Attractive - and scarcely seen! - 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (or: iron cross first-class) being a maker- (ie. 'L/59'-) marked example that comes mounted onto its typical 'Schraubscheibe'-set-up as was produced by the: 'A. Rettenmaier'-company Attractive - and scarcely seen! - 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (or: iron cross first-class) being a maker- (ie. 'L/59'-) marked example that comes mounted onto its typical 'Schraubscheibe'-set-up as was produced by the: 'A. Rettenmaier'-company Attractive - and scarcely seen! - 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (or: iron cross first-class) being a maker- (ie. 'L/59'-) marked example that comes mounted onto its typical 'Schraubscheibe'-set-up as was produced by the: 'A. Rettenmaier'-company Attractive - and scarcely seen! - 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (or: iron cross first-class) being a maker- (ie. 'L/59'-) marked example that comes mounted onto its typical 'Schraubscheibe'-set-up as was produced by the: 'A. Rettenmaier'-company Attractive - and scarcely seen! - 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (or: iron cross first-class) being a maker- (ie. 'L/59'-) marked example that comes mounted onto its typical 'Schraubscheibe'-set-up as was produced by the: 'A. Rettenmaier'-company Attractive - and scarcely seen! - 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (or: iron cross first-class) being a maker- (ie. 'L/59'-) marked example that comes mounted onto its typical 'Schraubscheibe'-set-up as was produced by the: 'A. Rettenmaier'-company

Attractive - and scarcely seen! - 'Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse' (or: iron cross first-class) being a maker- (ie. 'L/59'-) marked example that comes mounted onto its typical 'Schraubscheibe'-set-up as was produced by the: 'A. Rettenmaier'-company

The truly attractive cross - which is a typical non-vaulted ie. non-converse-shaped example as is more often encountered - has never been cleaned and retains a very attractive (albeit somewhat tarnished) age-patina and/or great pronounced detail. This example - which is a magnetic example as more often seen - comes mounted onto its original (and naturally fully functional!) so-called: 'Schraubscheibe': it additional (small-sized) pin that is present in order to keep the cross in place when worn was, however, removed as was common practice (as can be seen on the pictures). The cross - which shows a nicely preserved, 'blackened'- and/or fairly 'satin-like'- ie. somewhat 'matted'-like 'inner-core' - shows some minimal wear- and/or age: it retains, however, truly all of its black-coloured sprayed finish (something that is not always the case). It retains a very nice appearance and is just a tiny bit dirty and tarnished simply caused by years of storage and/or moderate wear but retains a great unmessed-with and/or uncleaned, age-patina. The IC on offer here is neatly maker-marked with the designation: 'L/59' (plus an additional 'cross'-sign!) and is thus a typical example that was produced by the 'Alois Rettenmaier'-company based in the town of Schwäbisch-Gmund: various details corroborate this. Simply a very attractive IC first-class by the desirable 'A. Rettenmaier'-company that was never before part of a collection and that is with certainty accordingly priced!

Code: 65588