Pair of (formerly 'cyphered'!) Waffen-SS, officers'-type shoulderboards: 'SS-Obersturmführer' who served within the: 'Waffen-SS Infanterie-Truppen' Pair of (formerly 'cyphered'!) Waffen-SS, officers'-type shoulderboards: 'SS-Obersturmführer' who served within the: 'Waffen-SS Infanterie-Truppen' Pair of (formerly 'cyphered'!) Waffen-SS, officers'-type shoulderboards: 'SS-Obersturmführer' who served within the: 'Waffen-SS Infanterie-Truppen' Pair of (formerly 'cyphered'!) Waffen-SS, officers'-type shoulderboards: 'SS-Obersturmführer' who served within the: 'Waffen-SS Infanterie-Truppen'

Pair of (formerly 'cyphered'!) Waffen-SS, officers'-type shoulderboards: 'SS-Obersturmführer' who served within the: 'Waffen-SS Infanterie-Truppen'

This is an attractive - and fully matching! - pair of Waffen-SS, clearly formerly 'cyphered'(!), officers'-type shoulderstraps (ie. 'Schulterstücke für Führer der Waffen-SS') as piped in the white- (ie. 'weisser'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'SS-Obersturmführer' who served within the: 'Waffen-SS Infanterie-Truppen' (ie. lieutnant first-class who served within the: 'Waffen-SS Infanterie-Truppen') and that comes in overall nice- (albeit moderately used ie. worn- and I deem carefully tunic-removed-), condition. The neat shoulderboards - which never had any tongues attached and that were clearly used as a pair of the 'sew-in'-pattern - have the somewhat 'sub-dued'- (ie. greyish-silverish-coloured) 'upperdecks' and are executed in (smooth-type) black-coloured wool as to be expected. The boards show the neat woolen-type, white- (ie. 'weisser'-) coloured piping attached (as can be seen on the pictures). The boards - which measure approximately 12,4 cms. in length each - have both a (golden-toned- and/or I deem glass-based) pip period-attached denoting the officers'-rank of: 'SS-Obersturmführer' (ie. lieutnant first-class). Moreover, do both boards show the clear imprint of two (once present but carefully board-removed!) so-called: 'DF'-cyphers (ie. 'Ziffern') as can be noticed on the pictures. The boards have most certainly been worn and show some moderate age, usage and/or moderate staining (as can be seen on the pictures). Simply an attractive, formerly 'cyphered', Waffen-SS officers'-type shoulderboard-pair that comes in a desirable branchcolour: I deem that I have priced this neat Waffen-SS-pattern officers'-type shoulderboard-pair accordingly!

Code: 67830