WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Schützenschnur für Gewehrschützen der 3. Stufe' (ie. navel rifle-shooting-lanyard of the thirdd class) as was specifically intended for usage by the various 'Kriegsmarine'-troops WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Schützenschnur für Gewehrschützen der 3. Stufe' (ie. navel rifle-shooting-lanyard of the thirdd class) as was specifically intended for usage by the various 'Kriegsmarine'-troops WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Schützenschnur für Gewehrschützen der 3. Stufe' (ie. navel rifle-shooting-lanyard of the thirdd class) as was specifically intended for usage by the various 'Kriegsmarine'-troops WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Schützenschnur für Gewehrschützen der 3. Stufe' (ie. navel rifle-shooting-lanyard of the thirdd class) as was specifically intended for usage by the various 'Kriegsmarine'-troops

WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Schützenschnur für Gewehrschützen der 3. Stufe' (ie. navel rifle-shooting-lanyard of the thirdd class) as was specifically intended for usage by the various 'Kriegsmarine'-troops

The typically darker-blue-coloured, linnen-based and/or 'twisted'-style lanyard ie. WH (Kriegsmarine) 'Schützenschnur für Gewehrschützen der 3. Stufe' comes in an overall fine condition and shows no damage whatsoever: just some regular aging and/or slight staining is present and/or visible (as can be seen on the pictures). The attractive piece is void of a (metal-based) nut (ie. 'Eichel') attached and is void of a shield and can thus - I deem - be easily identified as a lanyard being of the lowest (ie. third) class (ie. 'dritte Stufe'). The piece was only moderately used- and/or worn and shows some minimal wear and or staining (as can be seen on the pictures). Nevertheless, still an attractive and/or decorative 'Kriegsmarine'-piece that is NOT that commonly encountered and that is with certainty accordingly priced!

Code: 65253