7787 items found
Attractive, golden-bronze-toned, so-called: 'Einzelspange' (being of the desirable detachable-pattern!) showing a: 'Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-18 o. Schwertern' (ie.: 'Kriegsteilnehmerkreuz 1914-18 ohne Schw.')

Attractive, golden-bronze-toned, so-called: 'Einzelspange' (being of the desirable detachable-pattern!) showing a: 'Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-18 o. Schwertern' (ie.: 'Kriegsteilnehmerkreuz 1914-18 ohne Schw.')

This is an attractive example of a bright golden-bronze-toned, so-called: 'Einzelspange' (of the desirable detachable pattern!) showing a WWI-period: 'Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-18 ohne Schwertern' (ie.: 'Kriegsteilnehmerkreuz 1914-18 ohne Schw.') and that comes as issued, minimally worn and/or recently found. The detail on this example is nicely preserved: it has - I deem - never been cleaned nor ...  read more

Code: 56363

!! STOLEN !!

Fully matching, 4-pieced insignia-grouping comprising of a pair of WH (LW) officers'-type shoulderboards and dito collar-tabs as was intended for usage by a: 'Leutnant u. Mitglied des 26. Flakdivisions'

Fully matching, 4-pieced insignia-grouping comprising of a pair of WH (LW) officers'-type shoulderboards and dito collar-tabs as was intended for usage by a: 'Leutnant u. Mitglied des 26. Flakdivisions'

The attractive - fully matching and carefully tunic-removed! - 4-pieced insignia-set was with certainty always together and was recently found together as such. The neatly cyphered shoulderboards - which are constructed from the bright-red- (ie. 'hochroter'-) coloured and/or: 'smooth-type' (ie. moleskin-like-) wool - come in an excellent condition overall and are truly hard to be upgraded. The ...  read more

Code: 56338

!! STOLEN !!

Neat - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Luftwaffe) EM-type shoulderstraps as piped in the light- ie. rust-brown- (ie. 'hell- o. kupferbrauner'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for a: 'Soldat der LW-Nachrichten-Truppen'

Neat - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Luftwaffe) EM-type shoulderstraps as piped in the light- ie. rust-brown- (ie. 'hell- o. kupferbrauner'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for a: 'Soldat der LW-Nachrichten-Truppen'

This is a neat pair of WH (Luftwaffe) enlisted-mens'-type shoulderstraps (ie. 'Schulterklappen für Mannschaften der Luftwaffe') as was piped in the light- ie. rust-brown- (ie. 'hell- o. kupferbrauner'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage by a: 'Soldat der LW-Nachrichten-Truppen' (or: simple soldier who served within the LW signal-troops) and that comes in an overall nice- (I deem m...  read more

Code: 56335

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Attractive, zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) 'N.S.D.A.P.'-related supporter-pin- (or: 'Freiheitsbund-Abzeichen') being a maker- (ie. 'E.F. Wiedmann'-) marked example showing the text: 'Opferring Gau Hessen-Nassau'

Attractive, zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) 'N.S.D.A.P.'-related supporter-pin- (or: 'Freiheitsbund-Abzeichen') being a maker- (ie. 'E.F. Wiedmann'-) marked example showing the text: 'Opferring Gau Hessen-Nassau'

The truly attractive lapel-pin ie. (N.S.D.A.P.- 'Freiheitsbund-Abzeichen') which has I deem just been minimallly used ie. worn) has a nicely preserved (greyish-silver- and typical zinc-like) age-patina and has most certainly never been cleaned nor polished: it is showing normal wear but is void of any damage (as can be seen on the pictures): for the rest it just shows some regular wear ie. mini...  read more

Code: 56329

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'Standard-issue'-pattern, WH binoculars (ie. 'Dienstglas 6 x 30 o. 10 x 50') so-called: 'anti-movement flap' (or: 'Tragelasche für Dienstgläser') as was executed in black-coloured leather that comes in an issued- ie. used-, condition

'Standard-issue'-pattern, WH binoculars (ie. 'Dienstglas 6 x 30 o. 10 x 50') so-called: 'anti-movement flap' (or: 'Tragelasche für Dienstgläser') as was executed in black-coloured leather that comes in an issued- ie. used-, condition

This is a little piece of WH-equipment that is often missing in a WH soldiers'- ie. equipment set-up: a 'standard-issue'-pattern, WH binoculars (ie. 'Dienstglas 6 x 30 o. 10 x 50') so-called: 'anti-movement flap' (or: 'Tragelasche für Dienstgläser') as was executed in (typical) black-coloured leather being a maker-marked example that comes in an overall nice- (albeit moderately used- ie. worn-)...  read more

Code: 56321

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Attractive - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres) NCO-type (ie. 'M40-/M43'-pattern) shoulderstraps as piped in the white- (ie. 'weisser'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'Unteroffizer eines Infanterie-Regiments'

Attractive - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres) NCO-type (ie. 'M40-/M43'-pattern) shoulderstraps as piped in the white- (ie. 'weisser'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'Unteroffizer eines Infanterie-Regiments'

This is an attractive - fully matching and actually nowadays not that easily found! - pair of WH (Heeres) early- (ie. mid-) war-period, so-called: 'M40-/M43'-pattern, NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the white- (ie. 'weisser'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for - and clearly worn by! - an: 'Unteroffizer eines Infanterie-Regiments' (or: junior-sergeant who served within an army infant...  read more

