Interesting silver-toned- (ie. genuine silver-based) so-called: 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Medaille' by the artist Karl Goetz that was issued to commemorate the re-election of Paul von Hindenburg in the year 1932 Interesting silver-toned- (ie. genuine silver-based) so-called: 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Medaille' by the artist Karl Goetz that was issued to commemorate the re-election of Paul von Hindenburg in the year 1932

Interesting silver-toned- (ie. genuine silver-based) so-called: 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Medaille' by the artist Karl Goetz that was issued to commemorate the re-election of Paul von Hindenburg in the year 1932

This is an attractive - and with certainty not that often encountered! - silver-toned- (ie. genuine-silver-based-) so-called: 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Medaille' (ie. commemorative-plaque) as was designed by the artist Karl Goetz and that was issued to commemorate the re-election of the 'Reichspräsident' Paul von Hindenburg in the year 1932 and that comes as issued and/or stored for decades. The neat - smaller-sized and/or regular-weight-piece - has an approximate diameter of 3 cms. and retains very pronounced detail as to be expected. It was never cleaned nor polished and has maintained a neat (truly 'frosted'- and/or minimally tarnished) silver-toned age-patina (as can be seen on the pictures). The piece originates from a private household in Germany where it was recently uncovered as stored for decades. It depicts on its front an eagles'-head and year-designation (1932) and text (ie. quote from Von Scheffel) that reads: 'Ein Hoch dem Deutschen Reich an Kühnheit reich dem Adler gleich mögs täglich neu sich stärken'. The other side shows an illustration of God, small sized Jewish-star and swastika and shows the text: 'Doch Gott behüts vor Klassenhass u. Massenhass u. derlei Teufels werken!'. The piece shows on its front the (small-sized) initials of the medals'-maker ie. designer (ie. 'K.G.' or: 'Karl Goetz'). Simply an attractive - and with certainty unusually encountered! - pre-TR-related table-medal ie. 'Erinnerungs- o. nichttragbare Medaille' that is accordingly priced!

Code: 49780

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