Attractive, so-called: 'KdF'- ('DAF- o. Kraft durch Freude'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') depicting a ship, grapes and 'DAF-Zahnrad'-logo coupled with the text that reads: 'N.S.G. Kraft durch Freude - Hessen-Nassau' Attractive, so-called: 'KdF'- ('DAF- o. Kraft durch Freude'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') depicting a ship, grapes and 'DAF-Zahnrad'-logo coupled with the text that reads: 'N.S.G. Kraft durch Freude - Hessen-Nassau'

Attractive, so-called: 'KdF'- ('DAF- o. Kraft durch Freude'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie') depicting a ship, grapes and 'DAF-Zahnrad'-logo coupled with the text that reads: 'N.S.G. Kraft durch Freude - Hessen-Nassau'

This is an attractive (silverish-toned and typical molded aluminium-based) so-called: 'DAF/KdF'- (ie. 'Deutsches Arbeits Front o. Kraft durch Freude'-) related day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') as was issued to commemorate a specific KDF-event and that is depicting an illustration of a (stylished!) ship, grapes and 'DAF-Zahnrad'-logo coupled with the text that reads: 'N.S.G. Kraft durch Freude - Hessen-Nassau' and that comes in an overall very nice- (albeit issued ie. moderately worn-), condition. The detailed and/or pronounced badge - which is unusually void of a date/year-designation and that is executed in (minimally tarnished) silver-toned metal (ie. aluminium) - shows a clear makers'-designation on its back (that reads: 'Wittmann - Frankfurt') and shows very nice detail: it was almost certainly never cleaned nor polished (and just shows some minimal staining). The oval-shaped badge comes naturally mounted onto its (functional) pin- ie. pin/catch set-up. Simply a neat - and most certainly not that often encountered! - 'DAF/KdF'- (ie.'Deutsches Arbeits Front o. Kraft durch Freude'-) related 'tinnie' that is (I deem) accordingly priced!

Code: 62375

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