7178 items found
Attractive, German WWI-period- (ie. 'Reichsmarine'-related) 'Ehrenmedaille der Bund Deutscher Marine Vereine für Tapferkeit im Weltkriege - 1914-18' bearing an illustration of a sailor (and U-Boot) and that is sub-titled: 'Haltet die Treue!'

Attractive, German WWI-period- (ie. 'Reichsmarine'-related) 'Ehrenmedaille der Bund Deutscher Marine Vereine für Tapferkeit im Weltkriege - 1914-18' bearing an illustration of a sailor (and U-Boot) and that is sub-titled: 'Haltet die Treue!'

This is an attractive example of a bright-golden-toned- ie. 'feuervergoldetes' commemorative-medal (ie. so-called: 'Ehrenmedaille der Bund Deutscher Marine Vereine für Tapferkeit im Weltkriege - 1914 - 1918') bearing a patriotic illustration of a German sailor holding a flag on its front (and U-Boot ie. sub-marine on its back!) and that is sub-titled: 'Haltet die Treue!' and that comes in an ov...  read more

Code: 47372

!! STOLEN !!

Detailed and pronounced, silverish-black-coloured N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate the: 'Gautag 1935 - Hannover - 28.-30-1935 - Süd-Hannover-Braunschweig'

Detailed and pronounced, silverish-black-coloured N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate the: 'Gautag 1935 - Hannover - 28.-30-1935 - Süd-Hannover-Braunschweig'

This is an attractive - and actually not that easily encountered! - metal- (ie. tin-) based- and silverish-black-coloured-, N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') being a non-maker-marked example as was issued to commemorate the: 'Gautag 1935 - Hannover - 28.-30-1935 - Süd-Hannover-Braunschweig' and that comes in an overall very nice (albeit issued and/or worn...  read more

Code: 47345

!! STOLEN !!

Commemorative, tin-based- and/or: golden-coloured, early-period N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie' being a non-maker marked example depicting the 'Kyfhäuser'-monument and 'swastika'-device and bearing the text: 'Sachsentreffen N.S.D.A.P. 1933'

Commemorative, tin-based- and/or: golden-coloured, early-period N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie' being a non-maker marked example depicting the 'Kyfhäuser'-monument and 'swastika'-device and bearing the text: 'Sachsentreffen N.S.D.A.P. 1933'

The neat - and early-period! - badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in golden-coloured- (ie. tin- ie. copper-based) metal: it shows some normal wear and/or moderate age but has been nicely preserved. The badge comes naturally mounted onto its functional pin- ie. catch set-up and has IMO never been cleaned nor polished: it shows some minimal age ie. staining (as can be ...  read more

Code: 47344

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive - and/or fully matching! - pair of WH (Luftwaffe) officers'-type shoulderboards (ie. 'Schulterstücke für Offiziere') as was intended for a: 'Leutnant der Reserve der Flak-Artillerie-Truppen'

Attractive - and/or fully matching! - pair of WH (Luftwaffe) officers'-type shoulderboards (ie. 'Schulterstücke für Offiziere') as was intended for a: 'Leutnant der Reserve der Flak-Artillerie-Truppen'

This is an attractive - and/or fully matching! - pair of WH (Luftwaffe) officers'-type shoulderboards (ie. 'Schulterstücke für Offiziere') as executed in bright-red-coloured wool (and having a darker-blue-coloured 'secondary branchcolour as per regulation) as was intended for a: 'Leutnant der Reserve der Flak-Artillerie-Truppen' (or: reserve-lieutnant serving with the anti-aircraft-troops) and ...  read more

Code: 47295

!! STOLEN !!

Attractive, tan-coloured, so-called: N.S.F.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Flieger Korps') arm-eagle being a nicely woven- (and enlisted-mens'-pattern) example that comes mounted on its piece of tan-coloured wool

Attractive, tan-coloured, so-called: N.S.F.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Flieger Korps') arm-eagle being a nicely woven- (and enlisted-mens'-pattern) example that comes mounted on its piece of tan-coloured wool

This is a truly attractive - and not that easily found! - example of a tan-coloured, so-called: N.S.F.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Flieger Korps') arm-eagle ('Armadler für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere des N.S.F.K.') being a nicely ('BeVo'-) woven- (and enlisted-mens'-pattern) example depicting the 'Fliegender Mensch'-symbol that comes (pre)mounted on its piece of tan-coloured wool and ...  read more

Code: 47284

!! STOLEN !!

Commemorative, tin-based- and/or: golden-coloured, early-period N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie' being a non-maker marked example depicting a lion and 'swastika'-sunburst-device and bearing the text: 'Sonnenwende Zeitenwende - Bergischland - 1933'

Commemorative, tin-based- and/or: golden-coloured, early-period N.S.D.A.P.-related 'tinnie' being a non-maker marked example depicting a lion and 'swastika'-sunburst-device and bearing the text: 'Sonnenwende Zeitenwende - Bergischland - 1933'

The neat and early-period badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in golden-coloured- (ie. tin-based) metal: it shows some normal wear and/or moderate age but has been nicely preserved. The badge comes naturally mounted onto its functional pin- ie. catch set-up and has IMO never been cleaned nor polished: it shows some minimal age ie. staining (as can be seen on the pictu...  read more

Code: 47266

!! STOLEN !!