Code: 56302

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Attractive - and scarcely encountered! - officers'- (ie. evt. NCO-) pattern, aluminium-based so-called: 'Luftschutz' (ie. RLB-) visor-cap eagle being a maker- (ie. 'HA'-) marked example as was produced by the 'H. Aurich'-company

Attractive - and scarcely encountered! - officers'- (ie. evt. NCO-) pattern, aluminium-based so-called: 'Luftschutz' (ie. RLB-) visor-cap eagle being a maker- (ie. 'HA'-) marked example as was produced by the 'H. Aurich'-company

This is an attractive - and actually fairly scarcely encountered! - officers'- (ie. eventually NCO-) pattern, typical aluminium-based- (and/or partly enamelled!) so-called: 'Luftschutz'- (ie. RLB- or: 'Reichsluftschutzbund'-) related visor-cap eagle (ie. 'Adler für Schirmmütze') being a nicely (double!) maker- (ie. 'HA'-) marked example as was (I deem) produced by the 'Hermann Aurich'-company a...  read more

Code: 56301

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'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Nord Niedersachsen' (being a minimally used- and/or worn example that has lost its once-attached 'RzM'-etiket)

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Nord Niedersachsen' (being a minimally used- and/or worn example that has lost its once-attached 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a 'male'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in golden-yellow-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was most certainly issued and/or moderately used- ie. tunic-removed (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece just shows some minimal staining caused by moderate wear and/or decades of storage (as can be seen on the pictures). The...  read more

Code: 56299

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Neat, 'Zellstoff'-based medal-pouch, entitled: 'Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939' being a darker-blue-coloured example as executed in typical: 'Zellstoff'-based paper, as was produced by the maker: 'Carl Forster & Graf'

Neat, 'Zellstoff'-based medal-pouch, entitled: 'Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939' being a darker-blue-coloured example as executed in typical: 'Zellstoff'-based paper, as was produced by the maker: 'Carl Forster & Graf'

I recently uncovered a small stack comprising of 4 - fully identical! - and typically darker-blue-coloured- and/or carton-based medal-pouches (each sized: 13,5 x 10,5 cms.) entitled: 'Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939' as executed in typical: 'Zellstoff'-based paper as intended to hold an iron cross second-class (or: 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse') as produced by the 'Hersteller' (ie. maker): 'Carl Fo...  read more

Code: 55143

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Neat - albeit regrettably single - neatly 'cyphered', WH (Heeres) officers'-pattern shoulderboard as was intended for usage by an: 'Oberleutnant eines Sanitäts-Abts.'

Neat - albeit regrettably single - neatly 'cyphered', WH (Heeres) officers'-pattern shoulderboard as was intended for usage by an: 'Oberleutnant eines Sanitäts-Abts.'

This is a neat - albeit regrettably single - neatly 'cyphered', WH (Heeres) officers'-pattern shoulderboard as piped in the darker-blue- (ie. 'blauer'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by an: 'Oberleutnant eines Sanitäts-Abteilungs' (ie. lieutnant first-class and presumably medical doctor) who served within a: 'Heeres Sanitäts-Abteilung' and that comes in an overal...  read more

Code: 56288

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Attractive, machine-embroidered arm-eagle (ie. 'Ärmeladler') as was specifically intended for usage on the brownish-green-coloured tunics of officials of the: 'Reichsministerium für besetzte Ostgebiete' (ie. 'R.M.b.O.')

Attractive, machine-embroidered arm-eagle (ie. 'Ärmeladler') as was specifically intended for usage on the brownish-green-coloured tunics of officials of the: 'Reichsministerium für besetzte Ostgebiete' (ie. 'R.M.b.O.')

This is an attractive - and actually quite scarcely found! - machine-embroidered arm-eagle (ie. 'Ärmeladler für Beambten des Reichsministerium für besetzte Ostgebiete') as was specifically intended for usage on the typical brownish-green-coloured tunics of officials of the: 'Reichsministerium für besetzte Ostgebiete' (ie. 'R.M.b.O.') and that comes in an overall very nice- (I deem minimally use...  read more

Code: 56274

!! STOLEN !!

Tan-coloured, so-called: N.S.F.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Flieger Korps') breast-eagle being a nicely woven- (and enlisted-mens'-pattern) example that comes mounted on its piece of tan-coloured linnen

Tan-coloured, so-called: N.S.F.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Flieger Korps') breast-eagle being a nicely woven- (and enlisted-mens'-pattern) example that comes mounted on its piece of tan-coloured linnen

This is an attractive - and not that easily found! - example of a tan-coloured, so-called: N.S.F.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Flieger Korps') arm-eagle ('Armadler für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere des N.S.F.K.') being a nicely ('BeVo'-) woven- (and enlisted-mens'-pattern) example depicting the 'Fliegender Mensch'-symbol that comes (pre)mounted on its piece of tan-coloured linnen and that...  read more

Code: 56272

!! STOLEN !!

