Superb - and rarely encountered! - Dutch NSB-party-related: 'Marschmedaille' being an award in the format of a multi-coloured, enamelled: 'Ledendraagteken' that was issued to commemorate participation in the: '2de Jaarl. N.S.B. Marsch - 1934' Superb - and rarely encountered! - Dutch NSB-party-related: 'Marschmedaille' being an award in the format of a multi-coloured, enamelled: 'Ledendraagteken' that was issued to commemorate participation in the: '2de Jaarl. N.S.B. Marsch - 1934' Superb - and rarely encountered! - Dutch NSB-party-related: 'Marschmedaille' being an award in the format of a multi-coloured, enamelled: 'Ledendraagteken' that was issued to commemorate participation in the: '2de Jaarl. N.S.B. Marsch - 1934' Superb - and rarely encountered! - Dutch NSB-party-related: 'Marschmedaille' being an award in the format of a multi-coloured, enamelled: 'Ledendraagteken' that was issued to commemorate participation in the: '2de Jaarl. N.S.B. Marsch - 1934'

Superb - and rarely encountered! - Dutch NSB-party-related: 'Marschmedaille' being an award in the format of a multi-coloured, enamelled: 'Ledendraagteken' that was issued to commemorate participation in the: '2de Jaarl. N.S.B. Marsch - 1934'

This is a very fine example of the - actually very rarely encountered! - multi-coloured enamelled, Dutch NSB-party-related so-called: 'Marschmedaille' being a rarely seen award in the format of a multi-coloured, enamelled: 'Ledendraagteken' (or: membership lapel-pin) that comes mounted onto its (period) red/black-striped ribbon (that still retains its small-sized safety-pin) and that was issued to commemorate participation in the: '2de Jaarl. N.S.B. Marsch - 1934' and that comes in an overall wonderful- (and totally undamaged!), condition. These scarcely encountered - NSB (ie. 'Nationaal Socialistische Beweging' or: Dutch Nazi party) - awards (ie. decorations) were instituted by its leader Anton Mussert and were handed-out after having participated in one of the by the NSB-party organised walking-tours (that were organised from 1933 upto 1941). Taking into account the limited number of NSB-members that qualified for this (early- ie. 1934!) award it is not that strange that this is a rarely seen NSB-award and not that many examples survived to date. The golden-toned- (multi-coloured enamelled and 'Buntmetall'-based) award on offer here has a nicely preserved age-patina: it was most certainly never cleaned and was stored as such for decades: it originated from an advanced collection of NSB- ie. Dutch collaboration-related items that I recently acquired for the web-site. Simply a superb example of this rarely seen NSB-related party-decoration: only the first such rare piece I did ever encountered ie. had on offer!

Code: 55207

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