Unusual, early-war-period- and/or: aluminium-based, WH (Kriegsmarine) 'coded'-ID-disc bearing the stamped bearers'-name and/or unit-designation that reads: 'Waldemar Dobiosch - N 16648/41 K' Unusual, early-war-period- and/or: aluminium-based, WH (Kriegsmarine) 'coded'-ID-disc bearing the stamped bearers'-name and/or unit-designation that reads: 'Waldemar Dobiosch - N 16648/41 K'

Unusual, early-war-period- and/or: aluminium-based, WH (Kriegsmarine) 'coded'-ID-disc bearing the stamped bearers'-name and/or unit-designation that reads: 'Waldemar Dobiosch - N 16648/41 K'

This is a neat, early-war-period- and/or aluminium-based, WH (Kriegsmarine) 'coded'-ID-disc (ie. 'Erkennungsmarke') bearing the stamped bearers'-name and unit-designation that simply reads: 'Waldemar Dobiosch - N 16648/41 K' and that comes in an overall nice- (albeit moderately used- ie. worn-), condition. The disc bears a coded number that reads: 'N 16648/41 K' (which I could not fully identify): the number '41' almost certainly signifies the year of enlistment (1941). The disc comes in a fine, albeit clearly used, condition and shows some regular wear (sligthly torn-out holes): it has a truly aluminium-like appearance. The disc was never cleaned nor polished and is as stated a bit dirty. The disc bears the (I deem personally engraved!) blood-group-type ('type A') something that is not commonly encountered on KM-related discs. It should be noted that these 'standard'-pattern, KM ID-discs are actually not that easy to encounter!

Code: 48074