Superb, commemorative and greyish-silver-coloured, 'DJ'- (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk'-) related 'award' being a non-maker marked example, depicting an eagle-device and 'DJ'-rune surrounded by the text: 'Erweiterte Kinderlandverschickung'

Superb, commemorative and greyish-silver-coloured, 'DJ'- (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk'-) related 'award' being a non-maker marked example, depicting an eagle-device and 'DJ'-rune surrounded by the text: 'Erweiterte Kinderlandverschickung'

The very attractive - and with certainty rarely encountered! - badge (ie. actually award) is executed in silverish-grey-coloured- (and/or I deem typical zinc- ie. 'Feinzink'-) based metal: it shows some minimal wear and/or age (but has I deem hardly been worn nor used). The decorative- (and very detailed!) badge comes mounted onto its functional pin-/catch set-up and has never been cleaned nor ...  read more

Code: 56262

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'Standard-issue'-pattern, 'Hitlerjugend'- ie. 'Bund Deutsche Mädel (HJ/BDM) so-called: 'Ärmelraute' as was executed in so-called 'BeVo'-weave pattern (being a moderately used- ie. worn example)

'Standard-issue'-pattern, 'Hitlerjugend'- ie. 'Bund Deutsche Mädel (HJ/BDM) so-called: 'Ärmelraute' as was executed in so-called 'BeVo'-weave pattern (being a moderately used- ie. worn example)

This is a neat - and just moderately used- ie. tunic- or once shirt-attached - example of the 'standard-issue'-pattern, 'Hitlerjugend' ie. 'Bund Deutsche Mädel (HJ/BDM) so-called: 'Ärmelraute' (ie. trapezoid-shaped arm-badge) as executed in so-called 'BeVo'-weave pattern and that comes in an overall nicely preserved- (albeit clearly used- ie. tunic-removed-), condition. The piece shows the inte...  read more

Code: 56252

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Attractive, enamelled lapel-pin: 'Der Stahlhelm' - Bund der Frontsoldaten (Sta) - Eintrittsabzeichen 1931' which is nicely engraved: 'IV. Sa. 757' and dated: '14.4.31' and that comes in an overall nice (and/or fully undamaged!), condition

Attractive, enamelled lapel-pin: 'Der Stahlhelm' - Bund der Frontsoldaten (Sta) - Eintrittsabzeichen 1931' which is nicely engraved: 'IV. Sa. 757' and dated: '14.4.31' and that comes in an overall nice (and/or fully undamaged!), condition

This is an attractive example of a neatly silver- (ie. 'Buntmetall'-) based and/or enamelled lapel-pin (aka: 'Eintrittsabzeichen') that was worn by a member of the organisation: 'Der Stahlhelm' - Bund der Frontsoldaten (Sta)' being an example that was issued in the year: '1931' and that comes in an overall nice and/or fully undamaged- and untouched, condition. The badge on offer here is a so-ca...  read more

Code: 56249

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive, DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was specifically intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 2' (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example that is void of an 'RzM'-etiket)

Attractive, DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was specifically intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 2' (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example that is void of an 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a neat - and actually not that easily found! - example of a DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was specifically intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 2' being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example that is void of an 'RzM'-etiket and that comes in a never used- nor worn- (ie. 'virtually mint ie. unissued'-), condition. The black-coloured rune-sign - a...  read more

Code: 56247

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Superb, 'BeVo'-type armshield entitled: 'Georgien' (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example as intended for a volunteer who served within the 'Deutsche Wehrmacht' ie. within the 'Georgisches Legion')

Superb, 'BeVo'-type armshield entitled: 'Georgien' (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example as intended for a volunteer who served within the 'Deutsche Wehrmacht' ie. within the 'Georgisches Legion')

I recently found two - fully identical! - examples of bright-red-, black- and/or: white-coloured Russian volunteer arm-shields showing the (German) text: 'Georgien' as both executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern and that come both in an overall very nice- (ie. virtually mint- ie. unissued and/or never tunic-attached-), condition. Both pieces come as being straightly 'cut-off from the roll': ...  read more

Code: 56235

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive - and only moderately used! - WH (Heeres) officers'-type, hand-embroidered breast-eagle (ie. 'Brustadler für Offiziere') as was executed in bright-silverish-coloured braid as was intended for usage on the various officers'-pattern tunics

Attractive - and only moderately used! - WH (Heeres) officers'-type, hand-embroidered breast-eagle (ie. 'Brustadler für Offiziere') as was executed in bright-silverish-coloured braid as was intended for usage on the various officers'-pattern tunics

This is an attractive - and I deem just moderately used and/or carefully tunic-removed! - example of a WH (Heeres) officers'-type, hand-embroidered- (and truly detailed!) army-type breast-eagle (ie. 'Brustadler für Offiziere des Heeres') being executed in bright-silverish-coloured braid on a darker-green-coloured- and/or 'smooth'-woolen-based background and that comes in an overall nice- (and j...  read more

Code: 56234

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Neat, WH (Heeres, Waffen-SS etc.) greenish- ie. field-grey-coloured- and/or 'standard-issue'-pattern so-called: 'Kragenbinde' (or: uniform inner-collar) being a regular-issued and/or non-maker-marked example that comes in an overall nice condition

Neat, WH (Heeres, Waffen-SS etc.) greenish- ie. field-grey-coloured- and/or 'standard-issue'-pattern so-called: 'Kragenbinde' (or: uniform inner-collar) being a regular-issued and/or non-maker-marked example that comes in an overall nice condition

