Attractive - and unusally seen! - silverish-toned and/or: sports'- (ie. 'Reiter'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') as was issued to commemorate a locally-held: 'Reiter'-gathering entitled: 'Reit-Turnier - Cottbus - 1934' Attractive - and unusally seen! - silverish-toned and/or: sports'- (ie. 'Reiter'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') as was issued to commemorate a locally-held: 'Reiter'-gathering entitled: 'Reit-Turnier - Cottbus - 1934'

Attractive - and unusally seen! - silverish-toned and/or: sports'- (ie. 'Reiter'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') as was issued to commemorate a locally-held: 'Reiter'-gathering entitled: 'Reit-Turnier - Cottbus - 1934'

This is an attractive - and actually unusally seen! - silverish-toned and/or: sports'- (ie. 'Reiter'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') as was issued to commemorate a locally-held: 'Reiter'-gathering entitled: 'Reit-Turnier - Cottbus - 1934' and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit most certainly issued ie. moderately worn-), condition. The detailed and/or pronounced and typical circular-shaped badge - which is executed in silverish-toned- (ie. tin-based) metal and having an approximate diameter of 4,2 cms. - shows extraordinary detail and was almost certainly never cleaned nor polished (it is still a bit stained- ie. dirty). The piece shows a detailed illustration of a sportsman on horseback surrounded by the above-mentioned text and swastika. The badge - that is totally void of a makers'-designation - comes naturally mounted onto its (functional) pin- ie. catch set-up. Simply an attractive sports'- (ie. 'Reiter'-) related 'tinnie' that is accordingly priced!

Code: 65701