Unusual, 2-pieced (and carefully 'cut-out'!) WH (Heeres) insignia-grouping (that comes still mounted onto its piece of a period 'HBT'-tunic)
This is a neat - and most certainly unusually encountered! - two-pieced (and carefully 'cut-out'!) WH (Heeres) insignia-grouping comprising of a so-called trade- and/or special-career insignia (ie. 'Signal Blitz') as was executed in the white- (ie. 'weisser'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for a 'signals-operator' (or: 'WH-Nachrichtenpersonal') ie. soldier serving within the: 'Infanterie-Truppen' (ie. infantry-troops) and a: silverish-white-coloured and machine-embroidered 'roundel' as intended to identify a soldier with the rank of: 'Oberschütze', 'Oberjäger' etc. that comes still mounted onto its piece of a period (and strangely blue-toned!) 'HBT'-tunic (which is sized: 13 x 9 cms.). Both insignia-pieces are period-stitched onto the cloth by means of hand-stitching (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece was most certainly used ie. once-tunic-attached and just shows some minimal age, wear and/or staining: it is, however, very nicely preserved (as can be seen on the pictures). This patch originates from the USA where it was stored for decades as a so-called: 'veteran bring-back'-item. Simply a very attractive - and truly unusually found! - two-pieced WH (Heeres) insignia-grouping: only the first such neat item I ever had on offer!
Code: 67803