7568 items found
Superb example of a two-pieced WH (Heeres o. Kriegsmarine) medal-bar (ie.: 'Doppelspange') resp. showing a: 'WH-DA 4. Stufe' and a Czech 'Anschluss'-medal that comes with a firmly attached 'Prager Burg-Spange'

Superb example of a two-pieced WH (Heeres o. Kriegsmarine) medal-bar (ie.: 'Doppelspange') resp. showing a: 'WH-DA 4. Stufe' and a Czech 'Anschluss'-medal that comes with a firmly attached 'Prager Burg-Spange'

This is a truly very decorative - and in this combination with certainty not that easily found! - example of a two-pieced, WH (Heeres- o. Kriegsmarine-related-) medal-bar (ie. 'Ordenspange' or: 'Doppelspange') respectively showing a: 'WH (Heeres- o. Kriegsmarine) Dienstauszeichnung 4. Stufe' (as was intended for 4 years of loyal-service) and that shows a detailed (and bright-silver-toned) eagle...  read more

Code: 64775

275.00 EUR

Attractive - albeit regrettably empty! - typical darker-greenish-toned etui as was specifically produced to store an: 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (or: Iron Cross 1st class) by the maker: 'Klein u. Quenzer A.G.'

Attractive - albeit regrettably empty! - typical darker-greenish-toned etui as was specifically produced to store an: 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (or: Iron Cross 1st class) by the maker: 'Klein u. Quenzer A.G.'

This is a truly attractive - albeit regrettably empty and/or I deem fairly early-war-period- and/or just moderately used - example of a (typical black- ie. darker-greenish-toned!) etui as was specifically produced to store an: 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (or: Iron Cross 1st class) by the maker: 'Klein u. Quenzer' and that comes in an overall nice- (ie. just moderately used-), condition. The (typ...  read more

Code: 64774


Superb, 'EKII. Kl.'-set comprising of a maker- (ie. '40'-) marked example that comes together with its original ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') and orange (!) 'Zellstoff'-based pouch as was produced by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller'): 'Berg & Nolte'

Superb, 'EKII. Kl.'-set comprising of a maker- (ie. '40'-) marked example that comes together with its original ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') and orange (!) 'Zellstoff'-based pouch as was produced by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller'): 'Berg & Nolte'

The truly attractive 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Kl.'-set on offer here - which was surely issued but that was I deem never worn nor mounted - came together with its folded and/or non-confectioned (and approx. 29 cms. long-sized) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') and rarely-seen(!) and orange-coloured 'Zellstoff'-based pouch as found. The cross - which shows a clearly stamped makers'-designation '40' stampe...  read more

Code: 64773


Superb, 5-pieced, WWI- (ie. WWII-) period- and/or N.S.D.A.P-related ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') showing the ribbons for an: 'EK II.Kl.', a: 'FKK 1914-18 m. S.', two 'N.S.D.A.P.-DA der 2. u. 3. St.' and a 'Westwall'-medal

Superb, 5-pieced, WWI- (ie. WWII-) period- and/or N.S.D.A.P-related ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') showing the ribbons for an: 'EK II.Kl.', a: 'FKK 1914-18 m. S.', two 'N.S.D.A.P.-DA der 2. u. 3. St.' and a 'Westwall'-medal

This is a truly attractive - and actually quite scarcely encountered! - example of a five-pieced, WWI- (ie. WWII-) period- (and/or N.S.D.A.P-related!) ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') showing respectively the ribbons for a WWI-period: 'Eisernes Kreuz der II.Klasse', a WWI-period: 'Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-18 mit Schwertern' (ie.: 'Kriegsteilnehmerkreuz 1914-18 mit Schw.') having a silver sw...  read more

Code: 64771


Attractive - and very nicely preserved! - 2-pieced WH (Heeres o. KM etc.) medal-bar (ie. 'Orden- o. Doppelspange') showing resp. a: 'KvK II. Kl. mit Schwertern' and a: Czech 'Anschluss'-medal

Attractive - and very nicely preserved! - 2-pieced WH (Heeres o. KM etc.) medal-bar (ie. 'Orden- o. Doppelspange') showing resp. a: 'KvK II. Kl. mit Schwertern' and a: Czech 'Anschluss'-medal

The truly attractive WH (Heeres o. Kriegsmarine etc.) two-pieced - and non-detachable - medal-bar (ie. 'Orden- o. Doppelspange') respectively shows a: 'Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern' (or: War Merits' Cross second class with swords) and a: WH Czech occupation medal '1 October 1938' (as was awarded to all members of the armed forces that participated in the German occupation of Cz...  read more

Code: 64769


Very attractive, silver-class 'Polizei-Dienstauszeichnung 2. Stufe' (or: police loyal-service medal second-class) that comes with its accompanying (and scarcely seen!) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt')

Very attractive, silver-class 'Polizei-Dienstauszeichnung 2. Stufe' (or: police loyal-service medal second-class) that comes with its accompanying (and scarcely seen!) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt')

This is a very attractive example of a silver-class: 'Polizei-Dienstauszeichnung 2. Stufe' (or: police loyal-service medal second-class as was awarded for 18 years of loyal service within the various TR-era police-services) and that comes together with its long-sized (and non-confectioned- ie. folded and regular-shaped) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') and that comes in an overall very nice- (and I...  read more

