Attractive - and not that easily encountered! - Dutch NSB-party-related-, so-called: 'Vijfjaren Draagteeken' (or: five-years membership-pin) showing a period-engraved bearers'-number (ie. 'Stamboeknummer') that reads: '19869'
This is a very fine example of the - actually not that easily encountered! - multi-coloured- and truly nicely enamelled, Dutch NSB-party-related so-called: 'Vijfjaren Draagteeken' (or: five-years membership-lapel-pin) being a nicely enamelled example showing a period-engraved bearers'-number (ie. in Dutch language: 'Stamboeknummer') that reads: '19869' and that was issued to commemorate those NSB-members who had been member of the movement for a consecutive five-year-period. These scarcely encountered - NSB (ie. 'Nationaal Socialistische Beweging' or: Dutch Nazi party) membership-lapel-pins always showed the bearers' party-number (ie. 'Stamboeknummer') engraved on their backs (which with this example reads: '19869' as can be seen on the pictures). The pin on offer here come mounted on its period (long-sized) pin and has a nicely preserved (golden-toned) age-patina and is totally void of any enamel-damage or alike: it was most certainly never cleaned and was worn and after that stored as such for decades. Simply a neat example of this NSB-related party-membership-pin that is with certainty accordingly priced!
Code: 59868