Attractive pair of WH (Heeres) officers'-type, so-called: 'Waffenrock'- (ie. dress-) collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel') as piped in the bright-pink branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'Offizier eines Pz. o. Pz-Jäger-Abts. o. Regiments' Attractive pair of WH (Heeres) officers'-type, so-called: 'Waffenrock'- (ie. dress-) collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel') as piped in the bright-pink branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'Offizier eines Pz. o. Pz-Jäger-Abts. o. Regiments' Attractive pair of WH (Heeres) officers'-type, so-called: 'Waffenrock'- (ie. dress-) collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel') as piped in the bright-pink branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'Offizier eines Pz. o. Pz-Jäger-Abts. o. Regiments'

Attractive pair of WH (Heeres) officers'-type, so-called: 'Waffenrock'- (ie. dress-) collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel') as piped in the bright-pink branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'Offizier eines Pz. o. Pz-Jäger-Abts. o. Regiments'

This is a pair of slightly moth-damaged but neatly hand-embroidered and fully matching, WH (Heeres) officers'-type, so-called: 'Waffenrock'- (ie. dress-) collar-tabs (ie. 'Kragenspiegel für Waffenrock') as piped in the (scarcely seen!) bright-pink- ('rosaroter'-) coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage by an: 'Offizier eines Panzer- o. Panzerjäger-Abteilungs o. Regiments' (or: officer who served within an army tank ie. tank-destroyer-unit) and that comes in an overall nice- (ie. moderately used- ie. most certainly once tunic-attached-), condition. The pair - which is of the specific pattern that was used on the WH-dress-tunics or: 'Waffenröcke' - is piped in the bright-pink- ('rosaroter'-) branchcolour. The pieces are fully identical in execution and are nicely 'backed' with 'buckram'-based material as to be expected (as can be seen on the pictures). The pair shows extraordinary hand-embroidery and is fully void of any corrosion but does show some (minimal) moth-damage: it still shows the (machine)stitching-holes with which it was once tunic-attached. In any case is this a very attractive and 'Heeres-Panzer o. Panzerjäger'-related officers'-type 'Waffenrock'-insignia-set as was intended for usage by an: 'Offizier eines Panzer- o. Panzerjäger-Abteilungs o. Regiments'!

Code: 64596