Code: 64768


Attractive - and scarcely encountered! - WH (Heeres- ie. Waffen-SS) 'Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber' (or: silver-class IAB) being a neatly maker- (ie. 'JFS'-) marked example that comes in a truly issued- ie. moderately worn, condition

Attractive - and scarcely encountered! - WH (Heeres- ie. Waffen-SS) 'Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber' (or: silver-class IAB) being a neatly maker- (ie. 'JFS'-) marked example that comes in a truly issued- ie. moderately worn, condition

This is an attractive example of the actually scarcely encountered - and truly quite desirable! - WH (Heeres- ie. Waffen-SS) 'Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber' (or: silver-class infantry assault badge ie. IAB) being a neatly maker- (ie. 'JFS'-) marked example that comes in a truly issued- ie. moderately worn, condition. The badge - which is quite 'vaulted' ie. 'converse'-shaped as always - i...  read more

Code: 64767


'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Nord Nordmark' being a moderately used- ie. worn example that misses its paper-based 'RzM'-etiket

'HJ' ('Hitlerjugend') ie. 'BDM' ('Bund Deutscher Mädel'-) district-triangle (ie. 'Gebietsdreieck') entitled: 'Nord Nordmark' being a moderately used- ie. worn example that misses its paper-based 'RzM'-etiket

This is a 'female'-specimen, indicating that it is neatly woven in silverish-white-coloured linnen onto a black-coloured (and also linnen-based-) background. This example was with certainty issued and was just moderately used- ie. worn (it still shows three metal-based 'snaps' attached with which it was once tunic- ie. shirt-attached as can be noticed on the pictures. The triangle still shows t...  read more

Code: 64765


Superb - fully matching and truly scarcely found! - pair of neatly 'cyphered' WH (Luftwaffe), enlisted-mens'-type shoulderstraps as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Soldat eines Luftschütz-Abteilung (mot)'

Superb - fully matching and truly scarcely found! - pair of neatly 'cyphered' WH (Luftwaffe), enlisted-mens'-type shoulderstraps as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Soldat eines Luftschütz-Abteilung (mot)'

This is a very attractive - and/or fully matching! - pair of neatly 'cyphered', WH (Luftwaffe), enlisted-mens'-type shoulderstraps as piped in the neat black- (ie. 'schwarzer'-) coloured branchcolour as was specifically intended for usage by a: 'Soldat eines Luftschütz-Abteilung (mot)' (or: simple soldier who served within a motorised, LW-related air-raid warden-service) and that comes in an ov...  read more

Code: 64764


Neat, WWII-period WH 'Marschabstände- o. Winkel-Messgerät' being an example as executed in silver-coloured- and/or aluminium-based material as was (presumably) produced by the: 'Esero'-company

Neat, WWII-period WH 'Marschabstände- o. Winkel-Messgerät' being an example as executed in silver-coloured- and/or aluminium-based material as was (presumably) produced by the: 'Esero'-company

This is a scarcely seen, little WWII-period- ie. WH-equipment-item that is almost always missing in any equipment ie. map-case set-up: a period, so-called: WH 'Marschabstände- o. Winkel-Messgerät' being an example that was executed in silver-coloured- and/or aluminium-based material as was (presumably) produced by the: 'Esero'-company and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit moderately u...  read more

Code: 64763


Attractive, 3-pieced medal-bar (ie. 'Ordenspange') showing a: 'KvK II. Kl. mit Schwertern' and two: WH (Heeres o. KM) so-called: 'Dienstauszeichnungen für 12 u. 4 Jahre Treue Dienste'

Attractive, 3-pieced medal-bar (ie. 'Ordenspange') showing a: 'KvK II. Kl. mit Schwertern' and two: WH (Heeres o. KM) so-called: 'Dienstauszeichnungen für 12 u. 4 Jahre Treue Dienste'

This is an attractive - albeit I deem just moderately used- and/or worn - example of a three-pieced WH (Heeres o. Kriegsmarine) medal-bar (ie. 'Ordenspange') showing respectively a: 'Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern' (or: War Merits' Cross second class with swords), a: WH (Heeres o. Kriegsmarine) so-called: 'Dienstauszeichnung für 12 Jahre Treue Dienste' (or: loyal-service medal fo...  read more

Code: 64761


Attractive example of a two-pieced WH (Luftwaffe) medal-bar (ie.: 'Doppelspange') resp. showing a: 'WH-DA 4. Stufe' (with firmly attached eagle-device!) and a Czech 'Anschluss'-medal

Attractive example of a two-pieced WH (Luftwaffe) medal-bar (ie.: 'Doppelspange') resp. showing a: 'WH-DA 4. Stufe' (with firmly attached eagle-device!) and a Czech 'Anschluss'-medal

This is a decorative - and with certainty not that easily found! - example of a two-pieced, WH (Luftwaffe-related-) medal-bar (ie. 'Ordenspange' or: 'Doppelspange') respectively showing a: 'WH (Luftwaffe) Dienstauszeichnung 4. Stufe' (as was intended for 4 years of loyal-service) and that shows a detailed, LW-type-eagle-device period-attached and a so-called Czech 'Anschluss'-medal, both medals...  read more

Code: 64759


Attractive, 2-pieced WH (Heeres o. KM) medal-bar (ie. 'Orden- o. Doppelspange') showing resp. a: 'WH DA für 4 Jahre t.D.' and a: 'Deutsches Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen' (aka: 'Westwall'-medal)

