Superb - and presumably Dutch-produced! - example of a (male) NJS- (or: 'Nationale Jeugdstorm'-) related youth-sports-badge of the silver-class (being an attractive example that shows a unique, engraved serial-number on its back) Superb - and presumably Dutch-produced! - example of a (male) NJS- (or: 'Nationale Jeugdstorm'-) related youth-sports-badge of the silver-class (being an attractive example that shows a unique, engraved serial-number on its back) Superb - and presumably Dutch-produced! - example of a (male) NJS- (or: 'Nationale Jeugdstorm'-) related youth-sports-badge of the silver-class (being an attractive example that shows a unique, engraved serial-number on its back) Superb - and presumably Dutch-produced! - example of a (male) NJS- (or: 'Nationale Jeugdstorm'-) related youth-sports-badge of the silver-class (being an attractive example that shows a unique, engraved serial-number on its back)

Superb - and presumably Dutch-produced! - example of a (male) NJS- (or: 'Nationale Jeugdstorm'-) related youth-sports-badge of the silver-class (being an attractive example that shows a unique, engraved serial-number on its back)

This is a very attractive - and truly rarely encountered! - example of a (male-type) NJS- (or: 'Nationale Jeugdstorm'-) related youth-sports-badge of the silver-class (or: in Dutch language: 'NJS-Sportdraagteken voor jongens in zilver') being an attractive example that shows a unique (and truly very low!) engraved serial-number (that reads: '43') on its back being a nicely preserved example that comes in an overall very nicely preserved- (and I deem only minimally used- ie. worn-), condition. The attractive piece - which is executed in (bright) silver-toned metal (ie. 'Buntmetall') - shows an upright-positioned arrow-illustration upon which the flying sea-gull-device can be noticed (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece is very nicely preserved and shows a fully preserved silver-toned surface without showing any defaults: it comes naturally mounted onto its fully functional and unaltered pin- ie. pin/catch-set-up. This NJS-sports'-badge originates from an advanced collection of NSB- ie. Dutch collaboration-related items that I recently acquired for the web-site. Simply a very attractive - and truly rarely found! - NJS- (or: 'Nationale Jeugdstorm'-) related 'NJS-Sportdraagteken voor jongens in zilver' that is with certainty accordingly priced: only the first such neat NJS-item I ever had on offer!

Code: 54386

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