Stunning - and with certainty very rarely encountered! - Marine-HJ- (ie. 'Marine-Hitlerjugend'-) related cap-tally (ie. 'Mützenband') which is entitled: 'Reichsseesportschule I - H.J. - Gorch Fock' Stunning - and with certainty very rarely encountered! - Marine-HJ- (ie. 'Marine-Hitlerjugend'-) related cap-tally (ie. 'Mützenband') which is entitled: 'Reichsseesportschule I - H.J. - Gorch Fock' Stunning - and with certainty very rarely encountered! - Marine-HJ- (ie. 'Marine-Hitlerjugend'-) related cap-tally (ie. 'Mützenband') which is entitled: 'Reichsseesportschule I - H.J. - Gorch Fock' Stunning - and with certainty very rarely encountered! - Marine-HJ- (ie. 'Marine-Hitlerjugend'-) related cap-tally (ie. 'Mützenband') which is entitled: 'Reichsseesportschule I - H.J. - Gorch Fock'

Stunning - and with certainty very rarely encountered! - Marine-HJ- (ie. 'Marine-Hitlerjugend'-) related cap-tally (ie. 'Mützenband') which is entitled: 'Reichsseesportschule I - H.J. - Gorch Fock'

This is a truly very attractive - and with certainty very rarely encountered! - Marine-HJ- (ie. 'Marine-Hitlerjugend'-) related so-called: cap-tally (ie. 'Mützenband') entitled: 'Reichsseesportschule I - H.J. - Gorch Fock' and that comes in a very nice- (ie. I deem moderately used- ie. worn-), condition. The cap-tally - which is woven in silver-white-coloured linnen on a cornflower-blue-coloured background comes in a full-length condition and measures approximately 118 cms. in length. The piece is neatly excecuted in so-called: 'BeVo'-like weave-pattern - and is as stated woven in (bright!) silver-white-coloured (ie. almost 'flat-wire'-like-) thread (as can be seen on the pictures). It does shows some (minimal) age, wear and/or staining but is totally void of any real damage. I could not find any additional reference-material concerning this specific Marine-HJ-unit (ie. 'H.J. Reichsseesportschule I') that apparently practised on board the famous sail-ship: 'Gorch Fock' and am convinced that this is a very rarely seen example that would merit additional investigative work. I deem that this attractive and desirable sport-related- ie. 'Marine-Hitlerjugend'-related example is priced according to its unmistalen rarity and/or desirability!

Code: 49786

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