Attractive, 2-pieced WH (Heeres o. KM) medal-bar (ie. 'Orden- o. Doppelspange') showing resp. a: 'WH DA für 4 Jahre t.D.' and a: 'Deutsches Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen' (aka: 'Westwall'-medal)

This is an attractive, 2-pieced WH (Heeres o. Kriegsmarine) medal-bar (ie. 'Orden- o. Doppelspange') showing respectively a: 'WH (Heeres o. Kriegsmarine) Dienstauszeichnung für 4 Jahre Treue Dienste' (or: army-loyal-service medal for four years of loyal service) that comes with a detailed, silver-coloured eagle-device firmly attached and a: 'Deutsches Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen' (aka: 'Westwall'-m...  read more

Code: 64758

165.00 EUR

Superb, 2-pieced medal-bar (ie. 'Spange') showing two: WH (Luftwaffe) so-called: 'Dienstauszeichnungen für 12 u. 4 Jahre Treue Dienste' that both come period-mounted as a so-called: 'Doppelspange'

Superb, 2-pieced medal-bar (ie. 'Spange') showing two: WH (Luftwaffe) so-called: 'Dienstauszeichnungen für 12 u. 4 Jahre Treue Dienste' that both come period-mounted as a so-called: 'Doppelspange'

This is a truly very attractive - albeit I deem just minimally used- and/or worn - example of a two-pieced WH (Luftwaffe) medal-bar (ie. 'Spange') showing respectively a: WH (Luftwaffe) so-called: 'Dienstauszeichnung für 12 Jahre Treue Dienste' (or: loyal-service medal for twelve years of loyal service) and a: WH (Luftwaffe) so-called: 'Dienstauszeichnung für 4 Jahre Treue Dienste' (or: or loya...  read more

Code: 64757


Superb - and 'virtually mint'! - Waffen-SS - so-called: 'BeVo'-woven, enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type so-called: 'runes'-collar-tab as was intended for usage by the soldiers (ie. NCOs) of the Waffen-SS throughout the war

Superb - and 'virtually mint'! - Waffen-SS - so-called: 'BeVo'-woven, enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type so-called: 'runes'-collar-tab as was intended for usage by the soldiers (ie. NCOs) of the Waffen-SS throughout the war

This is an attractive - propably issued albeit simply never worn and nowadays hard to find! - example of a so-called: 'BeVo'-woven, enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type so-called: 'runes'-collar-tab as was intended for usage by the soldiers (ie. NCOs) of the Waffen-SS throughout the war and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. I deem 'virtually mint'- and/or never tunic-attached-), condition. Th...  read more

Code: 64755


Attractive - and moderately used! - 'Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze' (or: bronze-class panzer-assault badge or PAB) being a non-maker-marked- and/or hollow zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based example as was produced by the: 'Wilh. Deumer'-company

Attractive - and moderately used! - 'Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze' (or: bronze-class panzer-assault badge or PAB) being a non-maker-marked- and/or hollow zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based example as was produced by the: 'Wilh. Deumer'-company

This is an attractive - albeit moderately used- ie. worn! - example of a: 'Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze' (or: bronze-class panzer-assault badge or PAB) being a non-maker-marked- and/or typical zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based example that comes in an overall nice- (albeit moderately used- ie. worn-), condition. The attractive badge on offer here concerns an early- (and hollow-back!) typical zinc...  read more

Code: 64754


'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' being a non-maker-marked example that comes together with its original- and never-mounted ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') as was produced by a (by me) unidentified maker (ie. 'Hersteller')

'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' being a non-maker-marked example that comes together with its original- and never-mounted ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') as was produced by a (by me) unidentified maker (ie. 'Hersteller')

The attractive piece - which was surely issued but which was never mounted - came together with its folded and/or minimally confectioned (and approx. 29 cms. long-sized-) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt'). The cross - which is totally void of any makers'-designation - was with certainty never cleaned and has a nice and/or attractive age-patina: it has lost its so-called: 'hochpolierte Kanten' (or: p...  read more

Code: 64753


Attractive - and detailed! - 'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Bronze' (or: bronze-class infantry assault-badge ie. IAB) being a maker- (ie. 'S.H.u.C.o. 41'-) marked example as executed in bronze-toned, zinc-based metal (ie. 'Feinzink')

Attractive - and detailed! - 'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Bronze' (or: bronze-class infantry assault-badge ie. IAB) being a maker- (ie. 'S.H.u.C.o. 41'-) marked example as executed in bronze-toned, zinc-based metal (ie. 'Feinzink')

This is an attractive - albeit moderately worn but nevertheless very detailed! - example of an: 'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Bronze' (or: bronze-class infantry assault-badge ie. IAB) being a clearly maker- (ie. 'S.H.u.C.o. 41'-) marked example as executed in (light-toned) bronze-coloured- and/or zinc-based metal (ie. 'Feinzink') and that comes in an overall nice- (and fully untouched!), condit...  read more

Code: 64752

165.00 EUR

'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' being a non-maker-marked example that comes together with its original- and once-mounted ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') as was produced by a (by me) unidentified maker (ie. 'Hersteller')

'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' being a non-maker-marked example that comes together with its original- and once-mounted ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') as was produced by a (by me) unidentified maker (ie. 'Hersteller')

