Attractive, period, WH (Luftwaffe) darker-blue-coloured- and/or artificial-leather protective ID-document-cover (ie. 'Hülle') as was intended for storage of a: 'Flieger-Ausweis' (or LW-pilots' identity-document)
This is an attractive, period, WH (Luftwaffe) darker-blue-coloured- and/or artificial-leather-based protective ID-document-cover (ie. 'Hülle') as was intended for storage of a: 'Flieger-Ausweis' (or LW-pilots' identity-document) that comes in an overall nice- (albeit moderately used-), condition. The neat piece - which is made out of darker-blue-coloured (artifical) leather - has a blue-coloured inner-section (showing undamaged 'Mica'-based divider-sections) and measures 12 x 8 cms. The cover shows a silverish-white-toned and/or embossed wording ie. device that reads: 'Wehrmacht' with above that an early period- and down-tailed eagle-device (both text and/or eagle are NOT really damaged and are in great shape overall). The piece is a tiny bit stained ie. dusty caused by decades of storage and/or fair wear. These neat little covers could be acquired by the soldiers in canteens and/or 'Wehrmachtsheime' and were a much favoured personal-accesory. Simply a very attractive and unusually seen WH (LW) personal-equipment item which is I deem priced according to its overall nice condition!
Code: 66861
50.00 EUR