Silverish-toned membership-pin: 'Reichsbund Deutsche Jägerschaft' (ie. 'DJV') being a detailed- (albeit non-maker-marked) example that is executed in silver-toned aluminium
This is an attractive - and not that often seen! - membership lapel-pin (ie. 'Mitgliedsabzeichen') that signified membership within the: 'Reichsbund Deutsche Jägerschaft' (ie. 'DJV') being a very detailed- and as more often non-maker-marked example that is executed in typical silverish-coloured, aluminium and that comes in an overall nice- (and I deem only moderately used- ie. worn-), condition. The lapel-pin shows the 'DJV'-logo as mounted on a swastika-sign - and has I deem never been cleaned nor polished and still retains a truly nice and only slightly darkened- ie. tarnished, age-patina. This example comes mounted onto its period pin- ie. pin/catch-set-up: it is not maker-marked but does show a 'Ges.Gesch.'-designation. I deem that this is a most certainly decorative badge which I have priced according to its nicely preserved condition!
Code: 68019