Commemorative, aluminium-based- and/or bright-silver-toned 'N.S.D.A.P.'-related 'tinnie' being a neatly maker- (ie. 'Wächtler u. Lange'-) marked example depicting a 'rounded-styled'-swastika surrounded by the text: 'Gauappell Sachsen 1936'

Commemorative, aluminium-based- and/or bright-silver-toned 'N.S.D.A.P.'-related 'tinnie' being a neatly maker- (ie. 'Wächtler u. Lange'-) marked example depicting a 'rounded-styled'-swastika surrounded by the text: 'Gauappell Sachsen 1936'

The attractive badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in aluminium-based- and/or silver-toned metal: it shows some minimal wear and/or moderate age. The badge comes mounted on its functional pin- ie. catch set-up and has IMO never been cleaned nor polished: it shows some minimal age ie. staining (as can be seen on the pictures). The 'tinnie' is quite detailed and retains...  read more

Code: 47253

!! STOLEN !!

Wooden-based, WH (Kriegsmarine) 'ink-stamp' (or: 'Dienstsiegel') bearing the text: 'Kommando I. Schiffsmachinen-Ausbildungsabteilung der Kriegsmarine'

Wooden-based, WH (Kriegsmarine) 'ink-stamp' (or: 'Dienstsiegel') bearing the text: 'Kommando I. Schiffsmachinen-Ausbildungsabteilung der Kriegsmarine'

This is a neat - and actually quite unusually seen - wooden-based, WH (Kriegsmarine) 'ink-stamp' (or: 'Dienstsiegel') bearing the text: 'Kommando I.Schiffsmachinen-Ausbildungsabteilung der Kriegsmarine' and that comes in an overall nice- (and naturally fully functional-) condition. These stamps were often used by the officers (and NCOs) for signing-off award-documents and officialising entries ...  read more

Code: 47224

!! STOLEN !!

WH (Heeres) breast-eagle as executed in 'BeVo'-type-, so-called: 'flat-wire'-weave-pattern and pre-mounted on darker-green-coloured wool, as was intended for usage by soldiers (ie. NCOs) on their dress-tunics (ie. 'Waffenröcke')

WH (Heeres) breast-eagle as executed in 'BeVo'-type-, so-called: 'flat-wire'-weave-pattern and pre-mounted on darker-green-coloured wool, as was intended for usage by soldiers (ie. NCOs) on their dress-tunics (ie. 'Waffenröcke')

I recently found a small stack comprising of 5 - fully identical! - examples of the WH (Heeres) breast-eagle (ie. 'Brustadler für Waffenrock') as executed in 'BeVo'-type-, so-called: 'flat-wire'-weave-pattern and that came already pre-mounted on darker-green-coloured wool as was specifically intended for usage by soldiers (ie. NCOs) on their dress-tunics (ie. 'Waffenröcke' or: 'Ausgeh'-uniforms...  read more

Code: 47211

!! STOLEN !!

Detailed, golden-yellow-toned- and/or copper-based breast-badge (ie. 'Brustabzeichen') denoting membership within the: 'Katholische Jungfrauenvereinigung Deutschlands'

Detailed, golden-yellow-toned- and/or copper-based breast-badge (ie. 'Brustabzeichen') denoting membership within the: 'Katholische Jungfrauenvereinigung Deutschlands'

This is an attractive - and with certainty not that often seen! - golden-yellow-toned- and/or copper-based breast-badge (ie. 'Brustabzeichen') depicting a pronounced 'Rune'-like-symbol and as such denoting membership within the: 'Katholische Jungfrauenvereinigung Deutschlands' and that comes in an overall nice- (and IMO clearly used- ie. with certainty worn-), condition. The neat and detailed b...  read more

Code: 47210

!! STOLEN !!

Membership-lapel-pin as was intended to signify membership within the: 'Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland' ie. 'VDA') being a non-maker-marked example that bears a (double): 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending-designation on its back

Membership-lapel-pin as was intended to signify membership within the: 'Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland' ie. 'VDA') being a non-maker-marked example that bears a (double): 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending-designation on its back

This is an attractive darker-blue-coloured- and/or: nicely enamelled, membership-lapel-pin (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen') as was intended to signify membership within the: the: 'Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland' ie. 'VDA') being a non-maker-marked example that bears a (double): 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending-designation on its back and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit moderately used...  read more

Code: 47195

!! STOLEN !!

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Moselland' (being a moderately used- and/or IMO once worn example that misses its so-called: 'RzM'-etiket)

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Moselland' (being a moderately used- and/or IMO once worn example that misses its so-called: 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a 'female'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in silverish-white-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was clearly issued and IMO moderately used- ie. once-tunic-attached but regrettably misses its 'RzM-etiket' (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece just shows some minimal staining caused by decades of moderate wear (as can ...  read more

Code: 47172

!! STOLEN !!