The attractive piece - which was surely issued and was once mounted - came together with its folded and/or minimally confectioned (and approx. 29 cms. long-sized-) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt'). The cross - which is totally void of any makers'-designation - was with certainty never cleaned and has a nice and/or attractive age-patina: it has lost its so-called: 'hochpolierte Kanten' (or: polished...  read more

Code: 64751


Zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based, 'Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber' (or silver IAB) being a clearly maker- (ie. 'FZZ'-) marked example as being produced by the: 'Fritz Zimmermann'-company and that comes in a moderately used- ie. worn, condition

Zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based, 'Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber' (or silver IAB) being a clearly maker- (ie. 'FZZ'-) marked example as being produced by the: 'Fritz Zimmermann'-company and that comes in a moderately used- ie. worn, condition

This particular example - which is as stated above nicely maker- (ie. 'FZZ'-) marked on its back as to be expected - is a typical piece that was with certainty produced by the: 'Fritz Zimmermann'-company based in the town of Stuttgart. The badge - which has still truly pronounced detail - comes naturally mounted onto its functional (and/or totally unaltered!) catch, pin and/or hinge as to be ex...  read more

Code: 64749

170.00 EUR

Neat - albeit non-maker-marked and non-magnetic! - example of a black-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz') that comes in an overall nice- (ie. I deem just moderately used-), condition

Neat - albeit non-maker-marked and non-magnetic! - example of a black-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz') that comes in an overall nice- (ie. I deem just moderately used-), condition

The attractive - and typical non-magnetic - black-class wound-badge (ie. 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Schwarz') was (I deem) just moderately worn and or used: it comes in a still nicely preserved- albeit clearly worn condition. Most of its original, black-coloured- (and/or: somewhat 'shiny'-styled- ie. satin-like) finish has been nicely preserved and it is just a tiny bit 'dusty' and/or minimally ...  read more

Code: 64748

55.00 EUR

'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' being a non-maker-marked example that comes together with its original- and once-mounted ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') as was produced by a (by me) unidentified maker (ie. 'Hersteller')

'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' being a non-maker-marked example that comes together with its original- and once-mounted ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') as was produced by a (by me) unidentified maker (ie. 'Hersteller')

The attractive piece - which was surely issued and was once mounted - came together with its folded and/or minimally confectioned (and approx. 18 cms. long-sized-) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt'). The cross - which is totally void of any makers'-designation - was with certainty never cleaned and has a nice and/or attractive age-patina: it has lost its so-called: 'hochpolierte Kanten' (or: polished...  read more

Code: 64747

135.00 EUR

Attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - example of a: 'Panzerkampf-Abz. in Silber' being a typical 'hollow-back', non-maker-marked- (and/or: 'Feinzink'-) based example as was procuced by the: 'Dr. Franke & Co.'- (ie. F.C.L.-) company

Attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - example of a: 'Panzerkampf-Abz. in Silber' being a typical 'hollow-back', non-maker-marked- (and/or: 'Feinzink'-) based example as was procuced by the: 'Dr. Franke & Co.'- (ie. F.C.L.-) company

This is a truly attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - example of a so-called: 'Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber' (or: silver-class panzer-assault badge or PAB), being a typical 'hollow-back', non-maker-marked- and/or: typical zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based example as was procuced by the: 'Dr. Franke & Co.'- (ie. F.C.L.-) company based in the town of Lüdenscheid and that comes in a wond...  read more

Code: 64744


'EK II. Klasse' being a maker- (ie. '25'-) marked example that comes together with its original- and never-mounted ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') as was produced by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller'): 'AG der Graveur-, Gold- und Silberschmiede-Innungen'

'EK II. Klasse' being a maker- (ie. '25'-) marked example that comes together with its original- and never-mounted ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') as was produced by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller'): 'AG der Graveur-, Gold- und Silberschmiede-Innungen'

The attractive piece - which was surely issued but that was I deem hardly worn - came together with its folded but non-confectioned and 'minty' (and approx. 29 cms. long-sized-) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt'). The cross - which shows a clearly stamped makers'-designation: '25' in its ring as more often - was with certainty never cleaned and has an attractive age-patina: it shows a tarnished silve...  read more

Code: 64743


'EK II. Klasse' being a maker- (ie. '25'-) marked example that comes together with its original- and never-mounted ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') as was produced by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller'): 'AG der Graveur-, Gold- und Silberschmiede-Innungen'

'EK II. Klasse' being a maker- (ie. '25'-) marked example that comes together with its original- and never-mounted ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') as was produced by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller'): 'AG der Graveur-, Gold- und Silberschmiede-Innungen'

The attractive piece - which was surely issued but that was I deem hardly worn - came together with its folded but non-confectioned and 'minty' (and approx. 29 cms. long-sized-) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt'). The cross - which shows a clearly stamped makers'-designation: '25' in its ring as more often - was with certainty never cleaned and has an attractive age-patina: it shows a tarnished silve...  read more

Code: 64741


Attractive, 'standard-issue'-pattern, WH 'Zeiler'-type flashlight (ie. 'Taschenlampe') as executed in reddish-brown-coloured 'Bakelite' that is still retaining its original and/or complete leather strap (ie. 'Lasche')

Attractive, 'standard-issue'-pattern, WH 'Zeiler'-type flashlight (ie. 'Taschenlampe') as executed in reddish-brown-coloured 'Bakelite' that is still retaining its original and/or complete leather strap (ie. 'Lasche')

