Unusually seen, darker-green-coloured so-called: 'N.S.D.A.P. o. RLB' (or: 'Reichsluftschutzbund') armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting the text: 'Luftschutz NSDAP' and showing two black-coloured unit-stamps (ie. 'Dienstsiegel') Unusually seen, darker-green-coloured so-called: 'N.S.D.A.P. o. RLB' (or: 'Reichsluftschutzbund') armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting the text: 'Luftschutz NSDAP' and showing two black-coloured unit-stamps (ie. 'Dienstsiegel') Unusually seen, darker-green-coloured so-called: 'N.S.D.A.P. o. RLB' (or: 'Reichsluftschutzbund') armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting the text: 'Luftschutz NSDAP' and showing two black-coloured unit-stamps (ie. 'Dienstsiegel') Unusually seen, darker-green-coloured so-called: 'N.S.D.A.P. o. RLB' (or: 'Reichsluftschutzbund') armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting the text: 'Luftschutz NSDAP' and showing two black-coloured unit-stamps (ie. 'Dienstsiegel') Unusually seen, darker-green-coloured so-called: 'N.S.D.A.P. o. RLB' (or: 'Reichsluftschutzbund') armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting the text: 'Luftschutz NSDAP' and showing two black-coloured unit-stamps (ie. 'Dienstsiegel')

Unusually seen, darker-green-coloured so-called: 'N.S.D.A.P. o. RLB' (or: 'Reichsluftschutzbund') armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting the text: 'Luftschutz NSDAP' and showing two black-coloured unit-stamps (ie. 'Dienstsiegel')

This is an attractive example of the - with certainty scarcely encountered! - darker-green-coloured so-called: 'N.S.D.A.P. o. RLB' (or: 'Reichsluftschutzbund') armband (ie. 'Armbinde') depicting the text: 'Luftschutz NSDAP' and showing two black-coloured unit-stamps and that came in an overall nice- (albeit moderately used and/or slightly worn-), condition. This band signified that the bearer was an official of the N.S.D.A.P.-party who was tasked to perform various RLB-tasks (these bands could I deem also be worn with the civilian attire). The armband - which comes neatly 'of-factory' stitched-together - is approximately 37 x 13,5 cms. sized and comes in an overall nice-, albeit moderately used- and/or worn-, condition: it is just a tiny bit stained and is somewhat wrinkled (as can be seen on the pictures). The armband shows, moreover, two clearly present (but regrettably hard to decypher) ink-stamps (ie. 'Dienstsiegel') and also shows an inked makers'-stamp (as can be seen on the pictures). Simply a neat - and actually quite unusually encountered! - TR-era ie. RLB-o. NSDAP-related armband that will be hard to be upgraded!

Code: 52302