'Errinnerungsmedaille für die Spanischen Freiwilligen im Kampf gegen den Bolschevismus' being a maker- (ie. '1'-) marked example 'Errinnerungsmedaille für die Spanischen Freiwilligen im Kampf gegen den Bolschevismus' being a maker- (ie. '1'-) marked example 'Errinnerungsmedaille für die Spanischen Freiwilligen im Kampf gegen den Bolschevismus' being a maker- (ie. '1'-) marked example 'Errinnerungsmedaille für die Spanischen Freiwilligen im Kampf gegen den Bolschevismus' being a maker- (ie. '1'-) marked example 'Errinnerungsmedaille für die Spanischen Freiwilligen im Kampf gegen den Bolschevismus' being a maker- (ie. '1'-) marked example

'Errinnerungsmedaille für die Spanischen Freiwilligen im Kampf gegen den Bolschevismus' being a maker- (ie. '1'-) marked example

This is a neat - and actually fairly scarcely encountered! - example of a golden-bronze-toned- (and typical zinc- ie. 'Feinzink'-based) medal ie. 'Errinnerungsmedaille für die Spanischen Freiwilligen im Kampf gegen den Bolschevismus' that is clearly maker- (ie. '1'-) marked in its ring and that came mounted onto its period- (and full length!) ribbon (ie. 'Bandabschnitt') and that comes as issued and/or stored for decades. The medal - which is as stated above a typical 'Feinzink'-based version (as more often) and that shows on its back the Spanish text: 'Division Espagnola de Voluntarios in Rusia' - is an example that what produced by the company: 'Deschler & Söhne' something that is also shown onto the ring (which is clearly marked with the number: '1' as can be noticed on the pictures). The medal comes in I deem truly issued ie. worn condition and came as stated above together with is (fairly scarcely seen!) period ribbon (which is minimally stained and that was once medal-attached). The piece itself is a tiny bit dirty ie. stained bust has maintained a fairly detailed appearance: it has never been cleaned nor polished though and retains some of it golden-toned finish (some of which has been faded away ie. has 'migriert' as more often). Simply a fairly uncommonly encountered award by the famous 'Deschler'-company that is I deem priced according to its moderately used- and/or worn condition!

Code: 67818