie. 'Signal Blitz') as was executed in the bright-green- (ie. 'wiesen- o. hellgrüner'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for a 'signals-operator' (or: 'WH-Nachrichtenpersonal') ie. soldier serving within the: 'Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen'- (ie. infantry-related, so-called: rif...  read more

Code: 68151


Single, hand-embroidered, SA- (ie. 'Sturmabteilungen'-) collar-patch (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Generale') being a piece as was intended for usage by an: 'SA-Gruppenführer'

Single, hand-embroidered, SA- (ie. 'Sturmabteilungen'-) collar-patch (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Generale') being a piece as was intended for usage by an: 'SA-Gruppenführer'

This is an attractive - albeit regrettably single but nevertheless very rarely encountered! - bright-red-coloured- and neatly hand-embroidered, SA- (ie. 'Sturmabteilungen'-) collar-patch (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Generale') being a piece as was intended for usage by an: 'SA-Gruppenführer' that has losy its 'RzM'-etiket and that comes in an overall nice- (I deem issued- and just moderately worn- i...  read more

Code: 68150

235.00 EUR

Commemorative 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen' (ie. 'tinnie') being a maker- (ie. 'Carl Poellath'-) marked example that is showing a sportsman on skis coupled with the text: 'Garmisch-Partenkirchen'

Commemorative 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen' (ie. 'tinnie') being a maker- (ie. 'Carl Poellath'-) marked example that is showing a sportsman on skis coupled with the text: 'Garmisch-Partenkirchen'

The attractive - and luxuriously-styled! - commemorative-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in silver-toned- and/or: 'Buntmetall'-based, multi-coloured enamelled metal: it shows some normal wear and/or minimal age and is somewhat tarnished by age and/or decades of storage. The badge - which is shield-shaped and having an approximate height,3 of 4 cms. - shows the oly...  read more

Code: 68149

60.00 EUR

WH (Heeres) trade- ie. special-career patch for (former) 'TeNo'- (= 'Technische Nothilfe'-) staff-members

WH (Heeres) trade- ie. special-career patch for (former) 'TeNo'- (= 'Technische Nothilfe'-) staff-members

This is a neat - and not that easily found! - so-called: WH (Heeres) trade- ie. special-career patch (ie. 'Laufbahn- o. Tätigkeitsabzeichen') as was intended for (former) 'TeNo'- (= 'Technische Nothilfe'-) staff-members serving within the: 'Deutsche Wehrmacht', being a very nice- (ie. 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'-) example as was executed in the so-called: 'BeVo'-weave pattern. The patch is e...  read more

Code: 65004