Membership-lapel-pin as was intended to signify membership within the: 'Nationalsocialistischer Reichskriegerbund' (ie. 'N.S.R.K.B.') being a non-maker-marked example that bears a: 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending-designation on its back

Membership-lapel-pin as was intended to signify membership within the: 'Nationalsocialistischer Reichskriegerbund' (ie. 'N.S.R.K.B.') being a non-maker-marked example that bears a: 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending-designation on its back

This is an attractive multi-coloured- and/or: nicely enamelled, membership-lapel-pin (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen') as was intended to signify membership within the: 'Nationalsocialistischer Reichskriegerbund' (ie. 'N.S.R.K.B.') being a non-maker-marked example that bears a: 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending-designation on its back and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit moderately used ie. worn-...  read more

Code: 47165

!! STOLEN !!

'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber', being an unmarked (and/or very converse- ie. vaulted-) 'hollow-back' example by the maker: 'Friedrich Linden' (ie. 'F.L.L.') as was executed in silver-coloured, zinc-based metal (ie. 'Feinzink')

'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber', being an unmarked (and/or very converse- ie. vaulted-) 'hollow-back' example by the maker: 'Friedrich Linden' (ie. 'F.L.L.') as was executed in silver-coloured, zinc-based metal (ie. 'Feinzink')

This example is an attractive - and IMO only minimally used and/or worn - non-maker-marked award: it has a 'typical' catch- and/or hinge (-set-up) as is more often encountered with IABs by this particular maker. I deem that this example can with certainty be determined as a 'mid-war-period-variant' that can be attributed to the maker: 'Friedrich Linden' (ie. 'F.L.L.') as based in the town of Lü...  read more

Code: 47143

!! STOLEN !!

Membership-lapel-pin as was intended to signify membership within the: 'Nationalsozialistischer Kriegsopferversorsung' (ie. 'N.S.K.O.V.') being a maker- (ie. 'Deschler'-) marked example that also shows a: 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending-designation

Membership-lapel-pin as was intended to signify membership within the: 'Nationalsozialistischer Kriegsopferversorsung' (ie. 'N.S.K.O.V.') being a maker- (ie. 'Deschler'-) marked example that also shows a: 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending-designation

The lapel-pin - which is executed in silver-toned metal (ie. 'Buntmetall') - is a nicely preserved example that shows some moderate age, wear and/or staining but has no defaults whatsoever. The lapel-pin is nicely maker-marked and also shows a: 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending-designation on its back (as can be seen on the pictures). The lapel-pin - which comes mounted on its functional pin- ie. pin...  read more

Code: 47126

!! STOLEN !!

Neat spare-part: a non-confectioned- (ie. full length- ie. 29 cms. long-sized-) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschitt') as was intended for the: 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. 'virtually mint ie. unissued'-), condition

Neat spare-part: a non-confectioned- (ie. full length- ie. 29 cms. long-sized-) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschitt') as was intended for the: 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. 'virtually mint ie. unissued'-), condition

Recently I was lucky to encounter (again!) a larger ammount of (genuine WWII-period!) non-confectioned- (ie. full length- and/or 29 cms. long-sized-) ribbons (ie. 'Bandabschitte') as were intended for usage on the WWII-pattern, Iron Cross 2nd Class (or: 'Eisernes Kreuze II. Klasse'), all pieces coming in an overall very nice (ie. 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'- and/or never mounted-), condition...  read more

Code: 47000

!! STOLEN !!

'Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber' being a non-maker-marked- and/or zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based specimen of the so-called: 'egg-head'-pattern (as was presumably produced by the 'Hersteller' ie. maker: 'Gustav Brehmer')

'Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber' being a non-maker-marked- and/or zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based specimen of the so-called: 'egg-head'-pattern (as was presumably produced by the 'Hersteller' ie. maker: 'Gustav Brehmer')

This is an attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - example of a: 'Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber' (or silver infantry assault badge ie. IAB) being a non-maker-marked- and/or zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based specimen of the so-called: 'egg-head'-pattern as was produced by a to date unidentified maker (possibly 'Gustav Brehmer') and that comes in an overall very nice (IMO hardly used-...  read more

Code: 46957

!! STOLEN !!

DAF- (ie. 'Deutsches Arbeitsfront'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie'), as was issued to commemorate the: 'Tag der Arbeitsschlacht - Gels. Buer. - 21. März 1934 - Gau Westfalen-Nord'

DAF- (ie. 'Deutsches Arbeitsfront'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie'), as was issued to commemorate the: 'Tag der Arbeitsschlacht - Gels. Buer. - 21. März 1934 - Gau Westfalen-Nord'

This is a truly attractive - and fairly early-period! - DAF- (ie. 'Deutsches Arbeitsfront'-) related related 'tinnie' (ie. 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') that was issued to commemorate a specific DAF-rally ie. gathering named the: 'Tag der Arbeitsschlacht des Gau Westfalen-Nord' (held in the town of Gelsenkirchen-Buer on 21 March 1934) and that comes in an overall very nice (albeit issued ie. moder...  read more

Code: 46955

!! STOLEN !!

