Attractive, WH (Luftwaffe o. Heeres) cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen') entitled: 'Kreta' (being a period-shortened example that comes in a most certainly issued- ie. carefully tunic-removed, condition)
This is an attractive - and/or fully 'textbook' albeit regrettably shortened - example of a WH (Luftwaffe o. Heeres) cuff-title (ie. 'Ärmelstreifen') entitled: 'Kreta' that comes in a most certainly issued-, moderately worn- and - I deem - carefully tunic-removed-, condition. The cuff-title comes in a clearly shortened condition (and measures now approximately 24 cms.). The piece comes - I deem - straightly from a tunic (as can be seen on the pictures). It just shows some minimal age ie. staining caused by decades of storage and handling over the years: moreover, was it minimally used ie. once tunic-attached and shows some wear and minimal damage of the piping (as can be seen on the pictures). It should be stated that these 'Kreta'-cuff-titles are not to be regarded as commemorative cuff-titles (such as the 'Afrikakorps'-cuff-title) but were regarded as official awards that needed official recognition (and entries in both 'Soldbuch' and/or 'Wehrpass'). This example was recently found at a German private-household and was never before in collectors'-hands. Simply an attractive and genuine, period example that is naturally priced according to its moderately worn- and clearly shortened condition!
Code: 55906