Commemorative - and early-period! - (I deem) 'DSB'- (ie. 'Deutsche Sänger Bund'-) related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked example depicting a lyra with the dates 1865 - 1925 and text: '60 Jähr. Stift.Fest d. Liedertaf. Plattling - 1. u. 2. Aug.' Commemorative - and early-period! - (I deem) 'DSB'- (ie. 'Deutsche Sänger Bund'-) related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked example depicting a lyra with the dates 1865 - 1925 and text: '60 Jähr. Stift.Fest d. Liedertaf. Plattling - 1. u. 2. Aug.'

Commemorative - and early-period! - (I deem) 'DSB'- (ie. 'Deutsche Sänger Bund'-) related 'tinnie' being a non-maker-marked example depicting a lyra with the dates 1865 - 1925 and text: '60 Jähr. Stift.Fest d. Liedertaf. Plattling - 1. u. 2. Aug.'

The commemorative day-badge (ie. 'tinnie' or: 'Veranstaltungsabzeichen') is executed in (minimally tarnished) silver-toned (and I deem) zinc-based metal and depicts an illustration of a lyra coupled with the dates 1865 - 1925 and text that reads: '60 Jähr. Stift.Fest d. Liedertaf. Plattling - 1. u. 2. Aug.' and was as such (presumably) intended- ie. issued for a: 'DSB'- (ie. 'Deutsche Sänger Bund'-) related gathering, held in the year 1925. The badge - that shows some normal wear and/or moderate age - is void of a makers'-designation and comes naturally mounted onto its functional pin-/catch set-up and has I deem never been cleaned nor polished: it shows some minimal age ie. staining (as can be seen on the pictures) but is still very detailed and/or pronounced (as can be seen on the pictures). I am convinced that this is an unusally encountered 'DSB'- (ie. 'Deutsche Sänger Bund'-) related 'tinnie' that is with certainty accordingly priced!

Code: 55326

!! STOLEN !!