This is an attractive - and in this complete condition quite scarcely found! - 'standard-issue'-pattern, WH 'Zeiler' flashlight (of the type '4848' ie. 'Taschenlampe') being an example that was executed in reddish-brown-coloured 'Bakelite' and that still retains its original and/or complete (genuine) leather-based strap (ie. 'Lasche') and that comes in an overall nice- (ie. complete and/or virt...  read more

Code: 64740


Lapel-pin (ie. 'Zivilabzeichen') denoting membership within: 'Der Stahlhelm' - Bund der Frontsoldaten (Sta)' being a non-maker-marked example that is executed in (tarnished) silvered metal (ie. 'Buntmetall')

Lapel-pin (ie. 'Zivilabzeichen') denoting membership within: 'Der Stahlhelm' - Bund der Frontsoldaten (Sta)' being a non-maker-marked example that is executed in (tarnished) silvered metal (ie. 'Buntmetall')

This is neat lapel-pin (ie. 'Zivilabzeichen') denoting membership within the WWI veterans'-association: 'Der Stahlhelm' - Bund der Frontsoldaten (Sta)' being a (typical) non-maker-marked example that is executed in minimally tarnished, silvered metal (ie. 'Buntmetall') and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit clearly used- ie. worn-), condition. The badge on offer here depicts an early-patter...  read more

Code: 64739

35.00 EUR

Unusual, commemorative 'N.S.K.K.- o. A.D.A.C.'-related car-plaque (ie. 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Kraftwagenplakette') showing a upright-positioned hand, swastika and text: 'Ostland Treuefahrt 1933'

Unusual, commemorative 'N.S.K.K.- o. A.D.A.C.'-related car-plaque (ie. 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Kraftwagenplakette') showing a upright-positioned hand, swastika and text: 'Ostland Treuefahrt 1933'

This is an attractive - and - I deem - with certainty not that often- ie. scarcely encountered! - fairly early-period, so-called: N.S.K.K.-related commemorative-car-plaque (ie. 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Kraftwagenplakette') showing a detailed and pronounced illustration of an oath-taking (and upright-positioned) hand, swastika-device and text that reads: 'Ostland Treuefahrt 1933' and that ...  read more

Code: 64738

165.00 EUR

Superb, 'Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse' (or: iron cross 2nd class) being an early-period, non-maker-marked- and/or magnetic specimen as was executed in the so-called: 'Schinkel'-pattern by (I deem) the maker: 'Paul Meybauer'

Superb, 'Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse' (or: iron cross 2nd class) being an early-period, non-maker-marked- and/or magnetic specimen as was executed in the so-called: 'Schinkel'-pattern by (I deem) the maker: 'Paul Meybauer'

The attractive - and with certainty early-war-period! - award comes together with its folded (shortened and confectioned!) truly orange-red-coloured (and approx. 14 cms. long-sized-) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt'). The cross - which is void of any makers'-signification as is more often encountered - has never been cleaned nor polished and retains a very nice and attractive age-patina (the piece t...  read more

Code: 64736


Moderately worn, HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') enamelled lapel-pin (ie.: 'Raute') being a bright-red-coloured- and/or detailed - and non-cleaned and untouched! - example showing an: 'RzM - 29'-makers'-designation

Moderately worn, HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') enamelled lapel-pin (ie.: 'Raute') being a bright-red-coloured- and/or detailed - and non-cleaned and untouched! - example showing an: 'RzM - 29'-makers'-designation

The tiny - and I deem early-period! - membership- badge (ie. 'Raute') is truly bright-red-coloured and is just minimally 'darkened' caused by normal age ie. wear. It is a detailed example that is showing an: 'RzM - 29'-makers'-designation on its back (as can be noticed on the pictures). The tiny lapel-pin was most certainly never cleaned and is just a tiny bit stained (some darkened age-patina ...  read more

Code: 64735


Neat medal-set: 'Winterschlacht im Osten 1941-42' being a maker- (ie. '93'-) marked- (and/or 'Feinzink'-based) specimen by the maker: 'Richard Simm & Söhne' and that comes together with its (minimally confectioned) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt')

Neat medal-set: 'Winterschlacht im Osten 1941-42' being a maker- (ie. '93'-) marked- (and/or 'Feinzink'-based) specimen by the maker: 'Richard Simm & Söhne' and that comes together with its (minimally confectioned) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt')

This is an attractive medal-set: 'Winterschlacht im Osten 1941-42' (ie. 'Ost'- or Eastern-Front medal) being a clearly maker- (ie. '93'-) marked- (and/or: typical zinc- ie. 'Feinzink'-based) specimen that was produced by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller') named: 'Richard Simm & Söhne'as was based in the town of Gablonz a.d. N. and that comes together with its (minimally confectioned- and approx. 19 c...  read more

Code: 64734


Aluminium-based, N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') as was issued to commemorate an: 'N.S.D.A.P.'-gathering ie. rally entitled: 'Gautreffen - Gau Westfalen-Nord - 1938'

Aluminium-based, N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') as was issued to commemorate an: 'N.S.D.A.P.'-gathering ie. rally entitled: 'Gautreffen - Gau Westfalen-Nord - 1938'

