'DRB'- (ie. 'Deutsche Reichsbahn'-) related arm-eagle (ie. 'Ärmeladler'): 'RBD Wuppertal' (or: 'Wehrmacht-Reichsbahndirektion Wuppertal')
This is a neat - and 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'! - example of a linnen-based arm-eagle (ie. 'Ärmeladler') as executed in the so-called: 'BeVo'-weave-pattern as was specifically intended for usage by an official who served within the: 'Deutsche Reichsbahn' ie. the 'RBD Wuppertal' (or: 'Wehrmacht-Reichsbahndirektion Wuppertal') and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. never used- ie. still 'virtually mint- ie. unissued'-), condition. These eagles - as woven in golden-yellow-coloured linnen on a black-coloured- (and also linnen-based) background were worn on the darker-blue-coloured service-tunics and/or uniforms of the various officials within this organisation. This is a special arm-insignia-piece that was intended for the staff working at one of the occupied railway centres in occupied Europe. There were several of these centres (= 'Reichsbahndirektionen' or RBD) throughout Europe. This piece was intended for a member of the: 'RBD Wuppertal' (or: 'Reichsbahndirektion') based in the town of Wuppertal. The piece - showing a left-facing eagle as to be expected - comes in a 'virtually mint'- and/or never tunic-attached, condition: it is just a tiny bit stained ie. wrinkled as caused by decades of storage only. Simply a nice - and not that commonly encountered - 'Deutsche Reichsbahn'-related arm-eagle!
Code: 67923