This is a neat example of a WH (Heeres, Waffen-SS etc.) 'standard-issued'-pattern so-called: 'Kragenbinde' (or: uniform inner-collar) being a regular-issued and/or: non-maker-marked example that comes in an overall nice- (albeit minimally used ie. worn-), condition. The piece is - I deem - just minimally worn and/or used and is executed in 'greyish/green'-coloured and/or: 'smooth-based' linnen:...  read more

Code: 56225

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Attractive - and presumably Dutch-produced - example of an early-pattern and neatly hand-embroidered WA- (or: 'Weerafdelingen'-) related 'Motor WA'-breast-badge (ie. in Dutch language 'Dienstonderscheidingsteken der Motor-WA')

Attractive - and presumably Dutch-produced - example of an early-pattern and neatly hand-embroidered WA- (or: 'Weerafdelingen'-) related 'Motor WA'-breast-badge (ie. in Dutch language 'Dienstonderscheidingsteken der Motor-WA')

This is an attractive - and presumably Dutch-produced - example of the attractive and with certainty scarcely encountered, neatly hand-embroidered WA- (or: 'Weerafdelingen der Nationaal Socialistische Beweging'-) related 'Motor WA'-breast-badge (ie. in Dutch language 'Dienstonderscheidingsteken der Motor-WA') and that comes in an overall very nice- (and/or I deem issued- albeit never worn- ie. ...  read more

Code: 56201

!! STOLEN !!

Superb, DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was specifically intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 6' (ie. 'NPEA'- ie. 'NAPOLA'-institutes) being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example

Superb, DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was specifically intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 6' (ie. 'NPEA'- ie. 'NAPOLA'-institutes) being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example

This is a very attractive - and truly rarely found! - DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 6' (ie. within one of the: 'Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten' ie. 'Napola') and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. never used- nor worn- ie. 'virtually mint- and unissued'-), condition. These 'Nationalpolitische Erziehun...  read more

Code: 56200

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive - albeit clearly used! - example of a WH (Luftwaffe) machine-embroidered, trade- ie. special-career-patch (ie. 'Tätigkeitsabzeichen') having a golden-coloured 'Goldkordel' attached as was intended for a: 'Schirrmeister o. Geräteverwalter'

Attractive - albeit clearly used! - example of a WH (Luftwaffe) machine-embroidered, trade- ie. special-career-patch (ie. 'Tätigkeitsabzeichen') having a golden-coloured 'Goldkordel' attached as was intended for a: 'Schirrmeister o. Geräteverwalter'

This is an attractive - albeit clearly used- and/or worn- but nevertheless not that easily found! - example of a WH (Luftwaffe) machine-embroidered, so-called: trade- ie. special-career-patch (ie. 'Tätigkeitsabzeichen') having a golden-yellow-coloured 'Goldkordel' period-attached as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Schirrmeister o. Geräteverwalter' (ie. equipment-maintenance staff-mem...  read more

Code: 56198

!! STOLEN !!

Interesting - and with certaintly rarely found! - very detailed and neatly hand-embroidered, so-called: 'D.D.A.C.' (or: 'Der Deutscher Automobil-Club') visor-cap-badge ('Adler für Schirmmütze')

Interesting - and with certaintly rarely found! - very detailed and neatly hand-embroidered, so-called: 'D.D.A.C.' (or: 'Der Deutscher Automobil-Club') visor-cap-badge ('Adler für Schirmmütze')

This is a truly attractive - and with certaintly rarely found! - very detailed and neatly hand-embroidered, so-called: 'D.D.A.C.' (or: 'Der Deutscher Automobil-Club') visor-cap-badge as was (most likely) intended for usage by a high-ranked officer within the: 'D.D.A.C.' (or: 'Der Deutscher Automobil-Club') and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. just minimally used- ie. I deem carefully ca...  read more

Code: 56196

!! STOLEN !!

Neat - and naturally single! - black-piped, so-called: 'DJ- o. Deutsches Jungvolk' shoulderstrap as was intended for usage by a: 'DJ-Mitglied' who served within the: 'Bann 565' (565 = 'Spittal') and that comes with its 'RzM'-etiket

Neat - and naturally single! - black-piped, so-called: 'DJ- o. Deutsches Jungvolk' shoulderstrap as was intended for usage by a: 'DJ-Mitglied' who served within the: 'Bann 565' (565 = 'Spittal') and that comes with its 'RzM'-etiket

This is an attractive - and naturally single - black-piped, so-called: 'DJ- o. Deutsches Jungvolk' shoulderstrap as was intended for usage by a: 'DJ-Mitglied' who served within the: 'Bann 565' (565 = 'Spittal') and that comes with its period-attached 'RzM'-etiket and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit I deem used- ie. worn-), condition. The strap - which is executed in black-coloured w...  read more

Code: 56182

!! STOLEN !!

