WH (Kriegsmarine)-related side-cap eagle- and dito cocarde insignia-set (ie. 'Mützenadler u. Kokarde für Schiffchen') both pieces as executed in the 'BeVo'-weave pattern
This is an attractive - truly used- and clearly side-cap-removed- and actually noth that easily seen! - darker-blue-coloured, WH (Kriegsmarine)-related side-cap eagle- and dito cocarde insignia-set (ie. 'Mützenadler u. Kokarde für Schiffchen') both pieces as executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern, both examples as executed on a typical, darker-blue-coloured- (and/or also linnen-based-) background and that both come is a clearly used- ie. carefully cap-removed-, condition. These attractive insignia-sets were used by members of the 'Kriegsmarine' and were intended for the blue-attire side-caps (ie. 'Schiffchen für Mannschaften u. Unteroffiziere'). This neat set comes in a clearly used- and/or cap-removed condition: it does show some minimal age and/or staining simply caused by having been moderately used. It should be noted that especially the darker-blue-coloured KM-cocardes are very hard to encounter. Simply a neat WH (Kriegsmarine)-related side-cap eagle- and dito cocarde insignia-set!
Code: 68163