Superb, WH (Heeres) tropical-styled, 'Armwinkel' (or: arm-chevron) as executed on typical tan-coloured linnen as was specifically intended for usage by a soldier with the rank of: 'Obergefreiter'
This is a very attractive - and I deem just minimally used and/or tunic-removed and actually rarely encountered! - example of a tropical-styled, WH (Heeres) 'Armwinkel' (ie.: arm-chevron) as was executed on a typical, tan-coloured- and/or linnen-based background as was intended for usage by a soldier with the rank of: 'Obergefreiter' (ie. senior-private) and that comes in an overall very nice- (and I deem just minimally used- ie. carefully tunic-removed-), condition. The chevron is neatly executed and shows a double-stripe of golden-brown-coloured- (ie. truly 'sub-dued'- ie. tropical-styled) and/or 'standard'-pattern NCO-braid (as can be seen on the pictures). The patch just shows some minimal ager and usage and will be actually hard to be upgraded. The piece is void of any backing (as can be seen on the pictures). It sounds maybe strange but these 'simple', tropical-styled 'Heeres'-related rank-insignia are almosy impossible to encounter. Simply an attractive tropical-styled WH-rank-badge that is with certainty accordingly priced!
Code: 59647