Neat - and naturally single! - black-piped, so-called: 'DJ- o. Deutsches Jungvolk' shoulderstrap as was intended for usage by a: 'DJ-Mitglied' who served within the: 'Bann 83' (83 = 'Kassel')

Neat - and naturally single! - black-piped, so-called: 'DJ- o. Deutsches Jungvolk' shoulderstrap as was intended for usage by a: 'DJ-Mitglied' who served within the: 'Bann 83' (83 = 'Kassel')

This is an attractive - and naturally single - black-piped, so-called: 'DJ- o. Deutsches Jungvolk' shoulderstrap as was intended for usage by a: 'DJ-Mitglied' who served within the: 'Bann 83' (83 = 'Kassel') and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit I deem used- ie. worn-), condition. The strap - which is executed in black-coloured wool having white-embroidered '83'-numerals and black-col...  read more

Code: 56181

!! STOLEN !!

Superb - and rarely encountered! - WH (Heeres ie. 'tropical-issue'-) cap-eagle and cocarde-set (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' set as executed in bluish-grey-coloured linnen on a tan-brownish-coloured background)

Superb - and rarely encountered! - WH (Heeres ie. 'tropical-issue'-) cap-eagle and cocarde-set (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' set as executed in bluish-grey-coloured linnen on a tan-brownish-coloured background)

I recently uncovered three - fully identical and with certainty rarely found! - fully matching WH (Heeres ie. 'tropical-issue'-) cap-eagle and cocarde-sets (ie. 'Tropen Schiffchen-Adler u. Kokardensätze für Mannschaften u. Unteroffizier des Heeres') being all three 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' sets as executed in bluish-grey-coloured linnen on a (typical) tan-brownish-coloured background and ...  read more

Code: 56176

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - (I deem) EM- (ie. NCO-) type, so-called: 'Schutzmannschaften' (or: 'Schuma') armshield as executed in greyish-coloured thread on a black-coloured- (ie. 'Polizei'-related-) background

Attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - (I deem) EM- (ie. NCO-) type, so-called: 'Schutzmannschaften' (or: 'Schuma') armshield as executed in greyish-coloured thread on a black-coloured- (ie. 'Polizei'-related-) background

This is a very attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - (I deem) enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type, so-called: 'Schutzmannschaften' (or: 'Schuma') armshield being an example as executed in greyish-coloured thread on a black-coloured background and depicting the text: 'Treu, Tapfer, Gehorsam' (which can be translated as: 'loyal, brave and obeying') and that comes in an overall very nice- ...  read more

Code: 56163

!! STOLEN !!

Later-war period- and/or: zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based- example of a maker- (ie. 'WH'-) marked, WH (Luftwaffe) 'Flakkampfabzeichen' (or: airforce anti-aircraft badge), as was produced by the desirable: 'Wilhelm Hobacher'-company

Later-war period- and/or: zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based- example of a maker- (ie. 'WH'-) marked, WH (Luftwaffe) 'Flakkampfabzeichen' (or: airforce anti-aircraft badge), as was produced by the desirable: 'Wilhelm Hobacher'-company

The attractive war-badge (which has only been moderately used- ie. worn-) comes naturally mounted on its functional pin and/or original (ie. fully unaltered- and/or typical 'WH'-type-) catch (set-up). This particular example shows very nice and/or pronounced detail overall and was clearly worn as such. The badge shows a nice age-patina and retains most of its original, typical, somewhat 'bluish...  read more

Code: 56144

!! STOLEN !!

Hardly worn - and fully matching! - pair of bright-pink-piped so-called: 'Motor-HJ'-shoulderstraps as was intended for a: 'Hitlerjunge' who served within the 'Bann 802' (802 = 'Bann Lüben' situated in the 'Gebiet Ost-Schlesien'

Hardly worn - and fully matching! - pair of bright-pink-piped so-called: 'Motor-HJ'-shoulderstraps as was intended for a: 'Hitlerjunge' who served within the 'Bann 802' (802 = 'Bann Lüben' situated in the 'Gebiet Ost-Schlesien'

This is a truly attractive - and I deem minimally worn albeit fully matching! - pair of bright-pink-piped, so-called: 'Motor'-HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') shoulderstraps as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Hitlerjunge' who served within the 'Bann 802' (802 = 'Bann Lüben' situated in the 'Gebiet Ost-Schlesien') both pieces coming in an overall nice- (ie. just minimally used- and/or careful...  read more

Code: 56134

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive, 'Sicherheits- u. Hilfsdienst (SHD)' armbadge (ie. 'Ärmelabzeichen') as executed in 'BeVo'-weave pattern, as was intended for an SHD-member who served within the: 'Feuerlöschdienst' (or: fire-extinction service)

Attractive, 'Sicherheits- u. Hilfsdienst (SHD)' armbadge (ie. 'Ärmelabzeichen') as executed in 'BeVo'-weave pattern, as was intended for an SHD-member who served within the: 'Feuerlöschdienst' (or: fire-extinction service)

This is an attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - so-called: 'Sicherheits- u. Hilfsdienst'- (ie. 'SHD'-) armbadge (ie. 'Ärmelabzeichen') as was executed in neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern that was intended for an SHD-member who served within the: 'Feuerlöschdienst' (or: fire-extinction service) and that comes in an overall very nice (ie. 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'-), condition. The bad...  read more

Code: 56131

!! STOLEN !!

