Neat, N.S.K.K. (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') 'molded'-aluminium-based, so-called: 'Mitgliedsabzeichen' (or: membership-lapel-pin) being an example that bears an 'RzM - M1/24'-makers-designation on its back
This is a neat - and I deem only moderately worn- ie. used - example of a typical 'molded'-aluminium-based, so-called: 'Mitgliedsabzeichen' (or: membership lapel-pin) being an example that comes mounted onto its regular- (and/or functional) pin- ie. pin/catch set-up and that is neatly 'RzM - M1/24'-marked on its back and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit moderately worn- and/or: used-), condition. The tiny badge is neatly executed in greyish-silver-coloured- and aluminium-based metal and is accordingly marked on its back (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece was most certainly worn as such and shows some evident usage ie. wear. In any case is this an attractive - and truly not that easily encountered! - 'N.S.K.K.-Mitgliedsabzeichen' that is accordingly priced!
Code: 63687