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Süd Württemberg' (being an IMO never worn example that still retains its period-attached 'RzM'-etiket)

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Süd Württemberg' (being an IMO never worn example that still retains its period-attached 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a 'female'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in silverish-white-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was probably issued but was never used- nor tunic-attached and still retains its period-attached 'RzM-etiket' (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece just shows some minimal staining caused by decades of storage only (as can...  read more

Code: 46953

!! STOLEN !!

'Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber' being a non-maker-marked- and/or zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based specimen of the so-called: 'pillow-crimped'-pattern (as was produced by a to date still unidentified maker)

'Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber' being a non-maker-marked- and/or zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based specimen of the so-called: 'pillow-crimped'-pattern (as was produced by a to date still unidentified maker)

This is an attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - example of a: 'Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber' (or silver infantry assault badge ie. IAB) being a non-maker-marked- and/or zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based specimen of the so-called: 'pillow-crimped'-pattern as was produced by a to date unidentified maker and that comes in an overall very nice (IMO hardly used- nor worn-), condition...  read more

Code: 46929

!! STOLEN !!

Fully matching, WH (Heeres), IMO mid-war-period- (ie. 'M43'-pattern-) 'cyphered' NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the darker-pink (or: 'karmesinroter'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for a: 'Feldwebel der Veterinär-Truppen'

Fully matching, WH (Heeres), IMO mid-war-period- (ie. 'M43'-pattern-) 'cyphered' NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the darker-pink (or: 'karmesinroter'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for a: 'Feldwebel der Veterinär-Truppen'

This is an attractive - and actually rarely encountered! - IMO mid-war-period- (ie. 'M43'-pattern-) pair of neatly 'cyphered', NCO-type shoulderstraps as was piped in the desirable, darker-pink- ie. crimson- (or: 'karmesinroter'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for - and/or clearly used by! - a: 'Feldwebel der Veterinär-Truppen' (or: sergeant who served within an army veterinarian-unit) ...  read more

Code: 46907

!! STOLEN !!

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Süd Schwaben' (being a hardly used- and/or IMO never worn example that still retains its period-attached 'RzM'-etiket)

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Süd Schwaben' (being a hardly used- and/or IMO never worn example that still retains its period-attached 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a 'female'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in silverish-white-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was probably issued but was never used- nor tunic-attached and still retains its period-attached 'RzM-etiket' (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece just shows some minimal staining caused by decades of storage only (as can...  read more

Code: 46896

!! STOLEN !!

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Köln-Aachen' (being an IMO never used- nor worn example that regrettably misses its paper-based 'RzM'-etiket)

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Köln-Aachen' (being an IMO never used- nor worn example that regrettably misses its paper-based 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a 'male'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in golden-yellow-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was probably issued but was IMO never used- nor tunic-attached: it can be graded as: 'virtually mint' but is void of its 'RzM-etiket' (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece just shows some minimal staining caused by handling an...  read more

Code: 46894

!! STOLEN !!

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Süd Baden' (being a hardly used- and/or IMO never worn example that still retains its period-attached 'RzM'-etiket)

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Süd Baden' (being a hardly used- and/or IMO never worn example that still retains its period-attached 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a 'female'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in silverish-white-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was probably issued but was never used- nor tunic-attached and still retains its 'RzM-etiket' (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece just shows some minimal staining caused by decades of storage only (as can be seen on the ...  read more

Code: 46854

!! STOLEN !!

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Köln-Aachen' (being an IMO only moderately used- ie. worn example that misses its paper-based 'RzM'-etiket)

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Köln-Aachen' (being an IMO only moderately used- ie. worn example that misses its paper-based 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a 'male'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in golden-yellow-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was with certainty issued and was IMO moderately used- ie. once tunic-attached but is void of its (with certainty once-attached) 'RzM-etiket' (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece just shows some minimal staining caused by mod...  read more

Code: 46849

!! STOLEN !!

Copper-bronze-toned, D.R.K.B. (or: 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' aka 'Kyffhäuserbund') day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') being a non-maker-marked example entitled: '5. Deutscher Reichskriegertag des Kyffhäuserbundes - Kassel - 6.- 8. Juni 1937'

Copper-bronze-toned, D.R.K.B. (or: 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' aka 'Kyffhäuserbund') day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') being a non-maker-marked example entitled: '5. Deutscher Reichskriegertag des Kyffhäuserbundes - Kassel - 6.- 8. Juni 1937'

This is an attractive, round-shaped so-called: D.R.K.B.- (or: 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' aka 'Kyffhäuserbund'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') being a non-maker-marked example as was issued to commemorate a specific meeting entitled: '5. Deutscher Reichskriegertag des Kyffhäuserbundes - Kassel - 6.- 8. Juni 1937' and that comes in an overall very nice (albeit issued ie. IMO moderately worn...  read more

Code: 46839

!! STOLEN !!