Multi-coloured- and/or 'BeVo'-woven armshield (ie. 'Ärmelschild') entitled: 'Idel-Ural' as was intended for usage by a volunteer who served within the 'Volga-Tartar Legion') and that comes in a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued', condition

Multi-coloured- and/or 'BeVo'-woven armshield (ie. 'Ärmelschild') entitled: 'Idel-Ural' as was intended for usage by a volunteer who served within the 'Volga-Tartar Legion') and that comes in a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued', condition

This is an attractive example of a multi-coloured- and neatly 'BeVo'-woven-type armshield (ie. 'Ärmelschild') as was intended for usage by a volunteer who served within the 'Deutsche Wehrmacht' (ie. within the 'Volga-Tartar Legion') and that comes in a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'- and/or never confectioned- nor tunic-attached-), condition. The shield comes in a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'...  read more

Code: 56130

!! STOLEN !!

Superb - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres) NCO-type (ie. 'M36-/M40'-pattern- and 'rounded styled-') shoulderstraps as was intended for usage by an: 'Feldwebel eines Panzer-Grenadier Rgts.'

Superb - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres) NCO-type (ie. 'M36-/M40'-pattern- and 'rounded styled-') shoulderstraps as was intended for usage by an: 'Feldwebel eines Panzer-Grenadier Rgts.'

This is an attractive - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Heeres) mid-war-period, so-called: 'M36-/M40'-pattern- (rounded-styled) NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the bright- (ie. 'hellgrüner'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for - and clearly worn by! - a: 'Feldwebel eines Panzer-Grenadier Regiments' (or: sergeant who served within an army infantry-related, rifle-regimen...  read more

Code: 56124

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive, WH (Luftwaffe) 'tropical'-issued- (ie. DAK or 'Deutsches Afrika Korps'-related) 'trapezoid-styled' breasteagle as was specifically intended for usage on the tropical-shirts

Attractive, WH (Luftwaffe) 'tropical'-issued- (ie. DAK or 'Deutsches Afrika Korps'-related) 'trapezoid-styled' breasteagle as was specifically intended for usage on the tropical-shirts

This attractive example is neatly greyish- (ie. silver-white-) coloured- and is executed on a (slightly thicker-shaped) tropical-styled, light-brownish- (ie. typical tan-) coloured and/or also linnen-based, background. The piece comes - as stated above - in an overall very nice and/or clearly shirt-removed condition (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece - which measures from wing-tip to w...  read more

Code: 56120

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive, bluish-grey-coloured, so-called: N.S.F.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Flieger Korps') breast-eagle being a nicely BeVo-woven- (and enlisted-mens'-pattern) example that comes mounted on its piece of bluish-coloured wool

Attractive, bluish-grey-coloured, so-called: N.S.F.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Flieger Korps') breast-eagle being a nicely BeVo-woven- (and enlisted-mens'-pattern) example that comes mounted on its piece of bluish-coloured wool

This is a very attractive - and actually not that easily found! - example of a bluish-grey-coloured, so-called: N.S.F.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Flieger Korps') breast-eagle ('Armadler für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere des N.S.F.K.') being a nicely ('BeVo'-) woven- (and enlisted-mens'- ie. NCO-pattern) example depicting the 'Fliegender Mensch'-symbol that comes (pre)mounted on its piec...  read more

Code: 56119

!! STOLEN !!

Neat, WH (Heeres) trade- and/or special-career insignia (being a detailed- and/or neatly hand-embroidered example as executed on field-grey-coloured wool as was intended for a: 'Steuermann' ie. enigineer-boat-pilot or helmsman)

Neat, WH (Heeres) trade- and/or special-career insignia (being a detailed- and/or neatly hand-embroidered example as executed on field-grey-coloured wool as was intended for a: 'Steuermann' ie. enigineer-boat-pilot or helmsman)

This is an attractive example of a WH (Heeres) trade- and/or special-career insignia (or: 'Laufbahn- o. Tätigkeitsabzeichen') being a very detailed- and/or neatly hand-embroidered example as executed on field-grey-coloured wool, as was specially intended for usage by a: 'Steuermann' (ie. enigineer-boat-pilot or helmsman) being an example that comes in an overall very nice- (I deem issued albei...  read more

Code: 56112

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive, DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was specifically intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 2' (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example that is void of an 'RzM'-etiket)

Attractive, DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was specifically intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 2' (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example that is void of an 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a neat - and actually not that easily found! - example of a DJ (ie. 'Deutsches Jungvolk') arm-badge as was specifically intended for usage by a member who served within the: 'Oberbann 2' being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example that is void of an 'RzM'-etiket and that comes in a never used- nor worn- (ie. 'virtually mint ie. unissued'-), condition. The black-coloured rune-sign - a...  read more

Code: 56096

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive, HJ- (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'-) sports-badge (or: 'HJ-Leistungsrune') of the silver-class being a clearly maker- (ie. 'RzM - M1/34'-) marked- and/or: 'Buntmetall'-based specimen that shows an engraved (unique) bearers'-numeral ('74352')

Attractive, HJ- (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'-) sports-badge (or: 'HJ-Leistungsrune') of the silver-class being a clearly maker- (ie. 'RzM - M1/34'-) marked- and/or: 'Buntmetall'-based specimen that shows an engraved (unique) bearers'-numeral ('74352')

