Dual-pieced, WWII-period ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') as intended for combination: 'KvK II.Kl. m. S.' and a: 'Deutsches Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen' (aka: 'Westwall'-medal) Dual-pieced, WWII-period ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') as intended for combination: 'KvK II.Kl. m. S.' and a: 'Deutsches Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen' (aka: 'Westwall'-medal) Dual-pieced, WWII-period ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') as intended for combination: 'KvK II.Kl. m. S.' and a: 'Deutsches Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen' (aka: 'Westwall'-medal) Dual-pieced, WWII-period ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') as intended for combination: 'KvK II.Kl. m. S.' and a: 'Deutsches Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen' (aka: 'Westwall'-medal)

Dual-pieced, WWII-period ribbon-bar (ie. 'Feld- o. Bandspange') as intended for combination: 'KvK II.Kl. m. S.' and a: 'Deutsches Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen' (aka: 'Westwall'-medal)

I recently found three - identical - examples of a WWII- (ie. TR-) period so-called: 'Feld-/Bandspange' (ie. dual-pieced ribbon-bars) that originated from one soldier ie. household and that come all three in an overall nice- (ie. surely issued and I deem just minimally worn-), condition. The 3 items offered here are the 'standard' (ie. regular-shaped!) two-pieced ribbon-bars (ie.: 'Feld- o. Bandspangen') as were intended for both the: 'Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern' (or: War Merits' Cross second class with swords) having a golden-bronze toned 'Schwertern'-device attached and a: 'Deutsches Schutzwall Ehrenzeichen' (aka: 'Westwall'-medal). The pieces are of the regular- (ie. 2,5 cms. wide-sized-) version and are all neatly 'backed' with a piece of typical greyish-blue-coloured- and/or woolen-based material (as can be seen on the pictures). The bars come in a nice condition overall and are naturally fully functional. I can offer them for an atractive and competitve price (they are of course priced per single piece!). Please do note that this item does not show 'reserved' before the last item has been sold. Simple a neat medal-accesory that is I deem accordingly priced!

Code: 67847

15.00 EUR