WH (Heeres) female-related 'BeVo'-woven cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen'): 'Stabshelferin des Heeres' WH (Heeres) female-related 'BeVo'-woven cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen'): 'Stabshelferin des Heeres' WH (Heeres) female-related 'BeVo'-woven cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen'): 'Stabshelferin des Heeres' WH (Heeres) female-related 'BeVo'-woven cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen'): 'Stabshelferin des Heeres' WH (Heeres) female-related 'BeVo'-woven cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen'): 'Stabshelferin des Heeres' WH (Heeres) female-related 'BeVo'-woven cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen'): 'Stabshelferin des Heeres'

WH (Heeres) female-related 'BeVo'-woven cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen'): 'Stabshelferin des Heeres'

This is a truly very attractive - and with certainty quite rarely encountered! - WH (Heeres) female-related- (and greyish-blue- ie. green-coloured) cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen') entitled: 'Stabshelferin des Heeres' as was specifically worn by the various army female supportive-staff (ie. 'Helferinnen') and that comes in an overall very nice- (I deem issued- albeit simply never worn nor even tunic-attached- ie. still 'virtually mint'), condition. The cuff-title - depicting the interwoven, greyish-blue-coloured characters ie. text and side-stripes on a typical, green-coloured background - is beautifully executed in the neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern as to be expected (as can be seen on the pictures). The cuff-title - that originates from a private-household in Germany where it was recently found - comes in a truly full-length- (ie. non-shortened and non-confectioned) condition and measures approximately 44 cms. in length: it has two unfinished ends (as always) and does show some minimal fraying on its ends (as is more is often encountered). Simply a very attractive - and with certainty quite rarely encountered! - female-staffmembers related 'Heeres'-item that comes not that often for sale!

Code: 67606

295.00 EUR