Very interesting, smaller-sized (albeit 33-pieced!) WH (Heeres) 'Grossdeutschland'-related grouping comprising of a neat ID-disc, 12 'GD'-'Feldpost'-letters, 16 period 'GD'-photos and some miscellaneous 'GD'-material Very interesting, smaller-sized (albeit 33-pieced!) WH (Heeres) 'Grossdeutschland'-related grouping comprising of a neat ID-disc, 12 'GD'-'Feldpost'-letters, 16 period 'GD'-photos and some miscellaneous 'GD'-material Very interesting, smaller-sized (albeit 33-pieced!) WH (Heeres) 'Grossdeutschland'-related grouping comprising of a neat ID-disc, 12 'GD'-'Feldpost'-letters, 16 period 'GD'-photos and some miscellaneous 'GD'-material Very interesting, smaller-sized (albeit 33-pieced!) WH (Heeres) 'Grossdeutschland'-related grouping comprising of a neat ID-disc, 12 'GD'-'Feldpost'-letters, 16 period 'GD'-photos and some miscellaneous 'GD'-material

Very interesting, smaller-sized (albeit 33-pieced!) WH (Heeres) 'Grossdeutschland'-related grouping comprising of a neat ID-disc, 12 'GD'-'Feldpost'-letters, 16 period 'GD'-photos and some miscellaneous 'GD'-material

This is a neat - very interesting and actually not that often seen! - smaller-sized (albeit still 33-pieced!) WH (Heeres) 'Grossdeutschland'-related grouping comprising of a neat, GD-related ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') that comes mounted onto its period cord as worn, 12-'Feldpost'-letters (having their period contents!), 16 period (smaller-sized) photos and some miscellaneous GD-related material (such as two 'Feld- ie. Bandspangen' or: ribbon-bars) and two (post-war) souvenir-items from a post-war GD-'Treffen' (ie. veteran-related meeting) as was held in the year 1965. All items belonged to the: 'Stabsgefreiter' ie. 'Panzerschütze' named: Siegfried Wittmann. The neat ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') is executed in (typical) aluminium-based metal and shows the unit-designation that simply reads: '1./Ers.Btl.J.R.G.D.' and that as such belonged to a soldier who served within the first company of the (infantry-related) 'Ersatz-Bataillon' within the: 'GrossDeutschland-Division'. The disc comes in an overall nice (albeit clearly used ie. worn-), condition: it does show the clear evidence of having been used ie. worn and shows some minimal staining (as can be seen on the pictures). The disc also shows the bearers'-blood-group-type ('Type 0') and shows a clearly stamped bearers-numeral that reads: '5302'. All 12-'Feldpost'-letters are nicely ink-stamped and show the various GD-units wherein Wittmann served over the years. The 16 period (albeit smaller-sized) photos are totally void of any text and are mostly scenic (and presumably show Wittmann with relatives and comrades): some do, however, show nice (uniform- and insignia) details (as can be seen on the pictures). Next to these items does the group holds two 'Feld- ie. Bandspangen' or: ribbon-bars) and two (post-war) souvenir-items (a linnen-based 'ribbon' and a golden-toned 'GD'-lapel-pin from a post-war GD-'Treffen' (ie. veteran-related meeting) as was held in the year 1965. This neat grouping originates from a private-household in Germany where it was recently uncovered: it deals naturally with a 100% garuanteed, 'GrossDeutschland-Division'-related grouping that is I deem priced according to its unmistaken scarcity and/or desirability: I deem that it most certainly merits further investigatie work!

Code: 57752