Attractive, sport-shirt badge as was specifically intended for usage by members serving within the: 'Deutches Frauenwerk' (or: 'DFW') being a 'virtually mint' example that is void of any text Attractive, sport-shirt badge as was specifically intended for usage by members serving within the: 'Deutches Frauenwerk' (or: 'DFW') being a 'virtually mint' example that is void of any text Attractive, sport-shirt badge as was specifically intended for usage by members serving within the: 'Deutches Frauenwerk' (or: 'DFW') being a 'virtually mint' example that is void of any text

Attractive, sport-shirt badge as was specifically intended for usage by members serving within the: 'Deutches Frauenwerk' (or: 'DFW') being a 'virtually mint' example that is void of any text

This is an attractive example of a linnen-based sport-shirt badge as was specifically intended for usage by members serving within the: 'Deutches Frauenwerk' (or: 'DFW') being a 'virtually mint'- (and/or most certainly never mounted) example that comes in a wonderful condition, overall. The neat patch - depicting a 'rounded swastika'-symbol and so-called: 'life'-rune-sign - is of the 'variant'-pattern comes in a just folded condition and shows some minor staining (ie. wrinkles) but has no damage whatsoever. The - somewhat larger- (ie. 11 x 10 cms.) sized - patch is one of the more difficult to encounter womens' sports'-related patches. Hard to find a better preserved example for a more interesting price!

Code: 61848

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