Later-war- (ie. 'last-ditch'-) pattern WH (Heeres): 'M43-pattern') cap-eagle/cocarde (ie. cap-trapezoid) for the: 'M-43'-model field-caps (ie. 'Einheitsfeldmützen') Later-war- (ie. 'last-ditch'-) pattern WH (Heeres): 'M43-pattern') cap-eagle/cocarde (ie. cap-trapezoid) for the: 'M-43'-model field-caps (ie. 'Einheitsfeldmützen') Later-war- (ie. 'last-ditch'-) pattern WH (Heeres): 'M43-pattern') cap-eagle/cocarde (ie. cap-trapezoid) for the: 'M-43'-model field-caps (ie. 'Einheitsfeldmützen')

Later-war- (ie. 'last-ditch'-) pattern WH (Heeres): 'M43-pattern') cap-eagle/cocarde (ie. cap-trapezoid) for the: 'M-43'-model field-caps (ie. 'Einheitsfeldmützen')

This is a neat - and truly used- ie. once cap-attached! - example of a 'standard-issue'- ie. typical later-war- (ie. 'last-ditch'-) pattern type, WH (Heeres) so-called: 'M43-pattern'-cap-eagle/cocarde (ie. cap-trapezoid or: 'Mützentrapez') as was specifically produced for usage on the so-called: 'M-43'-model field-caps (ie. 'Einheitsfeldmützen') and that comes in a truly used- ie. once cap-attached-, condition. The piece is somewhat crudely executed in machine-embroidery on a thin-shaped (and linnen-based) background and was once cap-attached. The piece shows some (machine)stitching-holes (as can be seen on the pictures). Simply a neat occasion to aquire a truly worn and typical later-war- (ie. 'last-ditch'-) pattern type Heeres-cap-trapezoid for a competitive price!

Code: 68234