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Westfalen' (being an IMO only moderately used- ie. worn example that misses its paper-based 'RzM'-etiket)

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Westfalen' (being an IMO only moderately used- ie. worn example that misses its paper-based 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a 'female'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in silverish-white-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was with certainty issued and was IMO moderately used- ie. once tunic-attached but is void of its (with certainty once-attached) 'RzM-etiket' (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece just shows some minimal staining caused by...  read more

Code: 46838

!! STOLEN !!

Fully matching, WH (Heeres), IMO mid-war-period- (ie. 'M43'-pattern-) NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the black-coloured branchcolour as was intended for - and/or used by! - an: 'Oberfeldwebel der Pionier-Truppen'

Fully matching, WH (Heeres), IMO mid-war-period- (ie. 'M43'-pattern-) NCO-type shoulderstraps as piped in the black-coloured branchcolour as was intended for - and/or used by! - an: 'Oberfeldwebel der Pionier-Truppen'

This is an attractive - and actually not that easily encountered! - IMO mid-war-period- (ie. 'M43'-pattern-) pair of NCO-type shoulderstraps as was piped in the desirable, black- (ie. 'schwarzer'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for - and/or clearly used by! - an: 'Oberfeldwebel der Pionier-Truppen' (or: sergeant first-class who served within an army engineers'-unit ie. regiment) and tha...  read more

Code: 46819

!! STOLEN !!

Bronze-toned so-called: 'Einzelspange' showing a: 'Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-18 mit Schwerter' (ie.: 'Kriegsteilnehmerkreuz 1914-18 mit Schwerter') being a detailed- and/or IMO zinc- ie. 'Feinzink'-based, specimen

Bronze-toned so-called: 'Einzelspange' showing a: 'Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-18 mit Schwerter' (ie.: 'Kriegsteilnehmerkreuz 1914-18 mit Schwerter') being a detailed- and/or IMO zinc- ie. 'Feinzink'-based, specimen

This is an attractive example of an - actually unusally seen! - copper-bronze-toned, so-called: 'Einzelspange' showing a WWI-period: 'Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-18 mit Schwerter' (ie.: 'Kriegsteilnehmerkreuz 1914-18 mit Schwerter') that has (IMO) been hardly used- nor worn. The piece is a detailed- and/or IMO zinc- ie. 'Feinzink'-based, specimen that is neatly maker-marked on its back: it bears the...  read more

Code: 46750

!! STOLEN !!

Very unusual, aluminium-based equipment- ie. wash-tag (ie. 'Wasch-Marke') bearing the unique numeral: '670' and superimposed text: 'Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt Hermann Göring'

Very unusual, aluminium-based equipment- ie. wash-tag (ie. 'Wasch-Marke') bearing the unique numeral: '670' and superimposed text: 'Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt Hermann Göring'

I recently found five - fully identical! - examples of the unusually seen, aluminium-based equipment- ie. wash-tags (ie. 'Wasch-Marken') all five bearing the unique numeral: '670' and superimposed text: 'Luftfahrtforschungsanstalt Hermann Göring' all five pieces coming in an overall nice- (albeit clearly used- ie. worn-), condition. These square-sized tags (sized: 3,2 x 3,2 cms.) were very popu...  read more

Code: 46729

!! STOLEN !!

Neat - albeit regrettably single! - WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-war-) period, 'M36'-pattern- (ie. pointed-styled-) 'cyphered' shoulderstrap, as was intended for an: 'Unterwachtmeister des Artillerie-Regiments 63'

Neat - albeit regrettably single! - WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-war-) period, 'M36'-pattern- (ie. pointed-styled-) 'cyphered' shoulderstrap, as was intended for an: 'Unterwachtmeister des Artillerie-Regiments 63'

This is an attractive - albeit regrettably single but nevertheless scarcely encountered - WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-war-) period, 'M36'-pattern- (ie. pointed-styled-) 'cyphered' and/or non-piped shoulderstrap, as was intended for usage by an: 'Unterwachtmeister des Artillerie-Regiments 63' (or: junior-sergeant who served within the artillery-regiment ie. unit numbered: '63') and that comes i...  read more

Code: 46722

!! STOLEN !!

Two-pieced medal-bar (ie. 'Doppelspange') respectively depicting a WWI-period: 'Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-18' (ie.: 'Kriegsteilnehmerkreuz mit Schwerter') and a detailed: 'Polizei-Dienstauszeichnung 1. Stufe'

Two-pieced medal-bar (ie. 'Doppelspange') respectively depicting a WWI-period: 'Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-18' (ie.: 'Kriegsteilnehmerkreuz mit Schwerter') and a detailed: 'Polizei-Dienstauszeichnung 1. Stufe'

This is an attractive - and in this uncommonly found combination not that often seen! - two-pieced medal-bar (ie. 'Doppelspange') respectively depicting a WWI-period: 'Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-18' (ie.: 'Kriegsteilnehmerkreuz mit Schwerter') and a neatly silvered: 'Polizei-Dienstauszeichnung 1. Stufe' (or police loyal-service medal first class as was awarded for 25 years of loyal service within t...  read more

Code: 46675

!! STOLEN !!

