Unusally seen so-called: WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related miniature harmonica entitled: 'WHW - Gau Berlin' that comes mounted on its original cord Unusally seen so-called: WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related miniature harmonica entitled: 'WHW - Gau Berlin' that comes mounted on its original cord Unusally seen so-called: WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related miniature harmonica entitled: 'WHW - Gau Berlin' that comes mounted on its original cord

Unusally seen so-called: WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related miniature harmonica entitled: 'WHW - Gau Berlin' that comes mounted on its original cord

I recently uncovered 5 identical examples of the unusally seen so-called: WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related miniature harmonica entitled: 'WHW - Gau Berlin' all six pieces coming mounted on their original (blue-white striped) cord and being unissued- (ie. 'virtually mint'-), examples. The tiny pieces - only measuring 3,5 x 1,3 x 1,4 cms. - are constructed from red-coloured wood and having two chrome-steel-based decking-plates of which the upper-pieces show the engraved text: 'WHW - Gau Berlin' (as can be seen on the pictures). All five pieces - which are still fully functional - show some minimal (rust)staining but come for the rest in a wonderful- (and naturally still functional!) condition overall. My asking-price is naturally intended per single example. Simply a nice occasion to acquire an unsually seen WHW- (ie. 'Winterhilfswerke'-) related item!

Code: 47529

!! STOLEN !!