Superb - and not that easily found! - RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst'): 'Dienstauszeichnung 4. Stufe für Männer' (as was intended for 4 years loyal-service) and that comes mounted as a so-called: 'Einzelspange' Superb - and not that easily found! - RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst'): 'Dienstauszeichnung 4. Stufe für Männer' (as was intended for 4 years loyal-service) and that comes mounted as a so-called: 'Einzelspange' Superb - and not that easily found! - RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst'): 'Dienstauszeichnung 4. Stufe für Männer' (as was intended for 4 years loyal-service) and that comes mounted as a so-called: 'Einzelspange' Superb - and not that easily found! - RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst'): 'Dienstauszeichnung 4. Stufe für Männer' (as was intended for 4 years loyal-service) and that comes mounted as a so-called: 'Einzelspange'

Superb - and not that easily found! - RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst'): 'Dienstauszeichnung 4. Stufe für Männer' (as was intended for 4 years loyal-service) and that comes mounted as a so-called: 'Einzelspange'

This is an attractive - and I deem most certainly issued albeit hardly used nor worn! - example of a so-called: RAD (ie. 'Reichsarbeitsdienst'): 'Dienstauszeichnung 4. Stufe für Männer' (as was intended for 4 years loyal-service) being an example of the 'light-weight'- (ie. darker-bronze-toned- and/or aluminium- ie. 'Cupal'-based) version that comes period-mounted as a so-called: 'Einzelspange' (or: single-pieced medal-bar) and that comes as issued and/or stored for decades. The 'Spange' truly retains gorgeous details and has a great ie. only minimally darkened- (ie. somewhat tarnished) age-patina: it retains all of its fairly 'glossy'- and/or: darker-bronze-toned finish and has most certainly never been cleaned nor polished. Most (ie. all!) of its (off-factory) polished sides ie. 'hochpolierte Kanten' are nicely preserved and visible (as can be seen on the pictures). It hardly shows wear nor age but is minimally tarnished (ie. dirty) something that is simply caused by years of storage only. The piece is nicely 'backed' with a piece of black-coloured wool and comes mounted onto its (still functional!) pin- ie. catch-set-up (as can be seen on the pictures). Simply a very attractive - and in this format rarely found! -example of a: 'RAD-Dienstauszeichnung 4. Stufe für Männer' that comes mounted as a so-called: 'Einzelspange': maybe the best such example I ever had on offer!

Code: 65661