The bright-silverish-toned - moderately used- and/or worn but nevertheless quite detailed and/or pronounced! - HJ- (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'-) related sports-badge (or: 'HJ-Leistungsrune') is an example of the silver-class and is a nicely maker- (ie. 'RzM - M1/34'-) marked- and/or: 'Buntmetall versilbertes'-based specimen that shows an engraved (unique) bearers-numeral (that reads: '74352') and that ...  read more

Code: 56082

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive, silver-class 'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber' being an unmarked (so-called: 'pillow-crimped') example as was executed in silverish-coloured, zinc-based metal (ie. 'Feinzink')

Attractive, silver-class 'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber' being an unmarked (so-called: 'pillow-crimped') example as was executed in silverish-coloured, zinc-based metal (ie. 'Feinzink')

This attractive 'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber' is a non-maker-marked award: it has a 'typical' crimped catch and/or hinge set-up as is more often encountered. To date the exact maker of these attractive 'pillow-crimped' IABs has not been surfaced yet. The badge - which can be attributed as a badge of the so-called: 'Vienna-design' - seems to be totally uncleaned and has a still a very a...  read more

Code: 56072

!! STOLEN !!

Neat - albeit clearly used- and/or tunic-removed! - N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Kraftfahrraute des 2. Model' (so-called 'drivers'-diamond' of the 2nd and/or final pattern)

Neat - albeit clearly used- and/or tunic-removed! - N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Kraftfahrraute des 2. Model' (so-called 'drivers'-diamond' of the 2nd and/or final pattern)

This is a neat - and truly worn- ie. carefully tunic-removed! - example of a (slightly) 'padded' N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Kraftfahrraute des 2. Model' (so-called 'drivers'-diamond' of the 2nd and/or final pattern) and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit moderately worn- ie. used- and/or clearly tunic-removed-), condition. The badge is neatly execu...  read more

Code: 56064

!! STOLEN !!

Neat - and nicely preserved! - HJ- (Hitlerjugend-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate participation in a HJ-related gathering ie. rally named: 'Deutsches Jugendfest 1935'

Neat - and nicely preserved! - HJ- (Hitlerjugend-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate participation in a HJ-related gathering ie. rally named: 'Deutsches Jugendfest 1935'

This is a neat - and nicely preserved! - so-called: HJ- (Hitlerjugend-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate participation in a HJ-related gathering ie. rally named: 'Deutsches Jugendfest 1935' being a non-maker-marked example that comes in an overall very nice- (I deem hardly used- nor worn-), condition. The very detailed and/or pronounced...  read more

Code: 56050

!! STOLEN !!

Neat - and nicely preserved! - HJ- (Hitlerjugend-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate participation in a HJ-related gathering ie. rally named: 'Deutsches Jugendfest 1935'

Neat - and nicely preserved! - HJ- (Hitlerjugend-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate participation in a HJ-related gathering ie. rally named: 'Deutsches Jugendfest 1935'

This is a neat - and nicely preserved! - so-called: HJ- (Hitlerjugend-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate participation in a HJ-related gathering ie. rally named: 'Deutsches Jugendfest 1935' being a non-maker-marked example that comes in an overall very nice- (I deem hardly used- nor worn-), condition. The very detailed and/or pronounced...  read more

Code: 56047

!! STOLEN !!

Copper-bronze-toned, D.R.K.B. (or: 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' aka 'Kyffhäuserbund') day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') being a non-maker-marked example entitled: '5. Deutscher Reichskriegertag des Kyffhäuserbundes - Kassel - 6.- 8. Juni 1937'

Copper-bronze-toned, D.R.K.B. (or: 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' aka 'Kyffhäuserbund') day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') being a non-maker-marked example entitled: '5. Deutscher Reichskriegertag des Kyffhäuserbundes - Kassel - 6.- 8. Juni 1937'

This is an attractive, round-shaped so-called: D.R.K.B.- (or: 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' aka 'Kyffhäuserbund'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') being a non-maker-marked example as was issued to commemorate a specific meeting entitled: '5. Deutscher Reichskriegertag des Kyffhäuserbundes - Kassel - 6.- 8. Juni 1937' and that comes in an overall very nice (albeit issued ie. IMO moderately worn...  read more

Code: 56029

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive, golden-class 'Polizei-Dienstauszeichnung 1. Stufe' (or: police loyal-service medal first-class) being a non-maker-marked example that comes mounted onto its accompanying (long-sized!) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt')

Attractive, golden-class 'Polizei-Dienstauszeichnung 1. Stufe' (or: police loyal-service medal first-class) being a non-maker-marked example that comes mounted onto its accompanying (long-sized!) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt')

This is a truly attractive example of a golden-class: 'Polizei-Dienstauszeichnung 1. Stufe' (or: police loyal-service medal first class as was awarded for 25 years of loyal service within the various TR-era police-services) being a non-maker-marked example that comes mounted onto its (actually scarcely found!) full-length ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') and that comes in an overall very nice- (and...  read more

Code: 56026

!! STOLEN !!

