6-pieced N.S.D.A.P.-related 'Ordenspange' showing a: 'KvK II.Kl. m. S.', a: D.A. in Silber' (ie. '2. Stf. für 15 Jahre t.D.'), a: 'D.A. in Bronze' (ie. '3. Stf. für 10 Jahre t.D.') two 'Anschluss'-medals and a: 'Westwall'-medal
This is a truly very attractive - and in this longer-sized combination very difficult to find and I deem only minimally used- and/or worn! - example a six-pieced medal-bar (ie. 'Ordenspange') showing respectively a: typical 'Buntmetall'-based: 'Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern' (or: War Merits' Cross second class with swords), a nicely enamalled: 'N.S.D.A.P. Dienstauszeichnung in Silber' (ie. being of the '2. Stufe für 15 Jahre treue Dienste') being a non-maker-marked example (as always), a: 'N.S.D.A.P. Dienstauszeichnung in Bronze' (ie. being of the '3. Stufe für 10 Jahre treue Dienste') being a non-maker-marked- (and/or so-called: 'heavy-weight') example, an: Austrian 'Anschluss'-medal ie. 'Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. März 1938') as was awarded to all members of the armed forces that participated in the German occupation of Austria that started on: '1. März 1938', a: Czech 'Anschluss'-medal ie. 'Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938') as was awarded to all members of the armed forces that participated in the German occupation of Czechoslovakia that started on: '1. Oktober 1938' and a: 'Deutsches Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen' (aka: 'Westwall'-medal) and that come all six, period-mounted as a (non-detachable) 'Ordenspange' that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit issued- and I deem only minimally worn- ie. used-), condition. Both - pronounced and very detailed! - 'N.S.D.A.P. Dienstauszeichnungen' have most certainly never been cleaned and retain most (ie. all!) of their darker-bronze- ie. truly bright-coloured, silver-toned finish: both (non-maker-marked) awards retain great pronounced detail. The silver-class award retains a fully undamaged and nicely preserved typical (darker-blue) enamelled finish (without showing any damage or alike). The award also retains most of its high-polished sides ie. 'hochpolierte Kanten' (as can be seen on the pictures). It simply shows hardly any wear nor age but is minimally tarnished (ie. dirty), caused by years of storage only. Both 'Anschluss'-medals have a nicely preserved finish showing some minimal tarnish: they have, however, never been cleaned nor polished and truly retain all of their period silver- (ie. golden-bronze-) toned finish (as can be seen on the pictures). The 'Spange' just shows some minimal dirt and/or dust acquired over the years: the ribbons show some equal minor usage and/or staining. The 'Spange' has truly very nice detail and is neatly 'backed' with a piece of field-grey-coloured wool and comes naturally mounted on its (still functional) pin-ie. catch set-up. Simply a very attractive - and very desirable! - example of an N.S.D.A.P.-related, six-pieced 'Ordenspange' having an unusual combination that can be mounted on almost any TR-period tunic!
Code: 67850