Unusual, aluminium-based WH (Heeres) 'Panzer'-related equipment- ie. wash-tag (or: 'Wasch-Marke') bearing the superimposed text: '3/Pz.Abw.A. 41 - 042 - Mantel'
This is a neat - and with certainty unusually found! - typical aluminium-based, WH (Heeres) 'Panzer o. Panzer-Abwehr'-related equipment- ie. wash-tag (or: 'Wasch-Marke') bearing the superimposed (and unique!) stamped text that reads: '3/Pz.Abw.A. 41 - 042 - Mantel' and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit clearly used- ie. worn-), condition. These oval- (and square) shaped tags (sized: 4 x 3 cms.) were very popular amongst the troops for obvious reasons but did not see wide-spread usage: the tag - that was obviously intended for a great-coat (ie. 'Mantel') originates from a private-household in Germany and belonged with certainty to a tank- ie. anti-tank-soldier who kept this piece as a souvenir for years. I deem that these interesting little WH-equipment-items would merit further investigative work!
Code: 67740