This is a neat so-called: N.S.D.A.P.-related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') as was issued to commemorate an: 'N.S.D.A.P.'-gathering ie. rally entitled: 'Gautreffen - Gau Westfalen-Nord - 1938' and that comes in an overall nice (albeit issued ie. moderately worn-), condition. The quite detailed and/or pronounced (circular-shaped) badge - which is executed in molded, silver-toned metal (ie. aluminium) ...  read more

Code: 64732

35.00 EUR

Superb - and unusually found! - golden-bronze-toned, HJ- (ie. DJ-) related 'tinnie' (ie. 'Tagungs- o. Veranstaltungsabzeichen') showing a hand with torch, swastika and text that reads: 'HJ Gebietsaufmarsch - Neumuenster - 9. Juli 1933'

Superb - and unusually found! - golden-bronze-toned, HJ- (ie. DJ-) related 'tinnie' (ie. 'Tagungs- o. Veranstaltungsabzeichen') showing a hand with torch, swastika and text that reads: 'HJ Gebietsaufmarsch - Neumuenster - 9. Juli 1933'

This is a very attractive - and with certainty quite scarcely found! - so-called: HJ- ('Hitlerjugend') ie. DJ- ('Deutsches Jungvolk') related day-badge or 'tinnie' (ie. 'Tagungs- o. Veranstaltungsabzeichen') showing a hand with torch, swastika and tekst (executed in Runic-script!) that simply reads: 'HJ Gebietsaufmarsch - Neumuenster - 9. Juli 1933' and that comes in an overall very nice- (albe...  read more

Code: 64730

90.00 EUR

Attractive - and fairly luxuriously-styled! - 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Silber' being a non-maker-marked- and (I deem) early-period 'Buntmetall'-based example as was produced by a (by me) unidentified maker

Attractive - and fairly luxuriously-styled! - 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Silber' being a non-maker-marked- and (I deem) early-period 'Buntmetall'-based example as was produced by a (by me) unidentified maker

The truly attractive - and fairly luxuriously styled! - silver-class wound-badge (or: 'Verwundeten-Abzeichen in Silber') is executed in neat and/or minimally shiny (ie. somewhat tarnished), so-called: 'Buntmetall' and does show some obvious usage and/or wear (as can be seen on the pictures). The badge - which is naturally non-magnetic - comes mounted onto its fully functional (thin-shaped- and ...  read more

Code: 64729

125.00 EUR

Attractive, WWI-period: 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' (or: iron cross second class) being a maker- (ie. 'O'-) marked example that comes together with its (minimally) confectioned piece of ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt')

Attractive, WWI-period: 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' (or: iron cross second class) being a maker- (ie. 'O'-) marked example that comes together with its (minimally) confectioned piece of ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt')

This is an attractive example of an (I deem) surely issued- but hardly worn example of a WWI-period: 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' (or: iron cross second class) and that comes as issued and/or recently found. The detail on this example is nicely preserved: it has - I deem - never been cleaned nor polished and has an attractive and/or minimally tarnished age-patina (as can be seen on the pictures)...  read more

Code: 64728


'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber' being a maker- (ie. 'Frank & Reif'-) marked and/or quite converse, 'solid-back' example by the maker: 'Frank & Reif') as was executed in greyish-silver-coloured, zinc-based metal

'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber' being a maker- (ie. 'Frank & Reif'-) marked and/or quite converse, 'solid-back' example by the maker: 'Frank & Reif') as was executed in greyish-silver-coloured, zinc-based metal

This example is an attractive - and I deem only moderately used and/or worn - clearly maker- (ie. 'Frank & Reif - Stuttgart'-) marked award: it has a 'typical' catch- and/or hinge (-set-up) as is more often encountered with IABs by this particular maker. This specimen can be determined as a 'mid-war-period-variant' that can be attributed to the maker: 'Frank & Reif' as based in the town of Stut...  read more

Code: 64727


Commemorative - silver-toned- and/or tin-based - SA- (ie. 'Sturmabteilungen'-) related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked- and/or 'hollow-back' example depicting the SA-logo, provincial-shield and text (ie. date) that reads: 'Stuttgart - 1-VII-34'

Commemorative - silver-toned- and/or tin-based - SA- (ie. 'Sturmabteilungen'-) related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked- and/or 'hollow-back' example depicting the SA-logo, provincial-shield and text (ie. date) that reads: 'Stuttgart - 1-VII-34'

The neat SA- (ie. 'Sturmabteilungen'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in silver-toned- (and clearly tarnished- ie. blackened) tin-based metal (ie. 'Eisenblech') and depicts a (larger-sized!) SA-logo, provincial-shield and text (ie. date) that simply reads: 'Stuttgart - 1-VII-34' and was as such intended for an SA-related event that took place in the y...  read more

Code: 64726

55.00 EUR

Aluminium-based, WH (LW) ie. 'Flieger o. Zerstörer'-related ID-disc, bearing the 'coded'-unit- ie. 'MOB'-designation: 'B65201' (and as such belonging to a soldier who served within the: '2./Erg.Zerst.Gru')

Aluminium-based, WH (LW) ie. 'Flieger o. Zerstörer'-related ID-disc, bearing the 'coded'-unit- ie. 'MOB'-designation: 'B65201' (and as such belonging to a soldier who served within the: '2./Erg.Zerst.Gru')

