Superb - and rarely encountered! - Motor-HJ- (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') ie. N.S.K.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Motor-HJ Raute des 2. Model' being a 'non-padded'- and 'virtually mint' example Superb - and rarely encountered! - Motor-HJ- (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') ie. N.S.K.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Motor-HJ Raute des 2. Model' being a 'non-padded'- and 'virtually mint' example Superb - and rarely encountered! - Motor-HJ- (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') ie. N.S.K.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Motor-HJ Raute des 2. Model' being a 'non-padded'- and 'virtually mint' example

Superb - and rarely encountered! - Motor-HJ- (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') ie. N.S.K.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps') so-called: 'Motor-HJ Raute des 2. Model' being a 'non-padded'- and 'virtually mint' example

This is an attractive - and I deem simply never worn- nor tunic-attched and with certainty fairly rarely encountered! - example of a pre-folded- albeit 'non-padded', so-called: Motor-HJ- (ie. 'Hitlerjugend') ie. N.S.K.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps'): 'Motor-HJ Raute des 2. Model' (being a 'diamond'-shaped arm-badge of the second and/or final pattern) that comes in an overall very nice- (and I deem presumably issued- albeit simply never used- nor worn-), condition. The badge is neatly executed in machine-woven, silver-coloured 'braid' (being of the so-called: 'flat-wire'-pattern) on a bright-red- and/or white-coloured- and/or (typical) silk- (ie. 'BeVo'-like-) linnen-based background. The badge was carefully pre-folded and just shows some moderate (storage)age and/or staining. These patches were worn by HJ-members that were destined to be enlisted into the N.S.K.K.- (or: 'National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps'). Simply an attractive Motor-HJ- (ie. N.S.K.K.-) related trade- ie. specialist-badge (ie. 'HJ-Tätigungsabzeichen') that is with certainty not that often offered for sale and that is I deem accordingly priced!

Code: 62509

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