Fully matching pair of WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-) war-period, 'M36'-pattern (pointed-styled-), 'cyphered'- ie. generic-styled-, NCO-type shoulderstraps, as was intended for a: 'Feldwebel eines Wehrersatz-Dienstelle im Wehrkreis X'

Fully matching pair of WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-) war-period, 'M36'-pattern (pointed-styled-), 'cyphered'- ie. generic-styled-, NCO-type shoulderstraps, as was intended for a: 'Feldwebel eines Wehrersatz-Dienstelle im Wehrkreis X'

This is an attractive - and/or fully matching and not that easily found! - pair of WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-) war-period, 'M36'-pattern (pointed-styled-), 'cyphered'- ie. generic-styled-, NCO-type shoulderstraps (being a pair having no branchcolour as per regulation) as was intended for - and used by! - a: 'Feldwebel eines Wehrersatz-Dienstelle im Wehrkreis X' (or: sergeant who served withi...  read more

Code: 46671

!! STOLEN !!

WH (Heeres) early- (ie. pre-) war-period- and/or white-coloured 'Panzer'-type breast-eagle of the so-called: 'M36-pattern' as was executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern on a black-coloured background

WH (Heeres) early- (ie. pre-) war-period- and/or white-coloured 'Panzer'-type breast-eagle of the so-called: 'M36-pattern' as was executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern on a black-coloured background

This is an attractive - and with certainty not that easily encountered! - example of a WH (Heeres Panzer) (early- ie. pre-war-period-) white-coloured breast-eagle of the so-called: 'M36-pattern' (ie. 'Brustadler für Mannschaften u. Uffz. der Panzer-Truppen') as was executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern on a black-coloured background that was specifically intended for usage on the black-colo...  read more

Code: 46656

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'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Düsseldorg' (being a minimally used- and/or worn example that misses its 'RzM'-etiket)

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'West Düsseldorg' (being a minimally used- and/or worn example that misses its 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a 'female'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in silver-white-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was probably issued and/or minimally used- ie. tunic-attached but has lost its 'RzM-etiket' over the years: it has IMO once been glued into an album or scrapbook and shows some glue-remains on its back (as can be seen on the pictur...  read more

Code: 46641

!! STOLEN !!

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Südost Steiermark' (being a moderately used- ie. worn  example that shows the remains of its paper-based 'RzM'-etiket on its back)

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Südost Steiermark' (being a moderately used- ie. worn example that shows the remains of its paper-based 'RzM'-etiket on its back)

This is a 'male'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in golden-yellow-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was with certainty issued and was IMO moderately used- ie. once tunic-attached and still shows the remains of its once-attached 'RzM-etiket' (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece just shows some minimal staining caused by mode...  read more

Code: 46625

!! STOLEN !!

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Südost Steiermark' (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example that still retains most of its paper-based 'RzM'-etiket)

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Südost Steiermark' (being a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued' example that still retains most of its paper-based 'RzM'-etiket)

This is a 'female'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in silver-white-coloured linnen on a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was probably issued but was IMO never used- nor tunic-attached and still shows (most of) its period-attached 'RzM-etiket' (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece just shows some minimal staining caused by decades of storage onl...  read more

Code: 46624

!! STOLEN !!

Neat - albeit regrettably single! - WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-war-) period, 'M36'-pattern- (ie. pointed-styled-) 'cyphered' shoulderstrap, as was intended for an: 'Unterwachtmeister des Artillerie-Regiments 80'

Neat - albeit regrettably single! - WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-war-) period, 'M36'-pattern- (ie. pointed-styled-) 'cyphered' shoulderstrap, as was intended for an: 'Unterwachtmeister des Artillerie-Regiments 80'

This is an attractive - albeit regrettably single but nevertheless scarcely encountered - WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-war-) period, 'M36'-pattern- (ie. pointed-styled-) 'cyphered' and/or non-piped shoulderstrap, as was intended for usage by an: 'Unterwachtmeister des Artillerie-Regiments 80' (or: junior-sergeant who served within the artillery-regiment ie. unit numbered: '80') and that comes ...  read more

Code: 46616

!! STOLEN !!

