Early- (ie. mid-war-) period, 'all-linnen'-based specific 'tropical-issue'-pattern WH 'A-Rahmen' (ie. 'Gefechts- or 'Sturmgepäck')
This is a truly attractive - hardly used and with certainty fairly scarcely seen! - I deem early- (ie. mid-war-) period- and 'all-linnen'-based, specific 'tropical-issue'-pattern, WH 'A-Rahmen' (ie. 'Gefechts- or 'Sturmgepäck' aka 'A-frame') that comes in a fully complete and/or totally untouched, condition. The frame comes naturally complete with all its linnen-based lashes, metal-based loops and tan-coloured linnen-based straps present and in place. The frame - which was recently found at a private-household in Germany - is of the specific 'tropical'-pattern which saw usage within the 'Afrikakorps' (but saw further usage throughout the war). The 'pack' is naturally fully functional and complete and does show a (surely present but impossible to decypher) makers'-designation- ie. date-stamp: this might, however, been 'washed-away' during moderate usage and/or wear (as can be seen on the pictures). The 'pack' is only minimally used and does show some minimal (rust)staining but is totally void of any damage or alike. Both its (blank) metal-based rivets are original to the frame and are not re-mounted-, re-rivited or alike). This example was surely issued and/or used, and can - I deem - be graded as a truly DAK- (ie. 'Afrikakorps'-) related item. All metal parts still retain (most of) their greyish-toned (ie.anodized) finish but do show some minimal staining. Simply an attractive - and nowadays scarcely seen! - piece of 'tropical'-issued WH-equipment that is I deem accordingly priced!
Code: 67938
890.00 EUR