Neat - and actually scarcely encountered! - example of a German Red Cross ('DRK' or: 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz') side-cap eagle (of the desirable first pattern!) to be worn on the specic, greyish-blue-coloured DRK side-caps (ie. 'Schiffchen') Neat - and actually scarcely encountered! - example of a German Red Cross ('DRK' or: 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz') side-cap eagle (of the desirable first pattern!) to be worn on the specic, greyish-blue-coloured DRK side-caps (ie. 'Schiffchen')

Neat - and actually scarcely encountered! - example of a German Red Cross ('DRK' or: 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz') side-cap eagle (of the desirable first pattern!) to be worn on the specic, greyish-blue-coloured DRK side-caps (ie. 'Schiffchen')

This is an attractive - and actually scarcely encountered! - example of a German Red Cross (ie. 'DRK' or: 'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz') side-cap-eagle (of the scarcely found first pattern!) as to be worn on the specic, greyish-blue-coloured DRK side-caps (ie. 'Schiffchen') and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit minimally used ie. carefully side-cap-removed-), condition. This is one of those tiny cap-eagles that is almost impossible to find if needed. The patch - that still retains its felt-woolen-based 'backing' - comes in a minimimally used condition and was most certainly once cap-attached. The tiny piece shows some minimal age ie. staining simply caused by having been moderately used and/or worn. Simply a truly scarcely encountered DRK-item that is accordingly priced!

Code: 65423