'Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen' by the: 'Rudolf Karneth'-company 'Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen' by the: 'Rudolf Karneth'-company 'Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen' by the: 'Rudolf Karneth'-company 'Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen' by the: 'Rudolf Karneth'-company

'Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen' by the: 'Rudolf Karneth'-company

This particular example - being as stated above a (typical) non-maker-marked, bright-silver-toned- and/or somewhat shiny, zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) piece - has maintained a very nice (and only minimally darkened and/or typical zinc-like) age-patina and comes naturally mounted onto its functional (typicallly thin-shaped- and/or silver- ie. copper-toned-) pin (which is mounted onto a typical- ie. ball-shaped 'hinge'-mounting as is more often seen with pieces by this particular maker). The piece is truly very detailed and pronounced: it has, however, been used and/or worn and does show some obvious age, wear and/or staining but was never cleaned nor polished (it still retains a somewhat 'tarnished' finish as can be seen on the pictures). The piece shows great pronounced detail as to be expected. I deem that this is a typical piece that was produced by - and can be attributed to - the: 'Rudolf A. Karneth u. Söhne'-company based in the town of Gablonz. Simply an attractive - and just moderately used! - example that is with certainty accordingly priced!

Code: 65127