WH (Heeres) zinc-based, EM- (ie. NCO- or even officers') type visor-cap-eagle being a detailed and non-maker-marked example that comes in a very nice- (ie. never cap-attached-), condition
This is an attractive - and nowadays actually not that easily encountered! - bright-silver-toned, WH (Heeres), zinc- (ie. 'Feinzink'-) based, enlisted-mens'- (ie. NCO- and/or even officers-) type visor-cap-eagle (ie. 'Adler für Schirmmütze') that comes in a truly very nice- (ie. I deem never cap-attached-), condition. The neat piece is as stated above totally void of a makers'-designation and comes of course in a still fully functional condition. All three of its zinc-based prongs (as attached on the sides) are still present and still functional: they were - I deem - never bent nor folded (as can be seen on the pictures). The eagle - which is quite detailed - has a neat somewhat 'shiny'- ie. truly 'zinc-like'-appearance. Simply an attractive - and with certainty desirable! - spare-part that will be impossible to be upgraded!
Code: 50914