Fully matching pair of WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-) war-period, 'M36'-pattern (pointed-styled-), 'cyphered'- ie. generic-styled-, NCO-type shoulderstraps, as was intended for a: Feldwebel eines Wehrersatz-Dienstelle im Wehrkreis X'

Fully matching pair of WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-) war-period, 'M36'-pattern (pointed-styled-), 'cyphered'- ie. generic-styled-, NCO-type shoulderstraps, as was intended for a: Feldwebel eines Wehrersatz-Dienstelle im Wehrkreis X'

This is an attractive - and/or fully matching and not that easily found! - pair of WH (Heeres), early- (ie. pre-) war-period, 'M36'-pattern (pointed-styled-), 'cyphered'- ie. generic-styled-, NCO-type shoulderstraps (being a pair having no branchcolour as per regulation) as was intended for - and used by! - a: 'Feldwebel eines Wehrersatz-Dienstelle im Wehrkreis X' (or: sergeant who served withi...  read more

Code: 46597

!! STOLEN !!

HJ/BDM ('Hitlerjugend' ie.: 'Bund Deutscher Mädel') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') being an example that misses its 'RzM-etiket' and that is entitled: 'Nord Niedersachsen' and that comes in a tunic- ie. shirt-removed, condition

HJ/BDM ('Hitlerjugend' ie.: 'Bund Deutscher Mädel') district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') being an example that misses its 'RzM-etiket' and that is entitled: 'Nord Niedersachsen' and that comes in a tunic- ie. shirt-removed, condition

This is a 'female'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in silver-white-coloured linnen on a black-coloured- (and also linnen-based-) background. This example regrettably misses its so-called: 'RzM-etiket' (as can be seen on the pictures) and was IMO clearly used- and/or once tunic- ie. shirt-attached: the triangle has been carefully removed and still shows some minimal stitching-remain...  read more

Code: 46572

!! STOLEN !!

Length of WH (Heeres) period- and/or linnen-based cap-piping (ie. 'Soutache') as piped in the bright-green-coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage on the various headgear by the: 'Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen'

Length of WH (Heeres) period- and/or linnen-based cap-piping (ie. 'Soutache') as piped in the bright-green-coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage on the various headgear by the: 'Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen'

I recently uncovered a small lot comprising of fifteen (fully identical!) pieces of the WH (Heeres) period- and/or linnen-based cap-piping (ie. 'Soutache') as piped in the bright-green-coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage on the various headgear by the: 'Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen' and that come all fifteen in a 'virtually mint'- and/or never cap-attached-, condition. This typically ex...  read more

Code: 46535

!! STOLEN !!

Commemorative, 'Buntmetall'-based 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen' (ie. 'tinnie') being a neatly maker- (ie. 'Carl Poellath'-) marked example that comes mounted on its ribbon showing the text: '900 Jahre Amberg - Bayr. Ostmark - 1934'

Commemorative, 'Buntmetall'-based 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen' (ie. 'tinnie') being a neatly maker- (ie. 'Carl Poellath'-) marked example that comes mounted on its ribbon showing the text: '900 Jahre Amberg - Bayr. Ostmark - 1934'

The neat commemorative, silverish-coloured- and/or: 'Buntmetall'-based, 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen' (ie. 'tinnie') on offer here comes in the format of a tiny portable 'medal': it is neatly maker- (ie. 'Carl Poellath'-) marked on its back and comes mounted on its (black-, white- and red-coloured) ribbon that shows a period-attached 'crown' (and 'W'-character) as issued and/or worn. It shows an il...  read more

Code: 46500

!! STOLEN !!

Commemorative, 'Buntmetall'-based 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen' (ie. 'tinnie') being a neatly maker- (ie. 'Carl Poellath'-) marked example that comes mounted on its ribbon showing the text: '900 Jahre Amberg - Bayr. Ostmark - 1934'

Commemorative, 'Buntmetall'-based 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen' (ie. 'tinnie') being a neatly maker- (ie. 'Carl Poellath'-) marked example that comes mounted on its ribbon showing the text: '900 Jahre Amberg - Bayr. Ostmark - 1934'

The neat commemorative, silverish-coloured- and/or: 'Buntmetall'-based, 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen' (ie. 'tinnie') on offer here comes in the format of a tiny portable 'medal': it is neatly maker- (ie. 'Carl Poellath'-) marked on its back and comes mounted on its (black- and yellow-coloured) ribbon as issued and/or worn. It shows an illustration of a worker carrying a scimmitar and shows a tiny s...  read more

Code: 46497

!! STOLEN !!

Resin-based- and darker-green-coloured, WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerk'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') bearing the text: 'Wir gehören zusammen dann sind wir alles - Gau Halle-Merseburg - 1936-1937'

Resin-based- and darker-green-coloured, WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerk'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') bearing the text: 'Wir gehören zusammen dann sind wir alles - Gau Halle-Merseburg - 1936-1937'

This is an attractive, round-shaped WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerk'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was executed in darker-green-coloured- and/or 'resin'-based material as was issued to commemorate participation in a specific WHW-related-gathering and that bears the text: 'Wir gehören zusammen dann sind wir alles - Gau Halle-Merseburg - 1936-1937' and that comes ...  read more

Code: 46490

!! STOLEN !!

