Unusual, bronze-toned- (ie. typical 'zinc'-based) DRB- (or: 'Deutsche Reichsbahn'-) ie. sports-related, commemorative-plaque entitled: 'Reichsbahn Turn- und Sportsfest - Regensburg - 1935' Unusual, bronze-toned- (ie. typical 'zinc'-based) DRB- (or: 'Deutsche Reichsbahn'-) ie. sports-related, commemorative-plaque entitled: 'Reichsbahn Turn- und Sportsfest - Regensburg - 1935'

Unusual, bronze-toned- (ie. typical 'zinc'-based) DRB- (or: 'Deutsche Reichsbahn'-) ie. sports-related, commemorative-plaque entitled: 'Reichsbahn Turn- und Sportsfest - Regensburg - 1935'

This is an attractive - and with certainty not that often encountered! - bronze-toned- (ie. zinc- ie. typical 'Feinzink'-based) sports-related- (ie. DRB- or: 'Deutsche Reichsbahn'-related-) commemorative-plaque (ie. 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Medaille') entitled'Reichsbahn Turn- und Sportsfest - Regensburg - 1935' (and that shows on its back a swastika and the text: 'Dem Sieger') and that comes as issued and/or stored for decades. The neat - medium-sized- and regular-weight-piece that shows the DRB-eagle-device on its front and oakleaves and swastika with the above-mentioned text on its back - has an approximate diameter of 5 cms. and has pronounced detail as to be expected. It was I deem never cleaned nor polished and has maintained a neat (somewhat matted- ie. frosted-) bronze-toned age-patina (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece originates from a private household in Germany where it was recently uncovered as issued and stored for decades. Simply an attractive - and with certainty unusually encountered! - DRB- or: 'Deutsche Reichsbahn'-related, sports-table-medal ie. 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Medaille' that is I deem accordingly priced!

Code: 52385

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