WWII-period, WH 'Marschabstände- o. Winkel-Messgerät' being an example as executed in golden-coloured- and/or copper- (ie. brass-) based material as was (presumably) produced by the: 'Esero'-company

WWII-period, WH 'Marschabstände- o. Winkel-Messgerät' being an example as executed in golden-coloured- and/or copper- (ie. brass-) based material as was (presumably) produced by the: 'Esero'-company

This is a scarcely seen, little WH-equipment-item that is almost always missing in any equipment ie. map-case set-up: a period, so-called: WH 'Marschabstände- o. Winkel-Messgerät' being an example that was executed in golden-coloured- and/or copper- (ie. brass-) based material as was (presumably) produced by the: 'Esero'-company and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit moderately used- ie. wo...  read more

Code: 56003

!! STOLEN !!

Unusually seen, commemorative TR-period day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') as issued to commemorate a DAF-related (?) gathering named the: 'Werbung deutsche Bühne - Kassel - 26. & 27.8.1933'

Unusually seen, commemorative TR-period day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') as issued to commemorate a DAF-related (?) gathering named the: 'Werbung deutsche Bühne - Kassel - 26. & 27.8.1933'

This is an attractive - and with certainty unusually seen! - typical TR-period- and possibly DAF- (ie. 'Deutsches Arbeitsfront'-) related 'tinnie' (ie. 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') that was issued to commemorate a specific gathering (held in the town of Kassel) named the: 'Werbung deutsche Bühne - 26. & 27.8.1933' and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit surely issued ie. moderately worn-)...  read more

Code: 55998

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Luftwaffe) officers'-type shoulderboards as was intended for usage by a: 'Leutnant eines Flakartillerie-Abteilungs o. Regiments'

Attractive - and fully matching! - pair of WH (Luftwaffe) officers'-type shoulderboards as was intended for usage by a: 'Leutnant eines Flakartillerie-Abteilungs o. Regiments'

The attractive pair is piped in the bright-red- (ie. 'hochroter'-) coloured branchcolour: as such, the pair was intended for usage by a a: 'Leutnant eines Flakartillerie-Abteilungs o. Regiments' (or: lieutnant who served within a specific anti-aircraft-unit). The pair was presumably issued but simply never used nor tunic-attached and comes in an overall very nice- (ie. I deem issued albeit 'vir...  read more

Code: 55997

!! STOLEN !!

Aluminium-based, N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') as was issued to commemorate an: 'N.S.D.A.P.'-gathering ie. rally entitled: 'Gautreffen - Gau Westfalen-Nord - 1938'

Aluminium-based, N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') as was issued to commemorate an: 'N.S.D.A.P.'-gathering ie. rally entitled: 'Gautreffen - Gau Westfalen-Nord - 1938'

This is a neat so-called: N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') as was issued to commemorate an: 'N.S.D.A.P.'-gathering ie. rally entitled: 'Gautreffen - Gau Westfalen-Nord - 1938' and that comes in an overall nice (albeit issued ie. moderately worn-), condition. The quite detailed and/or pronounced (circular-shaped) badge - which is executed in molded, silver-toned metal (ie. aluminium) ...  read more

Code: 55979

!! STOLEN !!

Two-pieced, WWII-period ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') as was intended for the combination: 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' (or: iron cross second class) and 'KvK II. Klasse mit Schwertern'

Two-pieced, WWII-period ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') as was intended for the combination: 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' (or: iron cross second class) and 'KvK II. Klasse mit Schwertern'

I recently uncovered three examples of the two-pieced, (genuine) WWII-period ribbon-bars (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspangen') that each depict the combination: 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' (or: iron cross second class) and 'Kriegsverdienstkreuz der II. Klasse mit Schwertern' (or: war merits'-cross second class with swords having a bronze-toned swords-device attached) and that come all three in an overal...  read more

Code: 55967

!! STOLEN !!

Two-pieced, WWII-period ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') as was intended for the combination: 'KvK II. Klasse mit Schwertern' and/or: 'Ost'-medal (ie. 'Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten 1941-42')

Two-pieced, WWII-period ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') as was intended for the combination: 'KvK II. Klasse mit Schwertern' and/or: 'Ost'-medal (ie. 'Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten 1941-42')

I recently uncovered a small stack of two-pieced, (genuine) WWII-period ribbon-bars (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspangen') that each depict the combination: 'Kriegsverdienstkreuz der II. Klasse mit Schwertern' (or: war merits'-cross second class with swords having a bronze-toned swords-device attached) and an: 'Ost'-medal (ie. 'Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten 1941-42') and that come all in an overall ve...  read more

Code: 55965

!! STOLEN !!

Early-period - and truly scarcely encountered! - so-called: 'N.S.D.A.P.'-related, trade- ie. special-career-patch ie. 'Raute' (ie. 'Laufbahn- o. Tätigkeitsabzeichen') as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Politischen Leiter o. Amtswalter'

Early-period - and truly scarcely encountered! - so-called: 'N.S.D.A.P.'-related, trade- ie. special-career-patch ie. 'Raute' (ie. 'Laufbahn- o. Tätigkeitsabzeichen') as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Politischen Leiter o. Amtswalter'

This is an attractive - and with certainly very scarcely encountered! - so-called: 'N.S.D.A.P.'-related, trade- ie. special-career-patch ie. 'Raute' (ie. 'Laufbahn- o. Tätigkeitsabzeichen') as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Politischen Leiter o. Amtswalter' being a very nice- (ie. 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'-), example. The neat 'Raute'-shaped patch - measuring approximately 7 x ...  read more

Code: 55953

!! STOLEN !!