Police- (ie. 'Polizei') 'standard'-pattern, silver-toned- and zinc-based belt-buckle (ie. 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Uffz. der Polizei') being a non-maker-marked example Police- (ie. 'Polizei') 'standard'-pattern, silver-toned- and zinc-based belt-buckle (ie. 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Uffz. der Polizei') being a non-maker-marked example Police- (ie. 'Polizei') 'standard'-pattern, silver-toned- and zinc-based belt-buckle (ie. 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Uffz. der Polizei') being a non-maker-marked example

Police- (ie. 'Polizei') 'standard'-pattern, silver-toned- and zinc-based belt-buckle (ie. 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Uffz. der Polizei') being a non-maker-marked example

The truly attractive - and I deem hardly- ie. just minimally used- and/or worn! - 'standard'-pattern, silver-toned- and typical zinc-based police- (ie. 'Polizei') related belt-buckle (ie. 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere der Polizei o. Gendarmerie') is a very nicely preserved example that comes in a fully untouched- (and I deem only minimally used- and/or worn-), condition (as can be seen on the pictures). The buckle - which is totally void makers'-designation as more often - truly retains almost all of its (bright) silver-greyish finish and just shows some minimal age, wear and/or staining simply caused by having been used and/or stored as such. The piece is of a typical 'two-pieced construction' (having a seperately attached front-plate in place). The neat buckle orginates from an older belt-buckle-collection that was compiled over many years and that I recently acquired for the web-site. I deem that I have priced this attractive and hardly used and/or worn police- (ie. 'Polizei') 'Koppelschloss für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere der Polizei o. Gendarmerie', accordingly!

Code: 68174

175.00 EUR