This is an attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - example of a silver-coloured- and/or typical aluminium-based WH (Luftwaffe-) ie. 'Flieger o. Zerstörer'-related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') that came as issued and/or as worn and that is bearing the clearly stamped- (and/or: 'coded') unit-designation (aka: 'MOB-liste-Nummerierung') that simply reads: 'B65201' (and as such belongin...  read more

Code: 64725


Attractive, golden-bronze-coloured- (and I deem 'Buntmetall'-based-) example of a: 'Deutsch-Italienische Feldzugsmedaille' (or: German-Italian campaign-medal) that comes mounted onto its (regular-sized) piece of original (an minimally faded) ribbon

Attractive, golden-bronze-coloured- (and I deem 'Buntmetall'-based-) example of a: 'Deutsch-Italienische Feldzugsmedaille' (or: German-Italian campaign-medal) that comes mounted onto its (regular-sized) piece of original (an minimally faded) ribbon

The attractive - and I deem most certainly early-period! - medal is stamped by the designer ie. cutter (named: 'De Marohis') and is also neatly maker- (ie. 'Lorioli-Milano'-) marked as is always the case with these neat and desirable, foreign commemorative awards. The pronounced medal retains most (ie. all!) of its minimally darkened, golden-bronze-coloured finish and has simply never been clea...  read more

Code: 64724

145.00 EUR

Attractive, WWI-period so-called: 'Doppelspange' (being of the 'detachable-pattern') showing resp. an: 'EK II. Klasse' and a: 'FKK 1914-18 mit Schw.' and that comes as recently found

Attractive, WWI-period so-called: 'Doppelspange' (being of the 'detachable-pattern') showing resp. an: 'EK II. Klasse' and a: 'FKK 1914-18 mit Schw.' and that comes as recently found

This is an attractive - and I deem just moderately used- and/or worn! - example of a WWI-period, so-called: 'Doppelspange' (ie. 'Doppelspange') being of the desirable 'detachable-pattern' and that is respectively showing an: 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' (or: iron cross second class) and a WWI-period: 'Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-18 mit Schwertern' (ie.: 'Kriegsteilnehmerkreuz 1914-18 mit Schw.') and ...  read more

Code: 64723

95.00 EUR

WH (Heeres) enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type, so-called: 'Edelweiss'-armpatch being a 'BeVo'-woven example as was executed on darker-green linnen as was specifically intended for usage by the: 'Gebirgsjäger-Truppen'

WH (Heeres) enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type, so-called: 'Edelweiss'-armpatch being a 'BeVo'-woven example as was executed on darker-green linnen as was specifically intended for usage by the: 'Gebirgsjäger-Truppen'

This is a neat example of the WH (Heeres) enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type, so-called: 'Edelweiss'-armpatch being a 'BeVo'-woven example as was executed on darker-green linnen as was specifically intended for usage by the: 'Gebirgsjäger-Truppen' (or mountain-troops) and that comes in a simply never used- (ie. 'virtually mint - ie. unissued'-), condition. The piece was never worn nor tunic-attach...  read more

Code: 63957


Waffen-SS 'volunteer'-arm-shield as was intended for usage by soldiers of the: '29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS' (ie. 'italienische Nr. 1') and that comes in a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued', condition

Waffen-SS 'volunteer'-arm-shield as was intended for usage by soldiers of the: '29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS' (ie. 'italienische Nr. 1') and that comes in a 'virtually mint- ie. unissued', condition

This is an attractive example of a Waffen-SS, Italian 'volunteer'-arm-shield (ie. 'Ärmelschild') as was intended for usage by soldiers of the: '29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS' (o. 'italienische Nr. 1') depicting the golden-yellow-coloured 'Facses'-symbol ie. national symbol of Italy and that comes in a 'virtually mint'- (ie. I deem 'unissued' and/or never tunic-attached-), condition: it d...  read more

Code: 63559


Stunning, 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' being a maker- (ie. 'L/11'-) marked example by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller'): 'Wilhelm Deumer' and that came stored in its rarely seen 'LDO'-etui ie. box

Stunning, 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' being a maker- (ie. 'L/11'-) marked example by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller'): 'Wilhelm Deumer' and that came stored in its rarely seen 'LDO'-etui ie. box

The truly very attractive 'Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse' on offer here is a neatly maker- (ie. 'L/11'-) marked example that was produced by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller'): 'Wilhelm Deumer' and that came stored in its (rarely seen!) darker-blue-toned 'LDO'-etui ie. box as recently found. The piece was I deem surely issued but that was simply never worn nor used. The cross - which shows a clearly stam...  read more

Code: 64720


Superb, 'Wiederholungsspange zum EK II. Klasse' (or: bar to the WWI IC second class) being a (presumably) non-maker-marked example as was (I deem) produced by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller') named: 'Wilh. Deumer' as based in the town of Lüdenscheid

Superb, 'Wiederholungsspange zum EK II. Klasse' (or: bar to the WWI IC second class) being a (presumably) non-maker-marked example as was (I deem) produced by the maker (ie. 'Hersteller') named: 'Wilh. Deumer' as based in the town of Lüdenscheid

This is a truly attractive - and (I deem) issued and/or moderately worn- and presumably carefully tunic-removed! - example of a so-called: 'Wiederholungsspange zum EK II. Klasse' (or: bar to the WWI IC second-class) being a typical non-maker-marked (ie. 'Buntmetall-versilbertes') example as was (I deem) produced by the desirable maker (ie. 'Hersteller') named: 'Wilhelm Deumer' as was based in t...  read more