'NS-Frauenschaft'-membership-badge (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen'), being a 23-mm.-sized (ie. 'Halbminiatur') example of the fourth pattern that shows a: 'RzM M1/63' and/or: 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending designation on its back

'NS-Frauenschaft'-membership-badge (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen'), being a 23-mm.-sized (ie. 'Halbminiatur') example of the fourth pattern that shows a: 'RzM M1/63' and/or: 'Ges.Gesch.'-patent-pending designation on its back

This particular enamelled (miniature) membership-badge was intended to signify membership within the German Womens'-Association (or in German-language: 'NS-Frauenschaft'). The example on offer here is the smaller-sized version of the series and measures only 23 mm. in height (as can be seen on the pictures). The badge comes in an overall nice and IMO moderately used- ie. worn, condition: the en...  read more

Code: 46439

!! STOLEN !!

DAF- (ie. 'Deutsches Arbeitsfront') ie. N.S.B.O.- (ie.: 'National-Sozialistischer Betriebszellen-Organisation'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie'), as was issued to commemorate the: 'Aufmarsch der deutschen Arbeitsfront - Essen Juli 1933'

DAF- (ie. 'Deutsches Arbeitsfront') ie. N.S.B.O.- (ie.: 'National-Sozialistischer Betriebszellen-Organisation'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie'), as was issued to commemorate the: 'Aufmarsch der deutschen Arbeitsfront - Essen Juli 1933'

This is an attractive - and early-period! - DAF- (ie. 'Deutsches Arbeitsfront'-) ie. N.S.B.O.- (ie.: 'National-Sozialistischer Betriebszellen-Organisation'-) related related 'tinnie' (ie. 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') that was issued to commemorate a specific DAF-rally ie. gathering named the: 'Aufmarsch der deutschen Arbeitsfront - Essen Juli 1933' and that comes in an overall very nice (albeit i...  read more

Code: 46410

!! STOLEN !!

HJ/BDM (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'/'Bund Deutscher Mädel') trade- or specialist armbadge as executed in neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern, as was intended for usage by a: 'Feldscher' (or: medical orderly) still retaining its 'RzM'-etiket

HJ/BDM (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'/'Bund Deutscher Mädel') trade- or specialist armbadge as executed in neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern, as was intended for usage by a: 'Feldscher' (or: medical orderly) still retaining its 'RzM'-etiket

I recently uncovered a period 'strip' holding 10 HJ/BDM (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'/'Bund Deutscher Mädel') so-called: trade- or specialist armbadges as all executed in neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern, as intended for usage by a: 'Feldscher' (or: medical orderly) still retaining their (consecutive!) RzM-etikets, all ten pieces coming in an overall very nice- (ie. 'virtually mint'- and/or never tunic- ie. shi...  read more

Code: 46364

!! STOLEN !!

Neat - and with certainty very rarely encountered! - Marine-HJ (ie. 'Marine-Hitlerjugend') arm-badge (aka: 'Ärmelabzeichen') depicting the embroidered text: 'Seeberufsfachschule Neuwied'

Neat - and with certainty very rarely encountered! - Marine-HJ (ie. 'Marine-Hitlerjugend') arm-badge (aka: 'Ärmelabzeichen') depicting the embroidered text: 'Seeberufsfachschule Neuwied'

This is an attractive - and with certainty very rarely encountered! - (IMO) Marine-HJ- ie. 'Marine-Hitlerjugend'-) related arm-badge (aka: 'Ärmelabzeichen') depicting the embroidered text: 'Seeberufsfachschule Neuwied' (and IMO as such denoting that the bearer was a student at a specific naval training-institute or school based in the town of Neuwied) that comes in an overall very nice (IMO cle...  read more

Code: 46322

!! STOLEN !!

Golden-toned, W.H.W.- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') being a non-maker-marked example as was issued to commemorate a: 'WHW'-gathering ie. rally entitled: 'Wir Helfen'

Golden-toned, W.H.W.- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') being a non-maker-marked example as was issued to commemorate a: 'WHW'-gathering ie. rally entitled: 'Wir Helfen'

This is an attractive, golden-toned W.H.W.- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie'), as was issued to commemorate a: 'WHW'-gathering ie. rally entitled: 'Wir Helfen' and that comes in an overall nice (albeit issued ie. moderately worn-), condition. The very detailed and/or pronounced typical-shaped badge - which is executed in golden-toned metal (ie. pot-metal) and having an...  read more

Code: 46259

!! STOLEN !!

WH (Heeres) 'tropical-styled'-, trade- and/or special-career insignia (or: 'Signal Blitz') as was intended for a soldier within the: 'Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen'

WH (Heeres) 'tropical-styled'-, trade- and/or special-career insignia (or: 'Signal Blitz') as was intended for a soldier within the: 'Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen'

This is a neat WH (Heeres) 'tropical-styled'-, trade- and/or special-career insignia (or: 'Signal Blitz') as was executed in bright-green- (ie. 'wiesengrüner'-) coloured linnen on an earthen-brown-coloured- and/or woolen-based background, as was intended for a soldier who served within the: 'Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen' (or: simple soldier ie. NCO who served within one of the infantry-related- so-...  read more

Code: 46236

!! STOLEN !!