Attractive - and scarcely found! - HJ/BDM (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'/'Bund Deutscher Mädel') 'HJ-Nachrichten-Leistungsabzeichen' showing a silver-toned 'signal-blitz' on a green-toned background as was intended to signify succesion in the: 'B-Prüfung' Attractive - and scarcely found! - HJ/BDM (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'/'Bund Deutscher Mädel') 'HJ-Nachrichten-Leistungsabzeichen' showing a silver-toned 'signal-blitz' on a green-toned background as was intended to signify succesion in the: 'B-Prüfung' Attractive - and scarcely found! - HJ/BDM (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'/'Bund Deutscher Mädel') 'HJ-Nachrichten-Leistungsabzeichen' showing a silver-toned 'signal-blitz' on a green-toned background as was intended to signify succesion in the: 'B-Prüfung'

Attractive - and scarcely found! - HJ/BDM (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'/'Bund Deutscher Mädel') 'HJ-Nachrichten-Leistungsabzeichen' showing a silver-toned 'signal-blitz' on a green-toned background as was intended to signify succesion in the: 'B-Prüfung'

This is a very attractive - and actually rarely encountered! - HJ/BDM (ie. 'Hitlerjugend'/'Bund Deutscher Mädel') so-called: trade- ie. specialist-armbadge (or: 'HJ-Nachrichten-Leistungsabzeichen') as executed in neat 'BeVo'-weave pattern (showing a bright-silver-toned 'signal-blitz' on a typical greenish-coloured background) as was specifically intended to signify succesion in the so-called: signals'-related: 'B-Prüfung' and that comes in an overall very nice- (and simply never used- nor worn-), condition. The neat badge - which is approximately 6,5 x 5,5 cms sized - was simply never folded nor confectioned and comes as 'straightly cut-off the role' as can be seen on the pictures. As such, it can naturally easily be mounted onto a tunic or shirt if wished so. The piece still retains its period-attached, paper-based 'RzM'-etiket (as can be seen on the pictures). Simply a nice occasion to acquire a neat - and actually rarely encountered! - HJ/BDM cloth-based- and neatly 'BeVo'-woven speciality-'signal-patch' that is - I deem - accordingly priced!

Code: 60799

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