Code: 64719

365.00 EUR

Attractive, medal-set: 'Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwerter', being a maker- (ie. '1'-) marked specimen as was produced by the: 'Deschler u. Sohn'-company that came still packed in its original, etui and dito 'Überkarton'

Attractive, medal-set: 'Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwerter', being a maker- (ie. '1'-) marked specimen as was produced by the: 'Deschler u. Sohn'-company that came still packed in its original, etui and dito 'Überkarton'

This is a truly very attractive, medal-set: 'Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwerter' (or: war-merits'-cross second class with swords) being a maker- (ie. '1'-) marked specimen as was produced by the: 'Deschler u. Sohn'-company and that comes still packed in its original, black-coloured (ie. somewhat simplified) etui and dito 'Überkarton' and that comes in a truly 'virtually mint- ie. unis...  read more

Code: 64718


Stunning - and virtually mint! - SS o. Allgemeine-SS enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type belt-buckle (being a typical maker-marked and/or nickle-chrome-based: 'Overhoff & Cie'-example) that comes in a wonderful and never worn, condition

Stunning - and virtually mint! - SS o. Allgemeine-SS enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO-) type belt-buckle (being a typical maker-marked and/or nickle-chrome-based: 'Overhoff & Cie'-example) that comes in a wonderful and never worn, condition

The truly very attractive - and as always naturally typically nickle-based- and silver-toned - SS o. Allgemeine-SS enlisted-mens' (ie. NCO-type) belt-buckle comes in a possibly issued- (albeit simply never used- nor worn-), condition: it can easily be graded 'virtually mint'. It truly retains all of its original-applied silverish-coloured- and/or typical finish (as can be seen on the pictures)...  read more

Code: 64717


Neat - and scarcely encountered! - N.S.D.A.P.- related 'tinnie' being a maker- (ie. 'Wächtler & Lange'-) marked example showing the text: 'Albert Leo Schlageters Denkmalsweihe - Porta Minden - 1933'

Neat - and scarcely encountered! - N.S.D.A.P.- related 'tinnie' being a maker- (ie. 'Wächtler & Lange'-) marked example showing the text: 'Albert Leo Schlageters Denkmalsweihe - Porta Minden - 1933'

The golden-bronze-toned badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is (I deem) executed in copper-coloured and so-called tin-based- (ie. pot-) metal: it shows some normal wear and/or moderate age but has presumably never been cleaned nor polished (it is still a bit dirty but has maintained a nice, somewhat tarnished age-patina). The badge has a functional pin-/catch set-up and shows som...  read more

Code: 64716


Clearly tunic-removed WH (Heeres) early- (ie. pre)-war-period- and/or greyish-coloured breast-eagle of the so-called: 'M36- (ie. M40-) pattern' (ie. 'Brustadler für Mannschaften u. Uffz.') as was executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern

Clearly tunic-removed WH (Heeres) early- (ie. pre)-war-period- and/or greyish-coloured breast-eagle of the so-called: 'M36- (ie. M40-) pattern' (ie. 'Brustadler für Mannschaften u. Uffz.') as was executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern

This is an attractive - and truly used- and/or carefully tunic-removed! - WH (Heeres) early- ie. (pre-)war-period, greyish-coloured breast-eagle of the so-called: 'M36- (ie. M40-)pattern' (ie. 'Brustadler für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere') as was executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern onto a darker-green-coloured background and that comes in an overall nice- (ie. obviously used- and/or: cl...  read more

Code: 64715

60.00 EUR

Moderately worn, HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') enamelled lapel-pin (ie.: 'Raute') being a bright-red-coloured- and/or detailed - and non-cleaned and untouched! - example showing an: 'RzM - M1/63'-makers'-designation

Moderately worn, HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') enamelled lapel-pin (ie.: 'Raute') being a bright-red-coloured- and/or detailed - and non-cleaned and untouched! - example showing an: 'RzM - M1/63'-makers'-designation

The tiny badge - which is truly bright-red-coloured and that is just minimally 'darkened' caused by normal age ie. wear - is a detailed example that is showing an: 'RzM - M1/63'-makers'-designation on its back (as can be noticed on the pictures). The tiny lapel-pin was most certainly never cleaned and is just a tiny bit stained (some darkened age-patina is present and/or visible). The lapel-pin...  read more

Code: 64714


Silver-toned - and I deem 'Buntmetall'-based - early-pattern, SS- o. SA-type, political- ie. 'Art Deco'-styled visor- (ie. 'Schirmmützen'-) cap-eagle being a non-maker-marked example that comes in a used- ie. carefully cap-removed-, condition

Silver-toned - and I deem 'Buntmetall'-based - early-pattern, SS- o. SA-type, political- ie. 'Art Deco'-styled visor- (ie. 'Schirmmützen'-) cap-eagle being a non-maker-marked example that comes in a used- ie. carefully cap-removed-, condition

This is an attractive - and truly detailed! - silver-toned- and/or (I deem) 'Buntmetall'-based- and/or truly early-pattern, political- ie. 'Art Deco'-styled (ie. SS- o. SA-type-) visor- (ie. 'Schirmmützen o. Kepi'-) cap-eagle being a (typical) non-maker-marked example that comes in an overall nice- ie. moderately used- and I deem carefully cap-removed-, condition. These eagles were intended for...  read more

Code: 64713