HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') related 'tinnie': 'Bannaufmarsch - - Gotha - H.J. 95' HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') related 'tinnie': 'Bannaufmarsch - - Gotha - H.J. 95'

HJ (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') related 'tinnie': 'Bannaufmarsch - - Gotha - H.J. 95'

The attractive - and with certainty truly scarcely encountered! - silverish-grey-toned day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in (somewhat shiny) silverish-grey-coloured (and I deem) zinc-based ie. 'pot-metal': it shows some normal wear and/or moderate age but has never been cleaned nor polished (it is still a bit dirty but has maintained a nice and only minimally tarnished age-patina). The somewhat larger-sized, shield-shaped badge comes mounted onto its functional pin- ie. pin/catch-set-up and shows some minimal age ie. staining (as can be seen on the pictures). The 'tinnie' is very detailed and truly retains most (ie. all!) of its silver-coloured finish (as can be seen on the pictures). The shield-shaped piece (having an approximate height of 5 cms.) shows an illustration of two upright-postioned swords, an illustration of a famous building in Gotha and a 'HJ-Raute' and shows the text: 'Bannaufmarsch - - Gotha - H.J. 95' (and was thus intended to commemorate a HJ-related-event of the 'HJ-Bann 95' as held in town of Gotha in the year 1936). Simply an attractive example of this desirable and unusually-seen (regional-issued!) HJ o. DJ-related so-called: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen' that is with certainty accordingly priced!

Code: 67182